

Kyle opened the elevator and headed down towards where he was told he could meet Lena, her office was the biggest and It was situated one level under Kyle's suite, in a second he was already standing in front of her door and knocked. It was 9 in the morning so he guessed she must have been in her office already

"Come in."

He opened the door and only a young lady was sitting on a desk to the side of the room.

"You are ?"

Kyle asked, he was wondering if he mistakenly went in the wrong office.

"I am the director's assistant, how can I help you ?"

The girl didn't recognize who Kyle was as the news of a new president had yet to be divulged but whoever had the authority to come this high in the floors was already someone higher than her in the hierarchy.

"I'm Kyle Lena's cousin, she isn't here yet ?"

'I don't remember the director talking about such a handsome cousin... wait ! If he's her cousin isn't he the president's son ?!'

She didn't dare stay sitting anymore and stood up to talk to Kyle

"The director went to meet some VIPs who came from far away at the Magical academy, you can wait for her here if you want."

"What is the magical academy ?"

"You... don't know ?"

"I'm from outside the city, I'm still ignorant about a lot of stuff."

He said with a smile, he didn't mind telling that he didn't know something. Most people would be embarrassed to say so but he didn't care a little bit, in fact he always craved for new things to learn so saying that he didn't know actually made him happy because it meant he had a new thing to learn.

"Oh I see, actually the Magical academy is only the name of a place but there are a lots of institutions in that place, there is an academy as the name says, it is a school for young magicians and magical knights. There is the Guild which is the principal organizer of magical events such as raids, tournaments and lot of other stuff. Then there is the alchemist's home, the technomages and a lot of other stuff there. The director went to the Guild."

"I want to go there ! Which way is it ?"

'He's the President's son right ? Isn't he allowed to use the chopper ?'

"Uhmm... I'll get a chauffeur for you sir."

She grabbed the phone in front of her and talked for a second before saying.

"A black car will be waiting for you at the entrance, you can get in the chauffeur is already aware of your destination. He will also wait for you to bring you back after you're done there."

"Oh really ? Thanks !"

His life looked like a dream since his grandfather had died, it was sad but he was happy to be out of the protective prison that his grandfather had put him in all these years.

He could finally satisfy his thirst for knowledge and fame, he had came to the city to become a famous magic celebrity after all.

He took the elevator to the ground floor and got out of the building, a long black limousine was parked there and people who saw it all looked curiously. Such cars weren't rare at all in this place so people didn't stare either but after seeing a stunningly handsome young man dressed in an expensive fitting grey suit most girls stopped to stare.

Kyle walked in the car while making eye contact with the chauffeur and being sure he wasn't going in the wrong car. The chauffeur got in board after opening and closing the door for Kyle making the surrounding guys looking at the scene green with jealousy

'First he was gifted by a godly physique and he was also born in a rich family ? All that was left to make him the perfect guy was him being talented in magic !'

All the guys thought the same, girls didn't think that much as they were just enjoying the view while some of them with a bit more imagination left their minds run wild.

In the car the chauffeur didn't talk and Kyle just looked curiously outside the car through the open windows, the car went fast so he could see more things in a short time lapse. What fascinated him the most were all the different races everywhere, even though the Gold and Silver palace employed mainly humans he had seen different races there too, one of the managers he had seen while being led to the suite by Lena was actually a dark elf with natural long violet hair and long ears.

Outside the hotel there was a lot more diversity and he liked it, he wanted to try talking to some of them to see how different from him they were. When the chauffeur tried to pass by a bus Kyle looked at the people on board and met the eyes of a pretty young lady, she wasn't human as she had antennas going out of her forehead and falling to the front sides of her face.

What caught Kyle's attention was that she looked terrified...

"Chauffeur, slow down to the same speed as the bus I need to check something."

He tried looking at the other passengers to see if they were in the same state and he realized they were !

'What's wrong with them ?'

As the bus's windows couldn't be opened he couldn't even ask the young lady.

He looked more closely and finally understood, at the front of the bus was standing a man with two guns, one in each hand.

Guns weren't a threat to magicians or magical knights but people who took the bus were normal citizens who didn't follow the path of magic. That guy had taken the bus passengers as hostages.

'Damn really ? I've just arrived in the city why is something like this happening ?'

"The bus is being hijacked, I'm going down."

Said Kyle to the chauffeur, he didn't except any help from him but he had to let him know, the door flew open and Kyle disappeared

The chauffeur looked back and lost control of his car, luckily he went back on track after a small manœuvre.

'Disappeared? That kid is a magic knight ?'

He guessed that because magic knights used magic as a way to boost their bodies while magicians used magic from a distance, there were high level spells that allowed magicians to move fast or teleport but he doubted such a young man was a high level magician.

Kyle's body flew from inside the car and reappeared on the sidewalk, his body then flashed again on a tree and from the tree he teleported to the bus's roof. He was using the Lightning spell to boost his body's speed, Lightning was famous for speed and destructive power, opposite to fire that had high damage on the long run, thunder was designed to kill in one shot.

The most notorious assassin in the world was a thunder user. His victim's bodies were all found charred. Thunder wasn't supposed to be fit for assassins because of the loud rumble that came with the activation of a spell but this man found a way to not make any sound and leave without leaving a trace behind.

Kyle slowly walked to a hatch on the bus roof and looked down, the hatch wasn't aligned with the bad guy and Kyle didn't want to cause harm by alarming him.

'I can't go down myself, during the short second where I'm falling from the roof and I can't move he might shot someone.'

He spent two seconds thinking when his eye fell on his arm, the shirt more exactly. He looked at the buttons at his wrist and then at the guy.

'This will work !'

He ripped 3 buttons from his sleeve and started imbuing them with mana, just enough for them not to explode. As he didn't want to alarm the guy he didn't use Lightning affinity and only used mana.

In a super short instant, not even the time to blink he broke the hatch's glass and threw the three buttons, two aimed at the guns and one at his forehead. In a millisecond the guy had dropped his guns and was lying on the floor, Kyle jumped down and took the guns.

"Is everybody alright ? This guy won't be a threat anymore."

He said with a big smile while looking at the flabbergasted crowd.

The chauffeur of the limousine was trying to focus on the road while locating Kyle when he saw him standing inside the bus only a second after disappearing from his car.


I always say “Magicians and magical knights” because the two are a different thing but I wanted a name for the both of them to generalize the magic community... am I making sense ? Anyway I can’t think of anything I need your help guys haha !

behsgsybdncreators' thoughts