

Our story begins with Miles, a seventeen year old boy that lives with his parents and half sister. Life was difficult for Miles because his parents or rather his father, Benjamin Jackson, always pampered and embraced his sister Elaine, while he treated Miles as an annoyance. Time for a little backstory... you see Miles and Elaine came from a family of royal blood, their family was known as one of the last pure blood of Phantom Hunters they were known as The Jacksons. One of the two teenagers will wear the crown and as the old step down the young steps up, in other words once a royal child becomes eighteen the their parents will give them the crown and they will rule over the kingdom. Since Miles was two years older he was next in line to become the king and ruler of The Kingdom of Camelot. But on his seventeenth birthday his father announced that he will not be taking the crown and kingdom, instead his sister will be the one who rules. Miles looked at his mother hoping that she would disagree with father's decision. But she turned away with a clear sight of sadness, it was obvious that she didn't agree with him but she couldn't so anything. As I stood there accepting my faith, he spoke once again, "Miles Jackson, I hear by banish you from The Kingdom of Camelot, or better yet I here by sentence you to death!" Miles's heart dropped and that's when his mother, Elizabeth spoke out in rage. "WHAT?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT HE'S OUR SON!" "SILENCE! He is not my son he is your son, or do you not remember?" "Benjamin Jackson don't do this." "Mom, what's he talking about?" "Oh I forgot, no one ever told you." said a familiar voice. As Miles slowly turns around he sees his sister standing behind him. "The truth is "brother" you're not royal blood at all you're just an orphan mother felt sorry for and father took pity on.'' "Ah very good my girl just as smart as always." "Thank you father." Miles stormed out of the room as his father shouted, "Prepare for your exicution!" he said laughing maniacally. Miles rushed to his room and immediately started packing a backpack with clothes, and after just two minutes his bag was stuffed. After that he dashed down stairs to the kitchen and asked for food and help. Ever since he was a child he had always been good to the staff and so they loved him. And they no doubt provided him food, temporary protection and a secret escape room. As they were getting him out of they castle one of the butlers gave him a note from his mother. Miles thank him and told him to tell her that he loves her. Before he entered the escape hole he looked back and thank everyone in the room for helping him, as he said that they heard some guards near the entrance, so he quickly jumped in and started crawling as they locked the door behind him.

One of the cleaners had given him directions and he followed them to a tea, he had always been good at mazes so he was good at this. After crawling for about twenty minutes he was finally out and in the sewage which he was disgusted by. But never the less he kept walking until he thought he was for enough he crawled out of an opening he was on the outskirts of the kingdom. As he looked back on the kingdom that ruined him he vowed to kill his father and sister and to also save his mother. And so his journey begins to become the strongest Phantom Hunter in the whole world.