

Regan's Pov

Hearing Luke's word I was stunned and like any normal person I couldn't believe it but he came forth with proof, "I Know it's hard to believe Regan and that's why I waited till I got proof-" he was cut off by a knock on the door.

It was Ethan " Hey Regan, we need you to check these- Luke what are you doing here, there's a lot of work and-" he silenced seeing the mood between me and Luke.

" This is my proof Regan, he bought all the Board members and I am damn sure he is plotting against you, do something Regan" he said while Ethan moved to me to see the report.

" I can't believe this" I sat on the sofa holding the papers which had proof against Noah, while Luke explained everything to the puzzled Ethan.

I immediately stood up walking to Noah's office with Luke and Ethan behind me, I slammed open the door without knocking throwing the papers on his table," it's time I get answers Noah"