
Perfect Soldier

Alexander_Rispoli · Action
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2 Chs

My Death Equals My Rebirth

"Come on Adam! We are going to be late for junior prom." my brother and sister called for me, they had dates to the junior prom but I didn't, which is probably why I wasn't to excited to go to the dance. My parents crowded my brother and sister with their dates, I quietly snuck out of the house to go relieve some stress, by blazin up a fat ass joint and it's helped get through all the bullshit in my life so far, why not tonight as well.

There was a wooden shack that I built in the back yard in junior high, I went in there, took a seat an put my phone, cigarettes and the joint on the coffee table by the love seat. I moved the ashtray closer to me, I pulled out a cigarette, put it in the ashtray, I picked up the joint and lit it. I took a few hits just as my uncle Lou walked in, he sat down, I immediately bursted into a coughing frenzy, he patted on my shoulder, it was sign of being proud of me and that he was trying to make sure that I was ok.

"I got you a present, I know it's not much but the bike insurance is paid for the year, the bike has been re-done and kept to it's originality. It was mine but I don't need it anymore and I figured you wanted it and being a young man now, you gotta have a set of wheels." my uncle ushered me outside the shed an in the drive way was a black and grey speedster. American made and it went fast enough for me, my uncle threw me the keys. My smile was ear to ear, we went back into the shed, we sparked up the joint and immediately began talking about his days in high school an college.

"You see Adam? College and high school were two different times but yet it felt repetitive. Your dad said it was a part of growing up and becoming a man. He sounded like our father when he spoke like that. Your dad though never judged me nor criticized my ideas, if anything he encouraged them and for that I am forever grateful." my uncle began to get emotional for a few moments but went back to his normal self before long.

"You alright uncle Lou?" I asked him and he immediately shook his head yes and smiled but my gut feeling told me something was eating away at his consciousness but what? I would never know. I wondered what was eating at him but I knew not to push, that would just make things worse. I decided that I would forget about it an put it in the back of my mind, I hit the joint that was almost gone and I gave the rest to my uncle. I picked up the cigarette, lit it an I let the nicotine fill my lungs and I immediately released the smoke, I put out the cigarette an I got up moved from the shed to my brand new bike. My uncle followed me with a smile on his as I slowly took the sight of my new bike in, tears filled my eye's and I tried to keep my Male pride by quickly wiping away the tears but my uncle immediately comforted me. He never spoke but we were startled by the my brother and sister coming out with their dates.

"I guess you're gonna take off before the jackals attack." my uncle and I smiled an laughed it off, I quickly started the bike with all my possessions that I needed with me, my uncle handed me a bag which was one strapped to go over my shoulder, it was a new backpack and it had weight to it.

"Open the bag up outside of the school. Go!" my uncle mouthed to me before I started the bike up and before my siblings could say a word I quickly sped off to the dance. I noticed their was a radio, at the next stop light I took some time to put some music on and it was some classic rock from the Vietnam War. (Jimmi Hendrix- Along The Watchtower)

To some of my friend's and myself included, it felt like high school was a war zone everyday, so for me this particular songs fits the situation perfectly. The bikes moved smoothly and drove perfectly, I came to an open road, I wanted to to see what the bike could do I let her loose, the speedometer read: 65, 75, 85, 95 and I maxed out the bike at 104 but I got frightened by it's quickness an speed, so I slowed down, little did I know I was only a block or two from the Junior Prom. I got their quickly, I parked it away from the other cars, I took off my bag that my Uncle gave me, the music was still playing on my bike stereo, the song was, 'Time Of The Season by Zombies'.

I turned down the volume on the bike radio, I opened the bag to see what lied within, I found a brand new cellphone still inside the box, a gold thick rectangular envelope, a small black velvet bag, a small black lap top, a jacket, a pair of black pants, a black hoodie, a black journal and a pair of biker gloves, an at the very bottom was a hand-held tape recorder, nothing about the recorder looked out of the ordinary except for the piece of white with black permanent marker, it read, 'play me'. I immediately recognized the hand writing, it belonged to my uncle, I took the pack of cigarettes from my inner right jacket pocket, I took a match from the matchbook an sparked the cigarette to life, I inhaled the toxic fumes along it to fill my lungs for a split second before releasing the smoke from my mouth and nose. I packed everything else up, yet, I still held the tape recorder in my hands, debating whether or not to play it, without a warning my curiosity got the better of me and I pushed play.

"Adam if you are hearing this than everything has gone according to plan so far, which is good because that gives you time, time to get the truth out there. I've been telling you and siblings that I'm a consultant agent for a major corporation but that's not true, I am working for a group of special mercenaries called M.E.W.

We work out of shadow contracts that the U.S appoints us, before I would never question my superiors but this last few contracts I had a bad feeling about and I recorded everything. Unfortunately, you won't be able to attend your prom because I have a huge favor to ask. I need you to help me get my USB hard drive which has everything I need to bury this organization. Please Adam you're my only shot at nailing them." I sat there for what seemed like for ever, contemplating everything, I couldn't do this because I could die or worse get my family killed, than I thought I am already in danger because of what my uncle has done, if that were the case than I am already a target an so is the rest of my family. I jumped on the bike and I immediately started to drive to hideout where my uncle and I would hack the local police station or my high school for fun. I saw a car seem to follow me, I turned a few corners trying to shake them the slow way, I realized they were following me, I immediately gunned it.

"Come and get me fuckers." I softly whispered as I hit the gas harder, made crazy turns which could've killed me, they stayed on me for awhile but I eventually out ran them or so I thought. After I got off the bike an hiding it shortly afterward, I saw the car again but fortunately I was ahead of them with enough time to get in and grab the usb