
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

26《"I'm a Man"》

Now that the hellish work is over, I easily sighed an 'oh'.

"Are you satisfied?" I asked the people of Hell. Let me ask now so that they don't spoil my mood later on.

They said, "We are satisfied".

They nodded softly, "Look, Alav will rule Hell for me now. Keep your word, I'll pull your ears."

I sighed with relief.

When I saw my mother's 'coming stick' gesture, I turned back without further ado.

How many years old my devil, I never thought that I would have such a memory.

He turned to the people of Hell one last time and said, "By the way, let me tell you one last thing. From now on, I'm not the devil!"

When everyone was arguing about this in confusion, she was stopped by Laina as the other races were trying to swarm in between.

"You made my child suffer psychologically, I won't send him away without paying the penalty," Laina said with a rolling pin in her hand.

On the other hand, to the people involved, he said, "What's wrong with you, my body, my life. I can be whatever I want! I'm my ghost from this day forward!" ' he said, and left without turning around.

Thus, the first and only race, the 'Ghost', emerged, while Shura became the first and only person of this race.

Ghost ?

Why Ghost?

Hell [8. Floor Ghost] With Level 8, he could now have the property of Ghosts.

Think about it, even though he annoys the other person he wants, the other person can't do anything to him.

Who knows how this would disrupt the victim's psychology?

It was such a fun dream.

He could steal in plain sight and no one could interfere with him.

He used to scare the people.

Just as she was about to plunge into her beautiful dreams, her mother pulled her ear.

"Mother I'm innocent" Shura stopped immediately defensively and pathetically.

There was no trace of his majestic and rebellious appearance as he stood before the people of hell.

"Come, take care, we will talk about this at home"

"Mother," Shura said in a pleading tone.

Kija also came with his family. "Look, Mom, we have guests, let me welcome you," said Shura eagerly, to seize this opportunity and tear it up.

Laina was persuaded by force and left Shura's ear. "Let's go to the palace," Shura said, massaging her reddened ear.

The leader of the Nuwa tribe and Ayuan's family, Ye Qin's family and Shura's family advanced.

While he was leading the way, some demons were following him. The demons that accumulated over time became like a huge flock.

Shura ignored them.

However, Ye Qin did not come, and when he turned to look at them, the demons stuck out their tongue and pulled the middle finger. As Ye Qin squinted his eyes dangerously, the demons flew out in fear.

"Don't mind those lowly guys, kid, they're still there," Shura explained calmly when she saw the situation.

When he stopped in front of the palace door, he knocked on the door. It was a strange palace of thorny structure.

The voice was heard "Who are you?"

"Open the door, I'm Shura"

Again the voice came from behind the door, "How do I know it's Shura? What if you're fake?"

Not wanting to waste any more time, Shura said, "Xusa, open your head, don't make him break the door."

"Right sir, right now~" a sweet girly voice was heard.

As soon as the door opened, the owner of the voice immediately ran into Shura's arms and jumped.

"My lord~ I missed you so much"

"Don't be naughty Xusa," although she looked like she was scolding, Shura's tone was gentle and sincere.

Ye Qin locked eyes at the two of them hostilely, while his fiancée Ayuan pointed at them with her penknife, which she didn't know where she had gotten it from, as she said, "Leave."

Shura "..."

Xusa "..."

"Come, I have prepared some snacks for you, my Lord," as Xusa reluctantly let go of Shura.

This time it was someone else jumping into his arms as Shura nodded and walked in.

The huge giant, albino lion jumped on Shura and licked him lovingly.

Like a dog.

Shura patted the lion's head and said, "Be wise, son." As he walked inside, the lion did not leave him.

Xusa brought them widely into a large, conducive environment.

Shura turned around hospitably and said, "Please relax, feel at home."

Shura loved the lion again and said, "I'll prepare something for you," and left the room.

"Ye Qin"

As soon as Shura left, Helian whispered to her brother. "Didn't he hate you and run away, why does he call you brother?"

"We got better when I said I didn't like him"

Ye Qin's family was quiet.

This relationship...

It seemed a little difficult.

"Yifan, don't you know your location? Stay away from my Shura," Ayuan said immediately with a warning tone.

The leader of the Nuwa tribe and Ayuan's family remained silent from the very beginning.

Ye Qin's eyes deepened, "How come it's yours?" he said in a deep voice.

"My fiancee," she said, playing with her Ayuan knife. Then he continued with sarcasm. "What are you up to? Brother?"

"Calm down, Qin," Helian said to his brother as the air around Ye Qin deteriorated.

Shura dropped the glasses when Ye Qin said, "I am his wife."

"Whose wife are you brother? When did you get married?" Everyone in the room sighed as he immediately entered the gossip mode and asked questions.

"Leave it to me, my lord," Xusa said as Shura was about to bend over and collect the glasses.

Shura wiped her hand on the towel and moved forward and said with an offended look, "You gossip without me huh."

Everyone sighed again and nodded.

"Anyway, I'll go get it ready for you again," he said, looking at the broken glasses.

As soon as Shura left, Ayuan threw the knife at Ye Qin and said sarcastically, "Don't have dreams you can't have."

"Calm down first," Laina said as Qin effortlessly grabbed the knife and snapped it in anger.

"Shura is my child, so I am the first to have a say in this matter"

Laina looked at everyone.

"Shura is a man," Vain said anxiously, stepping in front of Laina.

How can he send his only grandchild to the door of his nemesis?

Yes, they were acquaintances and enemies with Ye Qin's grandfather.

Ayuan said in a sarcastic tone as she grinned, "And you like a man, Yifan? Pathetic."

"The marriage is already done," said Yifan, ignoring Ayuan and looking at Vain.

It was the one thing that left everyone speechless.

"And…we heard that the Lord of Hell is a girl?" Kija spoke at this time.

Shura heard these words as she entered with a tray of food.

Her grandfather immediately said, "He's the man," and glanced at Shura. Shura sensed his gaze and gave a light sign with a grin.

'1' Vain made this sign. Vain's eye twitched as Shura grimaced and made a '3'.

Shura gave the '3' sign again, and Vain reluctantly agreed.

"I'm a good man, too," said Shura, grinning and stroking her chest.

They just made a secret agreement between themselves using sign language. Vain granted Shura one wish and Shura stubbornly asked for 3 wishes. In the end, Vain was defeated and accepted.

But he was still satisfied.

His grandson was thus somehow seduced by him with money. Shura didn't care, boy or girl, what difference does it make?

However, he did not hesitate to make an agreement with Vain when money was at the end of it.

The signs between the two had not been seen by anyone and had taken place in a short time.

He turned back to Kija with a smile and was instantly swept away by a lie. "Dressing up as a woman was my punishment for losing a bet on my friend. I'm exactly a man"

Laina sighed as she looked at her daughter, who was lying so effortlessly.

-To be continued-