
Perfect Sheath

"The plane he was sitting on exploded, the sound resounding in the sky shook the ground, the surrounding glass windows were blown off. He watched in amazement as the plane exploded. Smoke was floating in the sky. " The proportion of people having a plane crash is very small and rarely happens at takeoff. The boy could only helplessly watch his other half die right before his eyes. "Did you know that this is just the beginning"

Mei_kirua_kun · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter III

Wednesday, February 14.

09:24 AM, Ho Chi Minh City.

     A normal morning like any other day. Early morning sunlight shone through the glass, through the white curtains, and printed on my face. According to the doctor, for the next week, I will not be allowed to go out or look outside because it could affect my eyesight so I have to roll over to the corner of the bed where there is no light. This is also one of the reasons why I don't have to go to school even though today is Wednesday.

     However, normally the alarm clock on my desk would ring loudly at eight o'clock in the morning, and yet it felt like it was past nine and it still hadn't rung.

     Even though I don't want to, I still have to check the watch if it's broken. My hands unconsciously fumbled for the watch even though I didn't bother opening my eyes.

Wait! Looks like there's something ...

     Touching something I was sure it had never been there before, I opened my eyes involuntarily and couldn't believe it.

- "What are you doing Han Han?" He is lying beside me, but not only that he is also in a nude state.

When has he been here? I wonder.

     My right hand, which was on his stomach, involuntarily moved back. Though I did know your bedtime bad habit. But this is the first time I feel embarrassed when he does so. Maybe it's because I haven't been with him for a while, so seeing this makes me feel that way, or is it because my puberty earlier made me embarrassed. No matter what it is, my face is red now, my body is trembling. My current mood can only use one word to describe. That is a shock!

     I was born before him, but looking back on myself, I can see how much different I am from him. My body is thin, my limbs are slim, my body is short, not a bit taller in the past six years. Seems to be more correct, my body has stopped growing since the sixth grade. During the past six years my body has remained the same, if any, there are only facial changes that become more mature over time and a slight change in appearance. But...

     My brother, born a month after me, has changed dizzyingly during the past two years, with a tall body, toned arms, six-pack abs, handsome ... I can't tell the difference even before. and him.

- "Han Han, are you sick? Why is your face so red?" That deep, murky voice pulled me back to the real world. Suddenly a drop of blood fell on my leg.

- "You got ..." I put my hand on my nose to find that my nose was bleeding in shock. I jumped out of bed and ran quickly to the toilet despite the person lying there without understanding

I don't feel good!

     A moment later, I stepped out of the toilet. My cheeks are still a bit red, I still haven't stopped my shock from just now. Suddenly I saw him walking towards me, now I knew that he must be more than 20 cm tall, about 1m7. Now that he's dressed, he walks over to where I am, pressing me against the corner of the wall.

He's tall!

- "Are we going out today, Han Han?"
