
Phantom Effect

Danny phantom in mass effect. Please remember, this is smut so read at your own risk. I will try my best to continue the story in a way that is still somehow organic. However, I cannot guarantee such a fact. Thank you

phantompain · Video Games
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34 Chs

Chapter 10

The beacon began to shine, illuminating the sky. The tour was quickly called off seeing the massive energy readings. Asari commandos began to sweep the surrounding area. A parameter was established to insure that nothing would be able to get in. The entire temple was surrounded by shuttles and a variety of commando units. There was a complete blackout regarding any news on the planet. All communications were cut off. Jammers were being put up. At this moment , it would not be possible for a fly to get past the security net placed around the Temple. A list of attending Matriarachs were called and one of the most overpowered units made exclusively of Justiciars was assembled and dispatched. These units will be responsible for securing the inside of the Temple before the situation could be ascertained. An excuse can be made regarding this being a drill to check the combat readiness of their security forces.

The peace within Asari space was at stake. Asari had made a lot of advancements throughout the years which had enabled them to stay ahead of the other races atleast regarding scientific research. Most of this advancement can be attributed to the Prothean Beacon present of their own home planet. If it was discovered that the asari had a beacon, the location and nature of which they had not disclosed. Sanctions would be placed on the Asari at best or the Council may be dissolved at worst. Any of these possibilities must be avoided at all costs. What makes it worse is that most of these regulations had been placed by the asari.


Right now, Danny was feeling strange. He was in a simulation, looking around him. He saw a mixture of Protheans along with a combination of other races. Looking at himself, he realized that he was still in his ghost form but looking at his arms and legs he began to panic. His mind supplied to him that he was 6 years old. An instructor came in, Densorion one of the first races to join the Prothean Empire. A bipedial creature with non functional wings, looking like an odd mix of a lizard. Its skin continuously changing color.

He began to teach the class. And Danny realised what was happening. He may be the only human to ever know the true origin of the Prothean Empire and be taught by them.

Danny tried to ask a question but he was not able to. So he became quiet and began to listen intently. He learned the nature of the Prothean Empire. How it was founded first by the Prothean as they were the first race to ever reach the Citadel. The story continued about how they uplifted other races. Each person in the Prothean Empire served a predisposed function in their society.

And so it continued on, Danny lived a life in the Prothean Empire. He learned about their art and culture. The theory of different sciences. What the Protheans preferred method of communication was. The metacon wars. A war between AI's created by the Protheans when they rebelled against them. He saw further research as to how it had happened with the Innosuke as well, A race before the Protheans.

Time began to pass quickly, and Danny was now 13 years old. This is when the problems began. The Protheans were invaded by the Reapers. Entire worlds fell. He had been taught how to fight and defend himself. The Protheans were now fighting for survival. Yet, there was nothing that could be done. On his own world, when they saw that not many could be saved. He had been taken to a underground bunker and placed within a pod and put to sleep.

"You shall be the avatar of hope."

An image came infront of him.


Memory Transfer complete

Transferring powers.



"Southern hall clear."

"Northern section clear as well."

"There is activity within the central chamber. I repeat, There is activity within the central chamber. Investigating now."

She signaled to her unit and they all began to step forward, weapons raised.

What they found completely surprised them. The statue of Athame was partially shattered with the beacon partially revealed from behind it. It was activate and the structure of the entire chamber had been changed. Before, if it used to be a holy place, right now there were various machines working and generating data. Holographic charts and videos playing on holo projectors.

The beacon was flowing and the energy from it was flowing into a white haired boy glowing a toxic green. The boy was contained within a force field. As the Asari unit stepped forward. A hologram was created in front of them.

A Prothean VI revealed itself. "I am called Vendetta, overseer of this Beacon."

The Asari quickly put in a call. "We have found the beacon." There was a pause. "It is activated, awaiting further instructions."


The chambers had been emptied and only a few trusted Asari Justicars remained. Three member of the Matriarch council made their way in. The Matriarch council was formed by the most powerful Asari. Personal strength along with financial or political influence was necessary. Usually, only Asari above the age of 800 could join the council. There were exceptions sometimes but not many.

They all made their way to the location of the beacon. Dismissing the gathered Justicars, they steeped infront of the Prothean VI.

"I am called Vendetta, overseer of this Beacon." The VI spoke once more. "I contain the entire history of the Protheans and their downfall. It is my duty to guard the Avatar of Hope. The last remaining survivor of the Prothean Empire"

"How were the Protheans wiped out.", an old raspy voice asked.

"We were wiped out by an ancient machine race known as the Reapers."

Images began to play on the different Holo-projectors. Protheans being cut down, entire fleets being destroyed.

"They consumed us." Scenes began to play of Protheans being liquified within tubes. Dying, crying out and suffering. The scene panned out and they saw millions of those pod being used. Some liquified the Protheans, others changed them into monsters.

"Our own people were turned against us." Protheans stepped forward, changed and mechanical. A war accompanied by giant machines and by there mindless repurposed Protheans.

"We were exterminated, but there is still hope for you. These machines will return. He is our Avatar of Hope and he shall be yours too. A virtue of Hope."

Memories began to play of the human looking boy going to school along with other children of different races. His experience of learning different languages. Finally, they saw the scene through his eyes of the destruction of his homeland and the ending where they had put him inside a stasis chamber.

"Prepare yourself for they are coming." With this the VI deactivated but the vast information remained. The shield around the boy disappeared and he fell down. A flash of light was accompanied by that fact and his hair turned black and his eyes blue. One of the Asari elder stepped forward and used her biotics to levitate him. She recognized him, the boy her daughter had adopted. She would have to inform the others later. For now, she instructed one of her acolytes present.

"Take the child outside and make sure that he is secure. Guard him with your life. He is vital to our security."

And so the Matriarchs began to go through the data that was available to them.

"This is worrisome, there were civilizations before the Protheans and they too were wiped out." one of the elders said. Details of the Innosouke were being displayed. Looking at some of the ruin locations. "This can be easily verified. We would need to send some expeditions of our trusted people."

"What if its true?", One of the younger elder council said.

"Then we plan once more." A reply was heard.

And so in this way, the Council Elders continued to extract Data. This would be used in the future in order to better guide them and as a means of proof in case of naysayers. They would not be the ones responsible for the destruction of the Asari race no the entire galaxy as a whole.


Nessandra had been worried sick, it had been a few hours since the incident but she still could not find Danny. She was talking with the person in charge of the tour guide but till now she had been placated. A search was going on near the restroom but there were no answers. She was suddenly approached by one of her elder aunts, Matriarch Zenyxa someone working under her Grandmother.

"Nessandra, go home." Looking at the scene of worry on her face. "Don't worry. Danny is fine, I promise. And he will be very important to the Asari no to all the species within Council spacein the future."

This made Nessandra even more worried.

"Your parents will be informed about everything". A skycar landed infront of her. "You can visit him tomorrow, he will be fine."

Nessandra nodded and got in the car. She saw her mothers waiting for her while seated on the couch.

"Nessandra, there is something we need to tell you." They said after looking at each other for a moment.