
The Glow Forest

It's been three days since Miles was exiled, it hadn't been too bad, he'd had been traveling over plains, hills and now, through the Glow Forest. The reason it had been given that name was because when ever night fell the leaves off the trees would glow hence the name Glow Forest. As he was making his way through the forest he thought back to an old memory of his "grandfather" telling him about this place. He would say that at night when the leaves glowed, the Glow Trolls came out. Miles always assumed that it was just an old story his grandfather told him. But soon Miles would know that it was no old story. He had been walking for hours stopping to take breaks when it was absolutely necessary, but night was fast approaching, so he looked around for a while before he found a nice cave. He took refuge in the cave and started to examine his surroundings. "It's so peaceful out here, almost makes me forget that I'm being hunted by my own father and sister, just almost." As he gets somewhat comfortable, he begins to drift away, and eventually falls asleep. Suddenly he's awaken by a sense of movement and sounds he's never heard before. As he slowly turns his head he realizes that creatures seem to be moving him. He shouts, "WHAT THE HELL?!" As he says that all the small people turn around quickly with their sticks and stones in hand ready to beat him to death, he sees this and quickly jumps up and runs to the side.

Creature Description; They were short, Had green skin and what seemed to be yellow face paint, they whore the skin of dead animals and their weapons consisted of sticks and stones.

They all stared at him with death in their eyes, that's when Miles quickly reached for a stick off the ground and was ready faced them. One jumped for him and he closed his eyes and swung his stick after he felt something get hit, he checked to see the damage. It wasn't that bad, it was hit in the head and there was a little blood, but still disturbing. As he was contemplating what just happened the creature jumped up again and startled Miles making him fall to the floor. As the creature jumped on to him biting his arm the other creatures rushed in to help. There were about seven of these tiny pests but they had weapons, Miles thought to him self, "Is this really how I'm gonna die? No! Not like this!'' But right then he blacked out and woke up in the morning. As he got up he was stroke with an aching headache. As he pulled him self together he realized that he was surrounded by corpses, he quickly backed up and fell on the floor again.

His mind was racing, "DID I KILL THEM?! No that's impossible, if I did something that bad I would most certainly remember it. Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!"

At this point Miles was on the floor crying and started puking, but after about twenty minutes he manage compose himself and the contemplated what might have happened. But he starts thinking he's just now realizing that he had a sword on his back, it clearly wasn't there last night. He removed the sword from it's scabbard to reveal a black blade with a green edge , Miles stared in amazement, "It's beautiful, just amazing." Just then he heard a deep voice speak to him.

???: "Miles, you have awaken me."