
Perversion Doulou Dalu

This story was written in my language and translated into English using Deepl. A man from Earth is reborn as Xiao Feng in a distorted version of Doulou Dalu, where common sense is skewed, and sex is viewed as a commonplace pastime, not unlike socializing with friends. Witness how Xiao Feng navigates this world and strives to reach the pinnacle. This story is pure obscenity; there will be a plot, but not of much importance. WARNING: In this story, sex is commonplace, so there will be netorare. You have been warned.

just_a_potato_soul · Others
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42 Chs

Chapter 40


SITE 001 Pv 3rd person 


"Little Lian, what happened? You look worried."

Sighing, Tang Lian thought for a moment about how to start this conversation, she had simply rushed here without having thought it through.

"Brother... I want to talk about... it's something that's been bothering me for a long time."

Xiao Feng isn't stupid, sensing her nervousness, it's not hard to guess what she wants to talk about, after all there are basically no secrets between them.

Leaving the table, he sits down on the sofa and beckons her to sit down too. Tang Lian sits down a little nervously, but after a few breaths, she calms down.

"Brother Feng, lately I've had a lot of doubts... no, it's not something recent, I've had a lot of doubts ever since we met.

I wanted to ask about a lot of things, but I know that everyone has their secrets, so I just tried to put them aside..."

Seeing that Xiao Feng tried to speak, she just raised her hand, smiling slightly.

"It's okay, I have my own secrets, and that's what I want to talk about... at first I thought I'd wait until you trusted me enough to tell me your secrets.

But I realized how stupid that is, how could you seriously trust me with your secrets when I don't trust you with mine?"

"Little Lian, I..."

"Brother Feng, I'm not an ignorant young woman... in fact, I'm far from it..."

Tang Lian looked straight into Xiao Feng's eyes, remembering all the times they had spent together, she continued.

"Brother Feng, this is my second life, if I add up my age, I must be almost 100."

She said this a little embarrassed, nervous, apprehensive, but when she saw Xiao Feng's gaze, she became strangely calm.

"So basically, do you remember your past life?"

"... Yes... I think that's pretty much it. You may have wondered how I know these cultivation and battle techniques, as well as the hidden weapons.

All this I learned from the Tang sect, in my other life... it was quite confusing, one moment I was waiting for death and the next, I was already here...AH"

As he listened, Xiao Feng went over to Tang Lian and pulled her onto his lap, letting her sit on his legs, and with her head resting on his chest, he slowly stroked her hair.


"Brother Feng?"

"I understand... after all, I went through the same thing."


Tang Lian's body trembled slightly, she grabbed his clothes, her voice trembling slightly, and with her eyes wide open, she asked.

"So... Brother Feng... so you too..."

Sighing slightly, Xiao Feng embraced the girl in his arms and began to speak.

"Yes, I'm like you too, sigh, to be honest, I didn't intend to tell anyone.

Not because I don't trust you or the others enough, but I just didn't think it was very relevant.

Whether I have memories of my past life or not, I'm alive here and now, and that's the only thing that matters."


"I guess we both thought the same thing, I wasn't planning on telling anyone...


In my past life, I was just an orphan, I was lucky to be accepted into the Tang sect, even though a master accepted me as a disciple, I never had a real family.

So when I came here, and realized I had a father, I was extremely happy, I knew this was my second chance, I didn't want to waste it."

Tang Lian began to tell her whole story, at which point it was as if a dam had broken, she talked about her life as an orphan, how she joined the Tang sect and later found a master.

Xiao Feng held her in his arms and listened silently, he heard how she longed to be accepted by her master, and how she didn't realize how she was drifting away from him.

Tang Lian spent hours telling him about her sorrows and disappointments, she felt as if a mountain had been lifted off her shoulders, she could finally talk about everything she had always kept deep in her heart.

Xiao Feng continued to listen as he stroked her hair, sometimes wiping away her tears, sometimes smiling at her innocence in dealing with other people.

"Sorry, your shirt is wet"

Tang Lian apologized after seeing Xiao Feng's shirt wet with her tears, she talked about her whole life that she didn't even realize how much she had cried.

(Shame on her, a woman almost 100 years old crying like a baby).

Wiping her tears with a flushed face, she changed the subject.

"Brother Feng, I've talked so much about my life, now it's your turn."

"Hehe, all right."

He realized that she was a little embarrassed, but decided to tease her later.

Closing his eyes and organizing his thoughts, Xiao Feng had already decided that he would tell her everything, but only two things would be left out.

The first was about this world being a fiction in his previous life, talking about it would simply be pointless and complicated, not only is this world different from the book, but he really didn't want to have to try and explain something that he didn't even understand properly.

And the second is the rewards of Karma, in this universe reincarnation is something natural, even though it's the rarest event in the universe, it's still something natural.

All the stories by the author of Doulou take place in the same universe, and some of these characters are reincarnated, so it can be considered a natural event in this universe.

But the rewards of Karma are outside this universe, and once again he didn't want to try to explain something that even he doesn't understand.

Hugging the girl, Xiao Feng began to talk about the Earth, he told her how advanced the technology is, and how he wants to try to recreate some of that technology, with the spirit circles as a source of energy.

He told about his life, about his regrets and sorrows, he told about his plans for his family, and how he intends to use his knowledge to change the history of this world.

Tang Lian listened to everything with joy, she was happy to be able to get to know even more about the man she loved.

They talked for hours, even just hugging they had never felt as close as they did now, the two of them were born in totally different worlds and passed through death, only to find themselves here, they really were made for each other.


Palace of the Hall of Spirits


Bibi Dong was silently taking care of various documents in her office, for anyone looking at her would only see a beautiful woman slowly going about her work.

But in her mind, Bibi Dong is totally ecstatic, after years of waiting, she finally had an opportunity.

For several decades Bibi Dong had been preparing to counter-attack the elders of the Hall of Spirits, but after the massacre in the dead zone, something strange happened to the elders.

Those who took part are either dead or showing various symptoms of dementia, the stronger ones who just watched from afar are fine, at least superficially.

But the most important thing is Qian Daoliu, after learning about the massacre, he started trying to communicate with the Angel god, nobody knows exactly what happened, but he spent more and more time with the statue.

But now it was much worse, the man was simply petrified in front of the statue, he didn't respond to anything or anyone, and this was the perfect opportunity for Bibi Dong to start acting.

While her mind was working at full capacity, she saw a document that caught her eye.

It seems that something strange is happening to the Star Luo Empire, first the two imperial princes disappeared, now apparently someone has attacked the imperial palace.

Frowning, Bibi Dong became a little worried, a lot of strange things have been happening, since the scarlet day, all the plans she's been making don't seem to be going to plan.

But on the other hand, some events are favorable to her, but before she can lose herself in thought, the door opens, and a blonde girl with blue eyes enters.

Looking at the girl, Bibi Dong felt her heart pound.

"Qian Renxue, we have a lot to talk about"


Note: I'm going to post another chapter tomorrow, it's ready but I haven't had time to correct the errors.

 I had planned to create a big chapter for the conversation between Xiao Feng and Tang Lian, but after some thought, I gave up.

To be honest, I don't like drama, so I've tried to make this conversation as smooth as possible, so I've summarized things a bit.

After that I'm going to devote some time to Xiao Wu and the protagonist's sister, even though this is a purely obscene story, I still want to give it a minimally interesting backstory.