
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Video Games
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34 Chs

Chapter 9

Danny was following the tour guide.

"Each of the pillars represent one of the virtues that each Asari aspire to," The tour guide was explaining to everyone. "Each Asari tends to walk a single path from that of a diplomat, a warrior, a scientist or espionage. These statues are those of ancient asari who with their actions best embodied those traits and were immortalized."

She continued to explain to everyone. During this Danny began to get a headache. "Follow us, meet us, save us" The pain was so sudden that Danny grunted. A wispy smoke escaped his mouth. This felt impossible, some ghost was nearby.

"Are you alright", Nessandra asked him.

"Yeah." Danny replied and began to vigilantly look around.

"Wisdom, knowledge, courage, patience, justice and transcendence are the most important of these virtues. Around them are the Asari that best represented that virtue. Most of their names have been lost to times." The headache rescinded and Danny tried to find some source.

"This is the statue of Matriarch Besenzoria, she was the one who discovered the intricaties of space travel. In time, she became a representative of the virtue of Knowledge."

The tour guide began to show them the outer layer of the Temple and the significant figures that were remembered from the past as well as explaining the various ancient weapons that were used by the asari in ages past.

"Hunters which has still stayed as one of the important terms to refer to asari as. Bows used to be one of the most important weapon used."

They were now in the interior of the Temple. Danny began to get even more uneven spikes of pain in his head.

"These are Springblade. A round disc sorrounded by the curved blades. It could be used in melee as well as thrown." A weapon that looked like chakram.

Another pang of pain and a mist escaped Danny's mouth. "Find us."

"Are you alright." The tour guide asks looking at the Danny's face scrunched in pain.

"No, Can I go to the washroom."

"My assistant will lead you outside for the moment." She said.

Danny was stopped by Nessandra. "Do you need my help?".

Danny just shook his head, "I will be alright. Just need to use the restroom." Nessandra still looked skeptically at Danny but allowed him to leave.

The assistant led him outside of the temple and began to point him towards one of the washroom outside the parameter. "I will stay here and wait for your return."

Danny nodded and made his way to the washroom. Getting inside. "Going Ghost." Two rings were formed around him and with a flash of light he transformed. He then was able to pinpoint the source of the ghost that he was feeling. It was coming from within the Temple of Athame.

Going intangible, he made his way inside. Under the floor in a sealed off section of the temple.

Taking a deep breath and preparing himself for any of the voilance he may face. He made his way down. What he found was a species of ghost that he could not recognize. Head covered in thick layered caprice, three pairs of nostrils and feet with two widely spaced toes. The ghost was towering over him. Danny began to look in confusion at the unknown ghost in front of him.

"What are you? Were you sending me those messages?" Danny asked.

Before Danny had a chance to react the ghost had grasped Danny. Danny began to experience visions of destruction and death. He saw entire worlds being subjugated and hen systematically consumed. Then he was released.

Reeling from the vision that he had seen. It took Danny a little time to calm down. He went into combat stance and began to ready up his plasmic attacks. His eyes and arms shown green.

"I am what your cycle refer as a Prothean." The ghost said. "I am the one that was once known to the Asari as Athame." Bending to become level with Danny so that she may stare him in the eyes.

"I could read your experiences by touching you so I could speak with you. You are far from home, Danny Phantom, hero of Amity Park." Danny began to look at her sheepishly. "And yet you may be our only hope."

She stood up once more. Turning to Danny, "I lack the ability to manipulate the beacon anymore. Please move it as I instruct you. You looked into my experiences as I looked into yours."

Knowledge assaulted Danny, knowledge that he did not know about. And so he began to operate the beacon.

It opened up. The ghost of athame floated besides him. "You saw the carnage, did you not?"

"Yes, entire planets worth of populations consumed. So much death and destruction."

Scenes began to play infront of him."The race responsible for this was the reapers. They came from the depts of Dark Space. Our empire was systematically eliminated. Survivors hunted down. All was lost." The ghost began to reminisce looking at the scene of what used to be.

"How could that be, did you not build the citadel and the mass effect relays." Danny asked.

"We never did. Once we used to believe that they were built by the Inusannon. This was proved false as they were proved to be even more ancient." The ghost said. "Thank you, I can now make some changes here to the beacon. I can interact with the physical world in a limited capacity for the moment."

"Why were you wiped out?" Danny asked her.

Looking sadly at him, "It is unknown to us. What we do know is that every 50000 years they come back and wipe out all organic. Such a cycle has repeated plenty of times. This cycle's time is almost upon us, and yet you may be saved. Your mentor Clockwork may have already anticipated this moment. Do you wish to protect them Danny?"

Scenes began to flash in his mind, the people he saved from the slavers. His short life with Nessandra and his present guardians. He needed no further thoughts. All his life, he has been a protector and will contine being one.

"Yes", he replied to Athame.

"Very well then." She used both of her hands to cup Danny' face. "Embrace Eternity."

At the moment, Danny's ghost core began to evolve. Danny was one of the strongest ghost's around. This was not due to him being a halfa, a half ghost and half human. It was his desire to protect. That obsession was as general as it could be and so he had a wide range of powers. Anything that could be deemed necessary to aid in that goal. Danny's core began to abosrd the energy from Athame's core. He began to get excess to an yet unknown source of powers.

Danny felt himself being pulled into his own ghost core, there he found Athame.

"I am repurposing your memories so it would appear as if you were raised by Protheans instead of Humans if it is accessed by any Asari . This would help you blend in better in this and give you access to political powers that would help you better. You awakened from a tomb left behind in a lost world and were later trapped by slavers. I have added the details into the beacon as well."

She began to play the scene in his mind. His father a Prothean and his Mother a ghost like him capable of transforming.

Smiling at Danny she said.

"You are aware that you give off a ping that marks you as a highly desirable partner for asari females or strong female biotics right. That would also go into overdrive as you are absorbing my powers. " She began to explain even more as her own energy began to mix with Danny's."This would also mark you as part-prothean."

"Well, I did feel myself being felt up." Danny replied, blushing as he remembered being felt up numerous times.

"It is done." Danny found himself outside once more. Athame continued to manipulate the beacon.

"We expected species in the current era to be capable of feeling experience and sharing memories with touch as we did which has turned up to be false. The original plan must be changed. The current species are not aware of the dangers they face." She said as a Virtual Intelligence popped up next to her. "This will not, cannot be repeated."

Turning to Danny, "You will be the herald of our race. You may the the last Prothean as well. Does not matter you were not born one.", she said the last part just as Danny was about to interject.

"I feared that in this cycle, I would also remain helpless and be able to do nothing. Your presence changed that. Now, I can fade with peace of mind." She began to smile gently at Danny.

"I am sorry". Danny looked down in shame.

"Nothing to be sorry about, you gave me hope that the future can be avoided. That the reapers can be brought down. That the cycle may be destroyed. "

Danny began to feel a shock and he started to slowly fall unconscious." I confer upon you the title of 'Avatar of Hope' ".

At that point, Danny fainted.

The beacon began to shine and shot off an energy illuminating the sky and everyone could see it. Smiling, Athame began to Fade. Sad a little bit that she could not see the adventure of the little boy and the problem he would now have with an entire planet of ladies.