
Peter Grimm: tales from another world

Peter Grimm is a young teenager who discovers he has the power of a Demon Lord who was in love with his mother. After his mother's death, Peter is pulled into the struggle for power in the demon realm with the new Demon Lord eager for the power within him. As the new Demon Lord makes moves to destroy the human world he must harness this power and learn the magic ways so he can join forces with the Angel race in putting a stop to the advances of the new Demon Lord. Will Peter fully understand this power? and will the Angel race join the fray? find out in this thrilling adventure as Peter journeys with his friends and allies to save the world.

Lo_Ner_4033 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Battle of Normandy

Peter and the rest of the team booked four rooms in a hotel four blocks from the Council building after they left the Magic council. It was the first time Alice saw running water from taps and showers so she was fascinated. Peter took a room same with Melissa and Elena with Alice sharing a room with her mom even though she would've loved to pass the night at Peter's. They awaited the verdict from the council on whether or not they would take the information seriously and act accordingly. The following morning Peter and the team were called upon by the council to give their testimonies on the incident at the beach so the council could conclude what actions they would take. They arrived at the building that morning and as they entered they noticed an obvious change in the number of security personnel, armed with wands and staff in the lobby of the building as if they were on standby waiting for orders to seize them as they entered. Sarah got scared for a bit and went behind Alice and Peter who were lagging behind but soon realized that offense magic wasn't a stronghold in the human world nevertheless they could still harm so she made sure she had the children in her sights as they headed for the council room.

"Welcome, Peter, Elena, and our lovely Demon informants," the council chairman said on seeing the group. Present at the meeting were Madame Grace Lavigne the secretary of magic-related affairs in France, Mr. Pierre Guillaume Principal at the école de magie, the French school of magic, Mrs. Delphine Blanchet head of foreign affairs, Mrs. Louise Annette the Deputy council chairwoman and Mr. Charles Deschampps the council chairman amongst other members of the council who held lower positions.

"I'd like Sarah Burton to take the stand and give her testimony on the events that took place on the shores of Normandy," the Council chairman said. Sarah took the stand and described everything that happened on the shores including how she almost lost Peter and how they slaughtered the first wave of attackers not excluding the fact that another wave arrived at the beach after they had fled. The council members deliberated amongst themselves in French to conclude.

"Je peux t'entendre" Sarah said to the council who thought they were being discreet, which translates to I can hear you.

"Ooh, you speak our language?" Mr. Pierre said in surprise.

"Of course I do, I'm certain I've been to more countries in your world than you have," Sarah said as she let out a subtle smile.

"Very well then. We've concluded that the attack on the shores of Normandy was just an attempt of trouble-making demons to disrupt our peace and we do not intend to look at this as an act of war. We'll send some of our troops which you'll lead later today to silence the upheaval in Normandy" the council chairman said as he adjourned the meeting.

"Foolish humans," Sarah thought to herself as they all left the room.

Later that day after preparations were made Sarah led her team with Madame Grace excluding Elena alongside the troops that were deployed to terminate the demon insurgence on the shores of Normandy. They left using a rare relic at least in the human realm. It allowed them to transport fifty persons in one go to any location it was set to. They arrived on the shores of Normandy and saw no less than a hundred soldiers lined up like they were waiting for their commander. Suddenly the atmosphere became cold like a Storm was about to hit and they heard a sizzling sound in the air, a large portal opened up with a large ship coming through it, Instantly Madame Grace opened a portal back to the Council building to warn them of what she had seen and what it meant.

"That demon lady was right. This new Demon Lord seeks war" Madam Grace said in a hysterical manner.

"What do you mean?" the council chairman asked.

"At the be--ach, I saw a lar-ge ship coming through a Portal" Madam Grace stuttered after which she collapsed from shock because it was the first time she had seen something like that first hand. On hearing this the council chairman using a magic microphone broadcasted a message to the entire building and sent Mr. Pierre to the scene of the battle.

"Everyone get ready and be on standby we're under attack by the new Demon Lord Vermont," the council chairman said. After the broadcast, he ran Into the interdimensional transportation and logistics department and blocked off any form of travel from entering or exiting the human world. This function was allowed to all magic councils around the human world in the case of impending danger after which they notify the other councils of the situation and decide on whether or not to put off the function.

Meanwhile, at the beach, the ship coming through the portal split in half immediately the portal closed as a result of the transportation block since it had not fully come out of the portal. On seeing this Sarah charged Into battle and soon after spells and curses were flying everywhere. The humans were dropping like flies as the Demon horde were gaining the advantage in the battle even though they were being hit with losses too. Sarah looked like she was in God mode using multiple spells and curses at once. She single-handedly bested twenty soldiers in a go as the fight raged on. The demon troops on the broken ship were two hundred in number with some sustaining a few injuries from the damage the ship took. They immediately joined the battle as they continued to gain the advantage.

Peter and Alice were fighting side by side and were faring very well as they had both endured endless training. "Glacies Hastam!" Peter said as he stretched his hands towards the sea employing the water to rise like a wave to rain spears of ice on the enemy troops paralyzing those it touched.

"Where'd you learn that?" Alice asked.

"I don't know honestly, I just did it," Peter said. As the battle raged on, Sarah noticed they would encroach into the city so she used a portal to get to the center of Normandy and cast an illusion spell which she was a master of to make it look like an Earthquake had happened and another one was going to happen which inclined the Government authorities to act quickly after which they evacuated every single person off Normandy. As she did that, Melissa created a barrier to stop the fight from reaching the city while they evacuated. Sarah returned to the beach and saw that it was just Alice, Peter, Melissa, the principal, and a few human troops who were left against around one hundred and fifty demon soldiers.

"At this rate, we'll lose," she thought to herself, she was already drained and couldn't use extreme spells, she was confused and didn't know what to do just then a curse was shot at her and she deflected it but it still got her down as she was already weak when the curse came.

"Mom!" Alice screamed running towards Sarah. Alice's scream caught Peter's attention but wasn't loud enough to get to Melissa and Mr. Pierre who was tightly engaged. Peter stood frozen like he had been petrified since he wasn't paying attention he was hit with a curse but surprisingly the curse didn't have any effect as the Demon Lord's power awoke in Peter, and this time it didn't control him. Peter immediately rose into the air with his eyes darkened and used a spell so terrible and unique that people would prefer being hit by a curse. The spell bounded every single enemy on the beach inside a rigid bubble that continuously melted and reformed giving off the burning sensation of molten rock, the spell was such that the enemy didn't die but experienced unimaginable worlds of pain that after a while they used curses to kill themselves. He fell and collapsed after a while. Melissa and Mr. Pierre alongside the remaining human soldiers who were looking on in awe rushed down to Peter to help him up it was then they noticed Alice crying, they carried Peter over to where she was and laid him next to Sarah. Shortly after, she woke up and saw Peter, after closely observing him she used a healing technique she learned from Elena to revive him. They made a tent and passed the night on the beach as they were all too tired to leave.

The following morning they arrived at the council building to report what went down at the beach. On seeing the council chairman she grabbed him by his collar and pinned him to the wall. The guards tried reacting but they were put at ease by the chairman.

"The misjudgments of you and your Council cost the lives of your troops and almost took my family. I should kill you right now don't you think?" Sarah said with anger in her eyes.

"I would like it if you'd let go so I can offer some form of apology," the chairman said.

"Next time you listen to me!" Sarah said as she let the chairman down and went over to sit at the waiting bench by the receptionist. After a moment of silence Melissa popped a bottle of Champagne and said;

"Common now let's drink and not be sour, let's make a toast to our fallen comrades and our victory". But Sarah wasn't having any of it as she walked out visibly angry.