
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


I had already decided what to do after dinner.

I would go to the bar and get intimacy with the girls there, absorbing their lunar spiritual energy and getting stronger!

When I first entered the bar, I had all the attention again.

"Come on, a lonely boy will of course get attention Shi La," the Fox muttered.

I said, "It would be nice if they didn't stare at me as if they were unemployed," and moved to a good table.

Even if I couldn't absorb moonlight essence from girls' bodies today, I at least missed that old favorite group of spirits.

As the name suggests, I love anything that intoxicates.

what? Don't look so naively. I'm the devil and that was normal.

One of the rough guys pointed at the protective uniform I had finally put on and laughed, "You brat are you playing games?" he had asked. Judging by his pure soul and pure smile, this man was definitely not malicious. In fact, he was so naive that he probably didn't even realize that his smile contained even the slightest bit of waves.

I ignored him and said "Give me the menu". Let me first look and choose a wine, marap, and then drink it. I really missed drinking...

When I was an angel, it was always forbidden to drink.

What is it, my devils are going crazy when you drink it? Get out of there!

I'm just out of my mind!

Just as I opened the menu that was placed in front of me, the man I thought was naive took the menu out of my hand and said, "Woah, wait, jerk. Children shouldn't drink."

Damn, I really hated being a kid, okay?!

Well okay, I know you're thinking of me but what's wrong with you man!

"I'm not a child"

After the man froze, he thought I was lying and smiled and said, "Of course you're not a kid. You're just not old enough to drink this."

I felt like my veins were bursting from nerves in my head. My lips were twitching and my hands were itching as my blood literally boiled. The last time this happened, I killed someone.

I seriously didn't want to kill this man.

But it was getting on my nerves.

"Besides, brat, these swords are harmful to you. You might maim yourself," he said as he extended his hand to Ghost's Cries, holding his hand nervously, "This sword is cursed, don't touch it. If you touch it, it will devour your soul."

I hadn't "man" the sword yet, so it was rebellious and devoured everyone's souls except me. Of course, since my soul control was good, he was also crazy because he couldn't touch me.

"Rance, man, this kid is having really good dreams," one of the men sitting at the table the man had come from said with a laugh.

"Uff ugh" I whined angrily, trying to swallow my anger.

Brother, can't I drink properly?

Can't I be replaced by a man when I go somewhere?

I swear I'm getting fed up!

Besides, how can I pick up a girl with my child's body and draw the moon spirit essences inside?

At this time, I felt a sudden chill on my back, that is, behind me, and I quickly bowed my head.

When I lowered my head, a man's hand failed to hit my head and reached the void.

I quickly jumped on the table and moved away from the man, and after getting my guard up, I looked at the man. Since all of this happened within seconds, everyone in the bar was looking at us in surprise.

Even that pure-spirited man named Rance was taken aback.

But I didn't have time to pay attention to them. Judging by the way he aimed at my head and the intensity he applied, this guy was probably thinking of knocking me out.

But why ?

I looked at the man carefully. She had covered her nose with a black cloth. He looked just like the Arabs with his copper skin and brown hair. She was thin but more muscular than a girl.

His eyes were dark brown, and his clothes were something between white and brown.

Shock was evident in his eyes, as if he hadn't expected me to avoid him.

Who was this man?

I didn't know that!

As he quickly moves towards me again, I block his fists with my arms, and I counterattack him.

Since we were moving at an extreme speed in a second, while everything around us slowed down, we accelerated until we reached the level of a blurry shadow.

The man's goal had always been to pass out on me. He was trying not to hurt me, but he wasn't holding back either.

When I saw the smile in the man's eyes, I felt like I was being manipulated by him, it was driving me crazy.

He wasn't fighting me with all his might, he was just playing!

It really pissed me off, it drove me crazy. "Shi La calm down," my master said anxiously, sensing the unsteadiness in my mood.

But it was too late.

Those eyes were the thing I hated the most in my life. It made me feel inadequate and powerless, almost making me go crazy.

When he moved to another table with a sudden speed, he stopped and started to watch what I was going to do with interest.

Keep watching you!

I will kill you!

"Shi La wake up! Calm down!" said.

"Don't worry fox, I'll just finish it off, then I'll just calm down"

I was grinning so much that even the devils in my head were hidden in a corner and turned into dust.

"Come and see," I smiled, making a come sign to the man with my hand.

Alcohol was one of my substances that made me stronger as a demon and helped me push my limits.

The smile in the man's eyes seemed to widen and he began to attack me even more powerfully than before.

"Hahaha great. It's been really long since I've been struggling like this! But did I tell you I'm seriously mangy from those looks?" I spoke with a smile as I kicked the man hard with my left foot.

The man continued to fight silently, but he was just keeping up with me. This pissed me off even more and made me mad.

Every second I stayed with this man I felt inferior, I felt like an insect next to him. This drove me crazy, a seriously proud creature.


Spitting blood with a hard punch to my face, I quickly moved to another table and drank a second bottle.

As soon as I finished the bottle completely, I felt the blood in my body boiling even more, literally every cell of me was going crazy to crush this man in front of me!

I felt myself getting faster as I attacked the man again.

The man, on the other hand, was responding with greater force to my increased speed.

Even though we had been fighting for almost 7 minutes, the thing that hit me the most was that I couldn't even get through 12 punches from the man. Besides, the man only uses his left hand to attack, he didn't even use his feet and right hand yet.

When I got away from the man and drank a 3rd bottle, I was in a good mood. Damn, I couldn't even taste my drink when the man attacked again.

When I quickly blocked the punch from him by shielding my elbow, the sound of the bones breaking from my elbow almost echoed in my ear, destroying my self-confidence.

Angrily, I threw off the cloth covering my eyes and glared at the man with my golden eyes, which were probably bloodshot.

Sensing the killing urge in me, the man raised an eyebrow with interest, but suddenly turned serious after seeing my eyes.

Before I knew what was going on, the man had appeared behind me, slapped my neck, and blacked out my goddamn consciousness.



"Ooo, Asim! What a coincidence?"

Asim only nodded his head when Rance cheerfully called out to the man.

Rance fixed the glass in his hand, looked at Asım, and said, "Let's have a drink together? We haven't seen each other for a long time," with a smile.

Shaking his head negatively, Asim pointed to the child in his arms and replied, "This brat has been missing for a long time. I have to take him away."

Rance looked at the boy with interest, then said, "How did he escape? He's a gifted brat, but not skilled enough to escape. Isn't he Master Vain's grandson?" He stopped and looked at Asim curiously.

Knowing that he could trust Asim Rance, and this information was not a secret, he honestly said, "This kid knew the clan was going to be destroyed. After he gave his family a false mission and drove them away, it was dusted with the clan's treasures."

After a pause, Rance laughed and poured his drink.

"Then have a nice trip, Asim. Stop by sometime and have a drink together," Rance had waved.

Asim said "see you soon" and went out of the bar, then quickly disappeared.



"Hey, there's a fight over there," Nara said with interest.

When Konan said "it's none of our business", Manche said, "Well, let's see, I was just curious".

When they came to the bar where the fight took place, the moment they saw it made them forget to breathe.

"Manche, I think I'm delusional," Nara said, her mouth gaping in shock.

As Konan said, "I guess so," Manche said in admiration, "Isn't that the Boss? He's great!" he said excitedly.

The trio, who arrived when the fight was hot, could not help but admire the strength of their teacher.

Konan spoke with admiration, "The boss was right, now I understand why the boss values ​​talent more than real power"

"Me too," said Nara.

Manche expressed his feelings as follows: "The boss is indeed right. Here, after a while, maybe we won't get real power and maybe we will be humiliated for walking in the path of our own abilities, but actually we will actually get the real power while the others are weak. While we are the survivors, they are wrong. "There will be those who are oppressed because of their elections. If it weren't for the boss, we would also be among the oppressed."

As all 3 stares of admiration and praise, Shi La was knocked unconscious and held by the man. "The Boss has lost," Nara said in disbelief as Asim chatted with Rance.

"If even the boss has lost someone, this world will eat us raw!" ' Konan said, his face chalky.

"Get past him and the boss is being kidnapped!" "Boss!" he ran towards Asım, but they were predictably late.

-To be continued-