

(AN AU STORY) Reincarnated into the body of a pubescent earth-bending genius and armed with a system that gifted odd but useful rewards, Mark has everything he needs to dominate the Four Nations and, then, the multiverse... The only problem is, this is not his story. It's the story of a Phantom (Assassin) of the Air Nation, who had the unfortunate pleasure of running into a precocious little shit on his way to 'help' the Avatar. The boy speaks of a 'multiversal tournament,' 'cheats', and other cryptic nonsense Aaron does not understand. And what the hell is a Truck-Kun? Through very deplorable means, the boy managed to attach himself to Aaron, and he can only grit his teeth and bear as the higher-ups decide what to do with him. Chapter updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays (or more if I feel like it) World planned: Avatar the last Airbender X-men Marvel Game of Thrones (Other verses and ideas are welcomed) Link to dis.cord server https://discord.gg/jVMyMQSW

RaedaX_1 · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Full Might of Paku 1

Aaron and Dopi appeared at the edge of the grove, and immediately, Aaron's eyes glazed over as memories of the past assaulted him.

Flashes of thick spiritual beams and the wails of dying Ancients. They'd come to challenge him and demand justice for their fallen brethren, and he gave it to them. His Justice. None survived.

"This place," Dopi shuddered. "So much death."

"It's where he killed them all," Aaron muttered. "We need to hurry."

And hurry they did. Ren and Harlan met them some distance away from the tree, while Aaron spied Yara, Wang, and Uncle Menma standing beside Grandfather as his eyes shone red and his finger touched the Avatar's chest.

"What is the meaning of this!" Ren demanded. "What were you thinking bringing that spirit here."

"Father," Aaron started. "You can't let grandfather go through with what he's planning to do. I've seen his memories, he's gone mad."

Ren frowned. "Don't speak of your grandfather like that. And what do you mean you've seen his memories? One-Mind works one way, not both." Ren turned to Dopi, frowning. "This is her doing, isn't it? I can feel her presence on you. She's infected you somehow."

"You've got it all wrong, she's helped me. And she's here to help you too. She could potentially save us all if you gave her the chance. Grandfather plans to—"

"Listen to your father, Mark," Harlan spoke up, cutting him off. "You might be miles ahead of the other cubs, but you're still a cub. You're too young to understand what the Ancients are capable of."

Dopi glared at him with open hate. "You're every bit as close-minded as your father. Your foolishness and stubbornness will doom us all. Step aside and let us put an end to this madness before your Paku digs his claws any deeper into the Avatar."

Harlan scoffed. "Do you think I was born yesterday? You're going to have to go through me if you want to get into that grove and let me tell you, you're out of your league. Your spirit has more holes in it than a leaking basket. You're no match."

Dopi hissed fiercely. "Why don't you come closer and find out."

'I need to put a stop to this before they rip each other heads off,' Aaron thought as he stepped up. "He's not going to stop at fixing the moon," he said. "He's going to try to return to the physical world. And he'll be using Aang's body to do it!"

Everybody froze. All eyes snapped to Aaron. Ren and Harlan shared a collective look of disbelief.

"That is--impossible," Ren stuttered. "Spiritual power allows you to do much, but switching body, it's- "

"If he is prepared, he can do it," Dopi cut him off. "I could do it if I had enough spiritual power. When your father wiped out my people, he stole their knowledge. And spirits of old could take over the body of humans, but only for a time. If his spirit used to be part of a human in the first place, it's possible that he could eventually return."

Harlan burst out with a wild laugh. "More lies and conspiracies. Father is more protective of the Avatar than anyone else. His goal is to restore balance and bring about a new age of peace. The Avatar is the center of that. Why would he risk taking over the Avatar's spirit and throwing the world further of balance?"

"Because he doesn't care about balance or consequences," Aaron said. "He killed the Ancients, didn't he? And they were ancient spirits who watched over the Spirit world. Besides, it would be so much easier to reshape the world to his own image with the face and power of the Avatar."

Ren shared an uncomfortable look with Harlan but still protested. "Speculations at best."

"I still say we kick the ancient spirit's ass," Harlan said, glaring at Dopi. "And then we can bring your claims before the Old man."

Dopi rolled her eyes at Harlan, and Aaron turned to his father, his eyes "If I am wrong, then there's no foul. Dopi will disappear, and I will face whatever punishment you think is appropriate. But If I am right…then the world is in danger."

Ren looked at his son, his face hard before he finally relented with a sigh. "I suppose there's no harm, but know that our eyes will be on you the entire time."

"You can't be seriously entertaining this!" Harlan threw up his hands. "You give him too much credit. He's a kid, still wet behind the ears. He has no right to question Father's motives or actions. He's been fighting this war for over 100 years!"

"Harlan, please," Ren cringed but did not back down. "You can personally see to his punishment once all this is over."

Harlan grumbled. "And the Ancient is going nowhere."

Dopi shot Harlan a murderous look, but Aaron accepted on her behalf. "Now let's get moving before the ritual is over."

Aaron, Dopi, and the two Master phantoms advanced on the clearing, ready to intervene should the need arise. However, Yara and Menma met them at the entrance with complicated expressions.

"What is the meaning of this, why are they not bound?" Menma asked with a frown. "You know that Father cannot be interrupted at a critical juncture like this."

Ren nodded. "It's Aaron. He's brought some news. I think you both need to hear this before—"

The grove was bathed in a torrent of light, crimson, and teal as the Avatar spirit became bare and Grandfather unleashed this monstrous spirit. It was more than a match for the spirit of light, and upon closer inspection, Aaron realized it was stronger. After all, Grandfather had fragments of himself rooted in the Phantoms.

"Spirits," Dopi muttered as her ears shrunk. "We need to leave."

"What's going on?" Aaron asked.

"He's beyond us," she said in a shaky voice.