
Perseus Jackson: Chinese God

Percy Jackson was betrayed by Annabeth during the war with Gaea, later everyone thought that he suicided, except for Annabeth. What was left of the seven, including Nico and some others were offer immortality. Fifteen years later, Percy and Camp Half-Blood once again meet, except Percy changed, so much that they didn't recognized him, watch how the plot develops.

Daoist8NculS · Others
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Clarisse La Rue POV

I stood on top of the hill beside Thalia's tree, with the golden fleece draped upon it, I was a bit tensed up at the exchange systems, after Chiron learned about exchange systems, he immediately called upon the head cabin meeting of all the cabins, which also included minor gods cabin, he didn't bother to hide the information, as it would have been useless to hide.

Chris, my boyfriend, came up to me, with his usual smiling expression on his face.

"Are you worried?"

I snorted in response.

Chris sighed and said. "I know that you don't want another war, after all the sacrifices in the previous one."

I stayed silent at this, it was true, all the demigods in the cabins of the twelve Olympians were granted immortality after the war, but I would give up this gift any time if those sacrficed in the war could come back, but they couldn't, after all this was war, to sacrifice, to gamble, to win or lose, to die or live, and honestly, despite being a daughter of Ares, I would prefer the current boring calm rather then the excitement of war, because I knew, in war, casualities have to be made in order to win, we could minimize the casualities, but facing a qualified enemy, sacrifices have to be made. And thinking about the deaths of my siblings made me cringe, even with a lot of them granted immortality, it wasn't full immortality, it was the immortality that the hunter's of Artemis have, were you could die on the battlefield.

I took a deep breath and said. "If only if Percy was still alive."

I could tell Chris shifted uncomfortably beside me, the topic of Percy Jackson was a sour for everyone in camp who met him, his death was a huge blow to us. Personally I don't believe that Percy would self suicide, yes a lot of demigods died in the war, and yes, he probably was in pain about their deaths, but he knew that their were others still alive, he knew how much a blow his death would be to us, because he knew that he was our leader, and he was a good one, the best, even better than me, though I would probably never admit that.

After a while of awkward silence I said. "If Percy was still alive then things would probably be different, in a good way."

This time Chris replied and said. "Yes, if Percy was still alive, everyone would probably have a firmer sense of security, we would gain a great warrior, and everthing would just be better."

Chris was right, after Percy's supposed suicidal death, it was a blow to everyone, even the gods, and especially Poseidon, and from the Romans, Neptune too. Now floodings, sea hurricanes, and so on are especially common, the demigods would deflate at the mention of Percy. However, when we mentioned Percy to monsters, they would always flinch back a bit, I always exploit this advantage.

I took a deep breath and said. "What do you think that we should do about the exchange programs, should we show them our abilities, or should we keep our strength hidden?"

Chris shrugged and said. "Honestly, I don't know. I guess that we'll just after wait for them to come to decide."

I nodded reluctantly, I admit, I wasn't exactly bright on subjects that aren't directly related to battle, but that's just the wasy the Ares cabin is, so I always seek advise from my boyfriend.

Chris smiled at my non-verbal reply, and said. "They'll be coming soon, after all, one month isn't long, it'll come faster now that we wish for time to go slower."

I replied. "Yeah, like you need to remind me of the fact that Kronos hates us."

Chris chuckled at my joke, he stood up and gave his hand to me, indicating to help me stand up.

I glared at him, telling him with my gaze that I don't need his hand to stand up, but I still took his hand.

"Come on, you're going to need to train your cabin to the ends of the earth if your so worried." Chris tutted, flashing me a sneaky smile.

I huffed.

We walked towards the sword arena, were the Ares cabin was practicing, and that was where ma and after that Chris went to the Hermes cabin to do the Hermes training or whatever.

As I trained and practiced with my cabin, I wondered how the exchange system would go, would there be another war, or would we gain a ally?