
Phantom of Dimension - The Introduction

Five clans. Guardians of the secret. An ancient secret. An odd town in the center of the Ancient Forest. Curious teenagers. The story unfolds when a pair of twins goes to their hometown to meet their grandparents with their friends in the summer vacation. The family goes out to the west of the Ancient Forest to the river fall for a picnic. The teenagers loses their way and somehow finds the Serpent Star and it leads them to the Grand Palace. Let us see what unfolds when they wake up from their slumber from the Serpent Star illusion and finds a majestic Palace in front of them as the sun sets in the horizon. Well, they definitely found it odd when the Butler of the Palace told them not to walk in the hallways facing Palace walls by their right sides. Curiosity changes the dimension. Because you see what you are not supposed to. And the more you see the more you know. Knowledge more than you can handle is injurious, no, life-threatening for your existence.

styxlegion · Fantasy
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17 Chs

I’m Fury

"Look, this technique must be added. We need to create a graph for this and income probabilities…" Harper's cold voice could be heard as they approached the gazebo. Lana and Harper were making preparations for the beginning of their project. If they decide the scopes now, they would be able to divide the work accordingly later.

Raph looked into Carter's eyes and nodded as he stepped into the gazebo.

"Charming. What are you doing?" Raph said as he sat down next to harper on the chair where Karen was sitting first. The thinness of his voice conveyed his nervousness of affecting her mood.

Harper spun her head to look at his face. She was his twin, after all. How could she not hear the strangeness? She stared at his face intently. Why is he frowning? Why does he look at me like I have revealed a major terminal illness? Or, Cassy, the cheerleader has complained to him that it was I, who attached those tiny glitter bags in their pom-poms during inter-school finals. Well, it was a great show. How shiny and glorious out cheerleading team looked at that time! Alas, they did not smile. I don't know why they would look pissed during that routine. It was also blue coloured glitter. Our school's emblem is of that colour! But they were happy in the second half. I think they liked the fluorescent glitter better which I surprised the opposite team's cheerleaders with. Well, their school emblem is fluorescent. So, this should not be the issue. Does he have fever? His face is not red though. What is the problem then?

"What happened? Are you alright? Do you have cold?" Harper asked while pinching his face and making it blush. Well, they both have thin skin.

"What's wrong Nathan?" Lana also tipped in between.

Raph looked at Carter. Carter handed his cellphone to Harper as they sat on the couch beside Lana. The girls looked at the forum interface of their school and then at the post. Carter and Raph knew that they would explode.

"Who the fu*k is this bastard?" What surprised them was that, it was Lana who cursed out the first. Carter was astonished. Where was their sweet and cute Lana?

"Who is this Fury? Can this idiot can even compare to our Charming? Where is this copying? This is not an art. Are they blind? Or are they simply intellectually malfunctioned?" Anna was angry. Her cold face was now exuding the redness because of her anger.

"That is pseudointellectual, babe." Harper gently commented as her face tuned cold every passing moment while reading freshly updating comments.

"So funny… Chucklesome. What a hysterical bastard! Knowing that Provincial Hackathon results are going to be announced, they want to run rampant and meddle in grading system of National Jury. Worthless skunks trying to steal blood hound's prey." Harper sneered derogatorily.

The Ministry of Education and Scientific Research of Sylvania would organize The Shadow Enlistment Tournament every five years in the collaborative leadership of Allied Powers of Sovereign Organization. This is the largest participating hackathon in the continent. All walks of life and masters engaged in Education and Science come to the pre-finals and final contests to snatch their favorite contestants with dazzling offers and proposals one cannot refuse. It is the mine of diamonds for the Information Technology and Scientific Research companies and industries. The Competition will start at inter-school level followed by district-level, provincial, zonal, national and international levels.

This time another partner has proposed to make the collaboration. The widely popular interactive platform that all the youngsters who are interested in Science and Math rush to climb the ladder of. The Stag Oblivion Cultural League. The head office of the league resides at the center of the Coral City of Apex District situated in Azurus Province of Sylvania Country. Coral City is the number one business hub of the country. Stag Oblivion Forum being the largest community of science enthusiast, this term's competition has been the most popular scholarly meet of the century.

Monarch Sapphire International School was most prestigious and duly recognized by International Cultural Organization a top scholar institution in the Sylvania. And the award granted by Allied Powers of Sovereign Organization for birthing more than five genius professionals in art and science field last year was an another feather on the crest. This made the Monarch Sapphire International School, the only institution to be awarded by two international scholarly organization in the whole continent of Primordino.

Harper Charmeine Vlahos. A top student pursuing Advanced Economics and Computer Science as her elective courses, was chosen by the school committee to take part in this term's Shadow Enlistment Tournament. Actually, the school had the policy of sending the student studying Computer Science as a main subject. But this time's first place student, Carter Seraphiel Vallejo, was already taking part in the Tournament for Speed Math Competition. This made the committee worried about the level of other students. As a result they had to choose a student from another elective. However, they were proud of their choice as this second choice student jumped the inter-school level and district-level effortlessly. And based on the training matches, they were sure that they had mined out a genius and she will cross the provincial level just as easily.

The results of hackathon would obviously be announced in an instance, but Shadow Enlistment Tournament had another level question round for each level champions. The Shadow Enlistment Tournament was a global competition. In the zonal and below levels a jury will be formed by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research of various nations in the command of a couple of members of Allied Powers of Sovereign Organization. After the main competition, the champions will be asked to give the solutions for three questions. The most satisfying answers to the jury will then be headed to the next level. The solutions of each champion would be shown publically for the audience to comment on. Stag Oblivion Forum had opened a special channel named Scholarly Skull Session. In here all the masters and general public were open to comment and socialize and not limited to the professional knowledge. Well, this revealed the forum's abacus. Stinky capitalist.

Fury was an elite member of the Stag Oblivion Forum with millions of followers. And now a high student of the top institution was rumored to be copying him. This had the fans of Fury have three types of reactions. First, God Fury is the best, even students of top-school need to learn from him. Second, what a spicy chicken. How dare she involve the great god in this type of scandal? Angry. Third, how does she look like? Is she beautiful? Does she also follow our great god? God Fury is single for almost three years. We are worried about his love life.

Harper looked at third type of comment section with a dumb-sounded expression. You really can't trust public's morality. They even found her school functions pictures and her social media profile. Wow.

"Are you okay? Harper, we need to do something. This will surely reach to Scholarly Skull Session. Then, we will not be able to change anything." Raph was worried.

"We do nothing." Harper answered nonchalantly.

"But Charming, they are scolding you. Look at their words. They are nasty." Lana complained in baby-voice.

"Let them." She uttered again, moving to sit more comfortably.

Her brother's and her friends' faces were serious and shrouded in worry and gloom as they sat there in silence listening to her refusal.

"It was Madison Reed's IP address." Carter spoke, breaking the ruthless silence.

"Oh. Her Josh baby couldn't pass the first round, so she turned to others to bark the foulness. What are we? Dumpsters?" Lana scorned disdainfully. Her sweet voice filled with poison was so shocking to both boys and Anna. They stared at her astonished.

"Calm down, tiger." Harper rubbed her shoulders soothingly. Looking very much practiced.

"Who is that?" Anna asked perplexedly.

"Hm. A cheerleader from Rivercliff High School." Carter answered her.

"How do you know?" Anna looked at him.

"I don't know. It's just… It shows here by investigation." Carter froze and said slowly.

"Looks like you have done many investigations." Anna commented. Carter was speechless, staring at her small pale face.

"Isn't this the team which fought with us at inter-school finals? What happened?" Raph asked, confused.

"Nothing. Just a rabid dog looking for meat." Harper said shortly.

"What about the post now?" Raph asked again to know her stand.

"Let it be." Harper said again, unbothered.

"Why are you so nonchalant about this, Harper? This is a serious matter. We are worried about you here. Just tell us the reason if you don't want us to take any step." Raph snapped, irritated.

Harper turned to look at her brother who was now beyond annoyed. He was angry.

"Bro-" She started.

"Or I'm calling Mom." Raph spoke, not letting her finish a word. Harper looked at him shocked and aggrieved.

"I mean that, if Carter could investigate about this, then Jury can too. They are not some nilly-willy persons to get bothered by a cliché post." Harper spoke exasperatedly.

"That is fifty percent chance. And they are some old men who stick to their own impressions. Some even believe in 'first impression is the last impression'. What if, some old geezer has not made any impression of you and votes against you?" Raph countered with anger as he rubbed his temples. He couldn't understand what this girl was thinking.

"But this is not my fault. And I just used that trick again because it was suitable. I didn't know that someone would take that out of context." Harper said blowing up her cheeks like a puffer fish.

"I know it's not your fault and they are just trying to blow the things up. But we have to respond somehow. We can't be dead." Raph soothed her.


"Wait. What did yo-"

Anna and Lana spoke simultaneously and stopped to look at each other. The other three also looked at them.

The both understood each other and Anna nodded at Lana to let her continue.

"What did you mean by 'you used that trick again'?" Lana asked tacitly.

"The exact meaning." Harper answered innocently without missing a beat.

"Wait. You mean…" Raph spoke.

"Yeah." Carter slurred.

"What do you mean?" Raph yelled, puzzled.

"I'm Fury." Harper shouted.