
Perfect Soldier

Alexander_Rispoli · Action
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Prologue: Operation Evo-Gene

The days of man fighting man had come to a halt in 2020, the fifteen year long war was brought to a halt thanks to the humans that had the Evo-Gene within their DNA, lying dormant waiting to be unlocked. The war started with Russia and Korea deciding to team up against the United States America, both sides suffered major casualties and all three of the countries were on the verge of destuction an complete anarchy. The allies of the United States did not get involved and good thing too because they saved our allies after their was a cease fire ordered on both sides, the conflict ended in a stale mate, neither side won. The American people hated this idea but they knew they had to bite their tongue an rekindle what was left of their precious governments.

Within fifteen years the cities were rebuilt, people moved back in, jobs were made available and life seem to go back to normal, but what the people didn't realize during this great war a new evolution of woman an man been born. They could do amazing things and unthinkable things that defied gravity an reality, but of course the government they began experimenting on these unfortunate souls, who were ripped from their homes an families, not to mention tortured as well. That's how my parents met, my father was a soldier, Staff Sergeant Damian Thomas ll served two terms in Russia during The Great World Cold War, after his duty in live combat he was put in charge of a science team trying to synthesize a formula that could create the perfect soldier, my father had injected himself a few times a year to see if the effects would change him but he did this off of the books or records of the army knowing about it. That's how my mother Professor Janet Owens met my father, he was caught by her, through further talking she was convinced to keep his secret and what started out as keeping a secret that evolved and turned into true love. My mother went through my father private scientific journal she was able to improve and modify the formula to maximize full potential. Like any other major pioneers in science my father and mother injected themselves with the new modified formula, but what they didn't know was I spreading growing inside of her during the formula was introduced into her system. My mother was only a few days late but that was normal for her which is why she didn't make a big deal of it. My father an mother came up with a risky kamikaze plan to blow up the military-science-experimentation base named after the God Of War, Aries. It all happened on Christmas day of 2020, my parents had made all the preparations for four months, they had made a few contacts during their daring mission, my father met two patients that were experimented an tortured Debra Rodriguez and Tristan Walker. Both of them shown signs of accelerated reaction time, accelerated strength and speed. Their call signs were Dead Eye and Commando, both had never known defeat in combat, the only time they lost is when they were captured by the military ran by General Samuel Pike. Dead Eye an Commando were his trial runs to make a soldier obedient and to follow orders, to control them like puppets. The perfect soldier or assassin, with this technology they could sell it to anybody for a profit and that's how governments survived an thrived since the 1960's. My father and mother wouldn't let that happen, so they planted micro nitro glycerine caps all over the facility for maximum destruction, my parents and the people that were tortured their wanted the place be blown off the face of the earth. The explosions triggered at the midnight hour, when soldiers that were stationed their were at there most vulnerable. Sirens an alarms echoed in the deep corridors, doctors, soldier and the people tortured their were filling up the halls, more explosions went off, panic filled the air and the shouts an screams of people could be heard from all over the complex. Dead Eye, Commando, my father an mother, a few scientists and a few soldiers stood in a small group by a wooded area with a high vantage point lookin at the destruction of the complex.

"What do we do now Professor Owens?" one of the female soldiers standing closest to my mother asked the question with taking her eyes off the flames an screams of the dying people in the complex.

"We live Gabriella." my mother responded as she held on tight to my father, never letting him go.

"We owe you one Sergeant. If you ever need any thing you know where to find me." Dead Eye shook my father's hand, Dead Eye and Commando left immediately embracing their new found freedom.

"We better get moving before they send in the cavalry, in a manner of speaking." my father and mother immediately sent off for Nova City, Illinois. The city was just built and waiting for new people to move in an make their indent in the city.

That's where my journey begins...