
Phase Shift : Mirage Sessions

The State of Arcadia is commanded by the Empress, who has ruled with an iron hand for decades. Several institutions exist in this state. Among them, the Institute that trains students in the mastery of the "Astra", a new energy to achieve superhuman feats. Kira Leonhart joins this school along with a strange girl who fearlessly says she wants to become the next empress. Their paths are fated to cross.

Aleister_Leonhart · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 - Orphanage St. Mark

There was only the sound of the man's footsteps. He was dressed in an ordinary way. He had only a large white shirt torn at the sleeves. His belly was rather large and hairy and was in the open. He had a cigarette in his mouth. His pants and shoes were black. He had a beard and a mustache. His hair was short.

A kind of tension immediately settled in the room. Everyone was trying not to meet his eyes.

Only Seisa was not afraid to look at him.

-" Hoy! "she interrupted.

-" ... "

-" Hoy, I'm talking to you, grandpa! Your belly is funny! "Said Seisa, loudly.

No one knows if it was of provocation, but the man walked towards her.

Then, he sat down.

The others started to make comments like "Is this kid crazy?", "She signed her death warrant, too bad. ". Seisa could hear what they were saying, but she didn't pay attention. She was more focused on what she had in front of her.

The guy who had just entered. He kept staring at her. It was as if he was looking for something on the face of the self-proclaimed future empress.

-" What's your name? " He asked.

-" Seisa. "

-" Seisa who?"

-" I don't have another name. "

-" I see. "

The guy took a deep smoke and continued:

-" You don't seem to respect me too much... Don't you know who I am? "

-" Nope."

-" Mm. So, you just arrived on this island. "

- "Yep."

-" I see. I was away for a while too. You should know that anyone living on this island has to pay me a fee. Anyone who wants to get out of it doesn't get treated very well, you know? "

-" I see. But I'm not a member of the lower class, as the future Empress of Arcadia. "Said Seisa, calm and serious.

-" Future Empress of Arcadia? "

It was total silence. Everyone had heard and turned to Seisa, who even had the impression that she had said something wrong, whereas she had been totally natural. Then, everyone without exception -including the mice at the bottom of the furniture- started to laugh. Seisa watched everyone laughing. What was so funny?

-" Ugh..."

-" You've got a sense of humor, girl! I have an idea. I'll make you one of my wives! " Said the man in front of Seisa.

-" Gah, surely not! " Seisa instantly replied.

-" Hmm? You'll have everything you want. You'll be the most loved of all. I love women like you. "

-" I pass. "

-" Mmh! "

The smoker stood up abruptly from his chair and grabbed Seisa's head with the palm of his hand and then swung it at the wall with great force. Seisa had hit it violently. Nobody intervened. Nobody was going to intervene to save Seisa. Because in front of her, it was not just anyone.

-" Know that there is nothing that Raiga cannot have! "

Nevertheless, you could see some disgruntled people in front of this show. But Raiga brought them back down to earth.

-" Me, the right hand man of Lord Sekiro? You dare to look at me with defiance? Hahaha! Hilarious!!! "

This one sentence made everyone look away.

Seisa, she was still on the ground. She was not fighting back.

-"Kira told me not to make any mistakes... I'd better behave..." she thought.

Immediately afterwards, Raiga left the room and said, "Come on, guys. We have work to do. ". He was followed by people. They must have all been his subordinates. Only the manager of the bar did not move. To tell the truth, she was the only one who had not paid attention to Raiga. She wore dark glasses and had long blond hair that hid her ears. She didn't seem to pay attention to Seisa or to what had just happened either.

Seisa saw fit to get up and go out, unfortunately empty-handed. She had the feeling that this manager would not tell her anything.

-" Not a big deal. I'll sleep under the stars. I don't care about Kira. "She said, for herself, clenching her fist.


Kira was still wandering in the city. He still couldn't find Seisa. And from the look of annoyance on his face, he must have really started to get impatient.

-" Where the heck is that bitch? "He asked himself, full of rage.

Kira's stomach rumbled. He must have been getting hungry, because ever since he had left the Boar's forest, he had been looking for Seisa. A current of worry had run through him earlier, so he wanted to make sure Seisa didn't do anything stupid.

But he still couldn't find her. Instead, he had found himself lost, in front of a strange building. It was written on the plaque next to it "St. Mark's Orphanage.

-" An orphanage...huh. "

Kira reread what was written on the plaque several times. "Saint Mark's Orphanage."

-" That's what that old lady told me about earlier. She said I could come there if I was lost or something. So I don't care about Seisa. "Said Kira with a smile.

Kira arrived at the front door and rang the bell. It was pretty a big house. There had to be people. He rang twice.

No answer.

He rang three times.

No answer.

-" Mh. "

Just as he was about to ring again, someone opened the door. It was a little girl with black hair followed by an old lady.

-" Uh. Hi. "Kira greeted, inexpressively.

-" Ooh! It's you, my young friend! So you've come! "Said the old sister warmly.

-" Eh, yeah. "

The little girl had not said anything.

- "Izaya, greet to our guest. "

-" ....Good evening. " Said the little girl, weakly.

-" Please, come in. " Said the sister.

Kira took off his shoes at the entrance, out of politeness, and entered the big house. From the moment he had entered, fright invaded him.

For Kira, it was a spectacle beyond the bearable.

A dozen...Twenty...

No, about thirty children who were swarming like ants everywhere and in all directions. But it was evening, when the children were tired and about to go to sleep. The sister did not fail to remind them.

-" Children, it's time to go to bed. If I'm not mistaken, you've all already washed yourselves. Come on, come on! "She said, clapping her hands, smiling.

-"Good night, Sister ..."

- "Good night..."

- "Goonight...bwhaa..."

Each of the children said good night to the old sister before going to sleep on the upper floor, where their rooms were. The sister waved at them until they had all left. But the expression on her face changed abruptly after they had all left. She offered Kira a seat.

- "They are....Numerous. "

-" Indeed. I had no choice but to take care of them all. No one else would have wanted to do it, otherwise. "

-" Mm. That must be hard for you. "

-" Not for me. I enjoy taking care of these kids. But it's probably harder for them. "

-" ... "

-" Their parents were police officers. Here on Onyx Island, the only law enforcement we have is the police. There is no army or navy. Their parents were all killed by Raiga's men. "

-" ... "

-" I know that they all suffer in silence. They hide their sadness through their games and their smiles. That's why when they go to sleep, I can't get any sense of satisfaction. "

- "They're lucky you're there. "

-" Certainly. But you, you have the same look as an orphan. "

-" Mh?"

-" I can see it, because I was one too. "

Kira closed his eyes and shook his head incomprehensibly.

-" You are mistaken. I am not an orphan. "

-" Oh...my apologies. "

- "That said..."

-" Yes ? "

-" It's not very proper for an old sister to carry several revolvers under her dress, if you ask me. " Said Kira, looking at old Sarah out of the corner of her eye.

- "So, you've figured it out..."

-" You exude killing intent all the time. "

-" Huh...what an alert boy. " Said Sarah, with a smile.

-" May I ask what you plan to do with this? "

-" Nothing, don't worry. It's not for you. Besides, I really love those kids. I wouldn't make them witness such an atrocious scene as taking someone's life. "

-" ... "

-" The one I want to remove is that damned Raiga! "

-" And my role in all this? "

-" ? "

-" That's why you were so quick to make sure I got close to you, right? "

-" No, I didn't do it on purpose. "

-" Anyway, I don't want to be involved in this. "

-" ... "

-" I'll go. Thanks anyway. "

And Kira walked out of the house, leaving Sarah all alone. She did not try to hold him back, nor did she try to add anything.

-" ... "

Kira was walking away from the orphanage.

He thought briefly about part of his exchange with Sarah.

-" Certainly. But you, you have the same look as an orphan. "

-" Mh?"

-" I can see it, because I was one too. "

-" ... "

Kira seemed lost in thought.

-" That stupid granny...I wonder why she said that. She doesn't know me. "

Kira's mind was elsewhere. But he quickly pulled himself together. He had to find Seisa who had their money. With the Zans he had earned at the Boar Forest, he could certainly make the necessary purchases quickly and get back on the road.

[Dark City Street]

Seisa had left the bar area. She didn't really know where she was going. She had tried to find the place where Kira had left her, but to no avail. She didn't have as great a sense of direction as he did. She was like...

-"...Lost. "

It was already dark. The street she was on was lit only by a few street lamps. Apart from these streetlights, nothing else lit up the area. You could see a lot of insects all around. Seisa had a bad sight. But she was sure she saw someone a few meters away from them. About twelve meters away, in the shadows.

The person in the shadows began to approach. Seisa was not afraid. She was just curious to know who it was. When this person was illuminated enough by the light.

And when Seisa saw this person, she raised an eyebrow. She had first thought that it would be Kira Leonhart. But it wasn't.

-You..." Seisa said, looking straight ahead.

The famous individual was only approaching. And it was finally completely visible. It was a female individual. His shoes were black. A long pants with black and white vertical stripes. A purple t-shirt with very short sleeves. She was also wearing a black jacket, but she wore it so that it did not cover above her forearm and her torso could be seen. She was also wearing a chain with a cross on the end. She wore glasses. Her black hair was straight and long. It reached almost to her buttocks. Her complexion was pale. She looked totally different from Seisa. She looked completely serene and calm. Suddenly, a stone was heading at full speed towards Seisa's head, who just dodged it.

-" Hoy. What was that, punk? "

-" ... "

-" I'm talking to you, you moron! "

-" There's no need to shout. "

-" ... ? "

-" It wasn't me who attacked you. "

- "It's obvious that it was you! "

-"...Because I'm looking for someone. "

-" No relation! "

-" I'm looking for someone who was here a few days ago. I'm tracking him down, if you prefer. "

-" I don't even care. Anyway...Who? "

-" A man named Sekiro. "

- "Don't know him."

-" I see. "

The mysterious girl quietly continued on her way. She had left Seisa completely in the lurch, although the latter still had questions to ask her. And a few meters further on, she came across a certain boy with light green hair.

She had pushed him. And he looked really threatening. He was the same size as this girl, to the centimeter.

They were looking into each other's eyes.

Continuously. As if frozen.

-" You're in the way. " Said Kira Leonhart, annoyed.

-" ... "

The strange brunette had no intention of moving, obviously. Kira was just going to walk around her, then. But she didn't let him pass.

-" Emerald hair...Average height...Disillusioned look...No mistake. You are the Nova, Zeta. "