
//Phantom//ghost..or demon?

Shi La. Shura as her real name was wacky, maniac a crazy girl. "Don't bullshit about me, I'll take your head!" Shura spoke to the writer, pointing his knife. Then he kicked the writer off the stage and started speaking. "I am Shura. The most perfect creature of the entire Realm. Intelligent, smart, brave, beautiful, the best, the most beautiful, the most perfect-" "Is it over ?" The writer, who was thrown off the stage, could not help but ask. "Why are you lying to the readers?" Shura sneered and said, "How would you know, ignorant?" "I write, I won't know, but who will?" he couldn't help but say. Shura froze as soon as she heard that. Then, slyly, he pointed his gun at the writer and said, "You will write me as the most perfect, richest, most beautiful and strongest creature in the universe!" he threatened. The writer changed the fiction he wrote by crying in a corner and trying so hard. The character that had to grow up, like Chinese novels, was the strongest from birth. "We didn't get it, if there is no innocent girl, bad boy, tradition, religion and mafia, what taste is fiction?" said the readers. "Shut up, you bastards" Shura continued with disdain, "Will you find someone more pure-hearted than me, better than me? Traditions? It doesn't bind me. Rules are made for me to break it! Religion? Ahahaha! What does the devil know about religion? Mafia? Please don't compare those brats with me! And bad boy? There can only be two kinds of men who skewed me! One is not yet born, the second is dead!” ___ Cover belongs to me.

_Kazuki_Kirigaya_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs


As the snow slowly and delicately reached the ground, the air was starting to get colder.

Almost an hour had passed since they started working.

"That's enough"

Nara, Konan, and Manche paused to look at me.

"Time to hunt. Hunt low-level monsters. My advice to you is to work in groups. You can hunt individually after your level is advanced, but your level is not enough now. Of course, you better hunt for yourself something that can be eaten. I will not protect you. Remember that you can die at any moment"

The three of them looked at each other for a while, then thought for a while.

Then they began to wander through the forest, discussing the situation together.

I climbed a very tall tree and sat on a branch and watched them with a smile. The fox jumped from my shoulder into my lap, curled up and began to follow them.

"Shi La, it's snowing really well"

I nodded and said, stroking the fox's fur, "I love snow."

"Shi La, we'll always be together, right?" When the fox looked at me hopefully, I laughed and replied "Of course, you are my first friend"

With a smile, he settled comfortably on my lap and began to fall asleep.

When I looked at the status of my students, I saw that they started attacking a monster.

Manche was covering the monster's throat with black, and because the monster's throat had rotted away, the monster roared in pain and swung its horn in anger at random.

Apparently, Manche noticed the corrosive effect of the black element.

The creature was brown, medium weight and 40 cm high. It had white spots on its brown fur, just as it is found in deer. Its eye was red and it had 9 short, pointed horns on its head.

It had ridges on its thick arms, and thin pointed claws on its thick hand.

While Nara was aiming at the creature's eye with her fire, it was burning the creature's body, while the creature began to move swiftly towards Nara after clawing the ground with pain.

At that moment, Konan slid behind the creature and kicked his knee backwards with the intention of breaking its legs harshly.

"The teamwork is surprisingly close to perfection. Assuming they've never met or worked with each other before, they had a great first try together. Shi La students are really good."

Hearing my master's praise, I said "Yes, they are great".

The fox, who was still not asleep, did not open his eyes and said in a sleepy voice, "But they are not as wonderful as Shi La. Shi La is smarter and understands more quickly." Hearing the fox's words, my master laughed and confirmed, "Of course," my face was slightly red with the praise.


As I thanked the beast roared fiercely and fell to the ground in agony.

My students took a deep breath at first, then proceeded to check on the creature to make sure it was dead.

Then they dragged their feet to the position we were in before.

"Boss? Where are you?" As Konan looked around worriedly and shouted, I could neither move nor shout because of the fox sleeping in my lap.

"The boss must have finished his work. Let's eat first." While Nara was collecting dry branches from the ground, Manche said, "There's a cave over there. It must be empty. We can cook the meat there," and then pointed to the cave.

Konan shook his head and took a knife out of his pocket and began to peel off the animal's fur.

Nara proceeded to the cave with the goods to be burned, and after assuring that the cave was empty, she left the branches and dry leaves in the cave and went to Konan to clean the animal and help with the edible parts of the meat.

However, Konan and Manche had already finished skinning the animal and had taken the parts of the animal's dense flesh and set it on a rock.

"This meat must be enough for all of us," Manche muttered.

"Let's have a piece for the boss," Nara said. Konan shook his head and said, "We've already separated it."

I smiled when I saw that they had reserved meat for me too. My magnanimous students!

It was dark.

After eating the meat and cleaning it, they started to sleep in the cave, keeping watch for 2 hours.

The watchers did not stay idle, on the other hand, they were trying to train and improve themselves with the training method I gave them.


Early the next day, the first thing to do was to hunt again and feed the three of them.

Then they went back to training.

As it was getting dark, Nara was able to suppress the fire to the size of two fists, shrinking it.

Manche was able to cover all 5 leaves on the tree with black.

Konan, on the other hand, could smoothly jump into the branch of the tree. Undoubtedly, Konan was the first to complete his 1st basic education.

Frankly, I was really surprised. I thought they would come to this situation in 1 week, but they were able to do it in 2 days. Seriously, talent was something else, they certainly wouldn't have made such rapid progress if they had worked on anything other than their talents.

In the meantime, I decided not to show up so that they could better adapt to teamwork. I would only watch them from afar after I told them what to do, but I would not be near them.

That night, they ate the flesh of the creature he hunted in the morning.

Once again, they began to sleep, keeping watch in turn.


3. By noon of the day, Nara was able to complete the task I had given him.

Manche, on the other hand, could cover a quarter of the leaves on the tree with black.

"Manche, I told you not to be nervous. The task I gave you was the hardest, of course you will complete it after two"

"Boss," Nara said happily as I jumped from the branch of the tree.

I looked at Nara and saw her stubby brown hair getting tangled.

"Work until tonight. When night falls, go down to the city and stay at the Inn with this money. Get some rest and clean up. The surplus is yours, you'll share it. We'll meet again here at noon tomorrow."

I indirectly indicated that he was the leader of the group by throwing 1 gold at Manche. Nara and Konan, on the other hand, had no objections or reluctance.

After climbing out of the tree branch again and out of their sight, I sat on the branch of another tree again.

It wasn't snowing today and the snow that fell 2 days ago had already melted.

While continuing the training by repeating what I said 3, my eyes were fixed on the gold one I gave to Manche.

Brother, I had to go and get it!

My littles *cry*

Ah, but after all that hard work, if I didn't give them a gift, over time they would become reluctant and their productivity would drop. As a result, they would waste my time!

Oh, by the way, what is Su Zifu doing?

I hadn't seen him for two years.

I gave him a special training technique for him to improve himself, just like I gave my students. In short, I was training her to be a good secretary and helpful!

By the way, according to the agreement we made with Su Zifu, there were 3 years left from 5 years. Although he only improved himself for 2 years, he spent his time with me. In 3 years, I was going to free him.

When it got dark, the 3 of them proceeded towards the city as I said. I followed them unnoticed so that no danger would come to them.

When they reached the city, they proceeded without hesitation, even though they were despised by the people thanks to their disheveled appearance.

Now that they had reached the city safely, there was no need for me to follow them anymore.

Let me go to my house and wash. After unwinding with a bath, I sleep for an hour, and then I have a good meal.


After a warm bath and sleep, it was time for dinner!

After I put on my protective uniform again, I tied my hair and eyes. Then I put my twin swords in my right belt and locked the door and left.

First, I wandered around one of the shops.

He sat down at the table and said, "Garsooon! Look here!" I called.

A boy about my age came quickly with a menu in his hand and was waiting next to me.

When I saw the bruises on the boy's body, I realized that he had been beaten. It had stick marks on it.

"I want this, this and that"

After repeating what I said, the boy nodded and quickly went to deliver my order.

The table was soon set. When I started eating, I noticed that the child was looking at the food out of the corner of his eye and then swallowing.

Since there were no other customers for now, the boy stood calmly and watched the people eating.

I looked at my desk again, there were already too many for me to finish. Instead of being wasted, should the hungry eat it, right?

My heart couldn't take the child's situation and I called out to him, "Come here". The boy came timidly, thinking that I would be angry with fear.

"Let's eat together, I can't finish it all anyway"

The boy hesitated after looking at me in surprise.

I held her by the arm and made her sit on the chair and handed her a fork.

The boy did not start eating, although he held the fork. After realizing that I wasn't watching him, he swallowed a bite timidly, then looked at me, wondering about my reaction.

However, when he realized that I was not interested in him again, he relaxed a little more and started to eat with a slight shyness.

Over time, his shyness wore off and he ate comfortably but calmly.

You're a devil, don't say why did you do that.

I also have a conscience.

I only deal with those who deserve it and do evil to those who deserve it.

I've been like that my whole life.

After I became an angel, my heart must have softened even more.

However, that didn't change the fact that I was the devil in my essence. I would pay back a thousandfold to anyone who hit me!

Likewise, I would repay the favor a thousandfold to those who do a good deed.

There was a production that didn't like to be in debt to anyone.

I would lie to those who lied, I would pay my debt of lying.

After I was full, I left the money on the table and left.

-To be continued-