
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


As soon as Shura sat down, the lion settled in her lap and looked at everyone and took Shura.

Everyone "..."

At that time, Xusa said, "Lord, your cheek." Before Shura could say 'what's on my cheek', Xusa kissed her cheek and fled in embarrassment.

Everyone "..."

"Oh wait, there will be a few more snacks, I'll get them" Shura ignored Xusa's movement, it was her usual business, she left again.

This time, Ye Qin and Ayuan exchanged glances. Ayuan said, "Let's make a temporary truce, I eliminate the lion, you the woman called Xusa."

The two, annoyed by the movements of both Aslan and Xusa, were making a joint decision for the first time in their lives.

"Calm down one," Leina spoke again.

Kija began to speak without beating, "We need to resolve this matter as soon as possible"

"I don't back down"

Ayuan spoke immediately.

"I will never give up," Ye Qin also stated his decision.

"So," the leader of the Nuwa tribe spoke. Once he got all the attention he continued. "Why don't you both take a chance? Try to please Shura without telling her about it. It's kind of like a race. It's her own decision which one to go with."

It got quiet again.

"I accept" Ayuan was confident in her abilities.

"Okay," Ye Qin also agreed without hesitation, thus ending the matter.

Shura came from inside with sweets and similar food. The servants had already handed out the drinks.

As soon as Shura sat down again, she felt all eyes on her.

Of course, being unaware of the content of the speech made in his absence, he started dessert without making any sense from it.

He ate it by stuffing it in his mouth and throwing his etiquette in a corner.

While everyone was snacking, only the sound of plates and forks could be heard.

When the dessert was finished, Ye Qin wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, and Shura also let her do it as she was ready to do it.

It was a normal move for the two of them. It was the usual thing, after all.

But it was not so in the eyes of others.

Kija, Helian and Sarian were the first to be taken aback. Ye Qin was not at all the type to take the initiative to do such a thing.

Vain, Raizack, and Laina were surprised because although Shura seemed like a very sincere and close character, she didn't have that kind of intimacy with other people. Although Shura always seemed lazy and sleepy, he was in fact always alert and watchful. He didn't even fully trust his family, and this was of course known to Leina and the others.

However, when he was with Qin, he stopped all his precautions and relaxed. In short, Shura trusted him even though he didn't realize it.

Ayuan, whose eyes this scene was reflected in, deepened as she bent the fork in anger.

She suddenly smiled kindly and said, "Shura."

When Shura gave him her attention, she pointed to the snowflake necklace and said, "Look, I wore the present you bought me."

This was the most surprising event.

It was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped.

deadly silence...

This seemingly normal sentence was actually the most venomous dagger that had ever struck Ye Qin's heart.

It was common for Shura to be selfish by all. However, Shura had bought someone a gift, and judging by the look of this necklace, it wasn't really a low-priced necklace.

Short of breath, Ye Qin clenched his fist. The fire of stubbornness shone in his deep eyes.

His heart aches.

But she doesn't want to give up.

She had already lost her face by chasing after a man.

The other person sees himself as his older brother. It was clear that this relationship would not work.

Maybe even his 'brother' would flee from him in disgust when he found out about his feelings for her?

No, maybe not, obviously he was running away from her anyway, and he was running away because he loved her.

Shura had already reacted to that.

He will not accept.

Even though she likes him, he's still older and has feelings for guiding her. He still treats her like a brother.


Was it a tumor in his life?

Without her, he would marry a beautiful woman, have children, and be happy.

Despite this, he was stubbornly trying to lure Shura into this pit. This swamp, this scum...

If it's with him...

They're both men, and that thought was still unacceptable even to him.

Like a tumor disrupting Shura's happy life...

Maybe he should get out of his life.

She should forget him.

She should let him get married.


Everyone should get rid of these filthy and disgusting thoughts and stay away from him.



But what about seducing him?

He wasn't gay in the first place either. He was the criminal who seduced her and made her gay.

So what will this be?

Who will take responsibility for this?

No, did he think he could push her into this hole and escape?

He couldn't get away with it as if nothing had happened after a big crime he committed.

It was he who made it this way.

She was the one who seduced him.

She was the one who made him suffer.

He should have taken responsibility.

-To be continued-