
Perfect Incubus System

A guy just wanted to live his life suddenly died for unknown reasons. This is a wish-fulfillment book and also English is not my first language. Expect Anime characters that will suddenly pop up because this will be a large crossover.

IncubusIsLaifu · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

I need help from the readers... About HOTD okay?

So... I decided the first world is the same as HOTD but my problem is I forgot about what happened in each episode... And I don't want to watch it again because as I was saying I have a weak heart... Yeah.

So if it's okay, I will kindly ask a brief explanation of what happened to episode 1 in brief only like what happened in the beginning. The teachers being eaten first and like that...

So I hope you will understand my part and maybe I will release 2 r-18 chapters before the mc will start his world-hopping. Thank you for reading until now. Only episode 1 for now to what happened in HOTD

BTW, who knows the name of the hot teacher that was the second bitten in the first minute of the episode? Thank you.