
Perfect Sheath

"The plane he was sitting on exploded, the sound resounding in the sky shook the ground, the surrounding glass windows were blown off. He watched in amazement as the plane exploded. Smoke was floating in the sky. " The proportion of people having a plane crash is very small and rarely happens at takeoff. The boy could only helplessly watch his other half die right before his eyes. "Did you know that this is just the beginning"

Mei_kirua_kun · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter II

- "You are ..." I still can't figure out who on the other end of the line is, then the person on the other side "tsk" a loud voice replaces his answer. I guess so.

- "It's me, it's Nhat Minh!"

Wait! Did I hear wrong?

I never expected that the person on the other end was my cousin. The last time I saw him was over a year ago, I was seventeen at the time, so it was my birthday that day, so he came to congratulate him.

Time passed so fast!

- "How ... how are you?" I sat down on the bed happily asking him about his health. Two years passed quickly, just the day I was still playing with him, acting like a baby, now I feel more mature.

I and he are cousins, his father is two years older than my father, so even though I was born a month before him, he is still my cousin.

Since we were young, we played very close to each other, and our personalities are somewhat similar, so he and I are often misunderstood as brothers. I always cling to him and won't let go, he still doesn't mind, still plays with me as usual. Unfortunately, when he was eight years old, his parents suddenly passed away due to an accident, so my parents took care of him and raised him like their own son. Since then we ate, slept, showered, played together. It can be said that my childhood was always with him, at least before he split up two years ago.

- "I'm fine! Are you okay, I heard you just got eye surgery?" His deep, warm voice made me unable to stand up, my body was shaking, my heart was beating faster and faster, my cheeks were flushed but a question appeared in his mind.

Who told him this?

- "I'm fine. How do you know to call me?" I forced my mouth to ask him, but the other side was completely silent. Then all of a sudden the transmission started to get noisy, it lasted about a minute and then stopped completely. His voice continued to ring.

- "Because I'm always watching you!"

I was surprised by his response, but his voice was a bit strange, unlike earlier, his voice had an unspeakable sadness.

What's wrong with him?

I was silent for a long time, the air around me grew heavier with every breath.

Now I wonder, should I continue or stop?

- "Han Han, are you still there?" He called my name, pulling me out of the mess in my head now.

- "Ah ... uh ... I ... I am ..."

- "Tomorrow is your birthday, isn't it? I'll come home to visit you." His words surprised me, is not a day off tomorrow that he can return here? This question suddenly came to mind.

- "But ... but ..." I didn't finish the sentence before he hung up, a "beep" sounded. It was really strange today, and there was a problem in my heart.

After all, what's wrong with him?