
Percy Jackson : A Gamer's Journey

Percy Jackson is granted the powers of a gamer by the Fates. Follow Percy's crazy adventure through the game called life where life-death situations are treated as a common occurrence, monsters run free and the son of Poseidon is armed with new powers. Percy x Hestia x Artemis. Lemons will be there later. Eventual OP. Also posted on Wattpad, FFN, A03. Image credit: Klymenearts

thechaos · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

Chapter 9: Interactions and Blessings (Part 2)

Edit: I have created a discord server for this fic. It's basically for providing updates, providing feedbacks, chilling etc.

h t t p s : / / d i s c o r d . g g / P Z P b B 5 S f 7 2

(remove the spaces ofc)


The trio soon started walking towards the hotel, all conversations were put on hold since they just needed some rest first and were too far out in the open to talk about monsters and the like.

Meanwhile on Olympus

Hestia smiled as she saw the exchange between Medusa and her champion. She was proud of the way Percy handled things with her even though she was ticked off for the way he swore an oath on the Styx, for something that was considered practically impossible, not to mention the blatant display in the bus with the Fury. Initially, she had been worried about Percy's safety but that soon changed to worry for his well-being. She had not expected him to snap like this even though she knew his reasons. He was still young but he needed to be strong. She decided against visiting him since he needed some time alone and rest.

Coming back to the topic, she was glad that she chose Percy as her first and probably only champion. He represented everything that was a part of her domains to the highest degree possible. Even fire, which was the direct opposite of his nature as a son of Poseidon, had become a part of him. Her younger brother was yet to find out about this information. She decided she would hold on to it until the time was right. She watched Percy make his way across the country towards the hotel. She wished she could spend some time in his company however, the quest and the safety of the world was more important than her wants as she settled back and kept a watch on her champion.

With Percy, Annabeth and Grover

They had checked into a hotel and were resting after a long bath and scrumptious food. Percy had told them not to worry about the bill since he had about $3500 with him.

After Grover had drifted off to sleep, Annabeth turned towards him.

"Don't think I have forgotten about our talk", she began. "First thing's first. Mind explaining me what came over you when you suddenly started torturing a Kindly One in the bus?"

"I-I really don't know. I just wanted to know the location of the Underworld as soon as possible so that we could get there to save my mom faster. It's been nearly a month and I haven't done anything to save her. Now that I am finally on the move, I did not want to waste any time with the stupid games so I guess I just snapped", Percy said as he tried to explain his feelings.

Annabeth's hard gaze softened at that. She reached out and held one of his hands.

"Don't worry Percy, we will find your mother and get her back. Just don't scare me like this again alright? If there's something bothering you, remember, all of us have your back through everything."

"Thanks Annabeth."

"Now, what was the business at the building? What took you so long?"

"I met Medusa."

Annabeth's eyes widened as her mouth opened in shock. Medusa was right there behind the doors and this idiot had walked in, met her and came back out – alive. What the Hades was going on?

"Explain", she said as she found her voice finally.

Percy then proceeded to recount his conversation with Medusa as he left out some important parts like him not being affected by her gaze. The oath on the Styx though he did mention.

Just as he told her about it, Annabeth whacked him on the head as her grey eyes swirled with fury.

"Are you utterly stupid Perseus Jackson?! How could you make such an oath? Do you even have any idea how to reverse a curse let alone one that was placed by an Olympian god more so, my mother who is the goddess of wisdom?"

"Umm no?"

This seemed to piss her off even more as she proceeded to slap him.

"When will you start thinking things through? Here I thought that spending time with my siblings would help you but no, you just HAD to make this impossible oath. Couldn't you have at least not sworn on the Styx? Gods I can't even leave you alone for a few minutes without you going off and doing something utterly stupid. This is your final warning – do something like this again and you will not be allowed to loiter around on your own during the rest of this quest without me accompanying you. I can't trust Grover too because he is an idiot like you."

"Annabeth, how could I let her suffer like this?"

That one statement conveyed with so much sincerity broke Annabeth's rage as she looked into his eyes and saw nothing but the desire to right a wrong especially one which was caused because of his father.

"Just please think about it before you do anything. And I mean it when I say you won't be allowed on your own if this happens again."

"Yes ma'am", Percy said as he flashed Annabeth a lopsided smile. His head and cheek were still hurting. This girl could surely hit. He'd rather take his chances with a monster than risk Annabeth's rage. With the talk done, they went to their rooms with Annabeth sleeping whilst Percy pulled out a book from his inventory and started reading.

Next morning, the three checked out of the hotel after a quick breakfast as they made their way towards a train station nearby.

They had decided that they won't be travelling in busses anytime soon. Annabeth to her credit had found an Amtrack station half a mile away. The westbound train was going to leave at noon so they had to hurry.

They had spent two days on the train, heading west through hills, over rivers, past amber waves of grain. To Percy's relief they hadn't been attacked. One evening, he saw something huge move through the woods. He could've sworn it was a lion, except that lions don't live in America, and this thing was the size of a tank. Its fur glinted gold in the evening light. Then it leaped through the trees and was gone. Percy decided to memorise this location. He was so going to come here and have a look at what exactly this was.

Towards the end of the second day as Grover was sleeping, Annabeth turned to him.

"What is it like having a loving mother Percy?" she suddenly asked which caught Percy off-guard. He had never heard her sound so vulnerable. It was a far cry from the strong and independent girl he had seen so far.

"It's the best thing. Even though I never had my dad around, she was always there for me. She was always there to pick me up when I fell down and encouraged me to do better. Even though I had ADHD and Dyslexia, she never minded. She gave up everything for me just so that she could raise me properly when dad left suddenly. I don't think words would ever be enough to describe how much mom means to me. The moment she was taken away, it felt like I too had died. There's no way that I can continue living without her. She's the one that matters far more than anyone else ever could", Percy said as a few tears fell from his face, which he quickly wiped, as he recalled a few memories he had with his mom along with the moment he saw her disappear. She was truly special and no one could ever match her and her importance in Percy's life. For him, she would always be first.

"That sounds so good", Annabeth said with a faraway look in her eyes.

"What happened Wise Girl? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Sharing is caring. Besides didn't you tell me that you had my back? This goes both ways."

At that, Annabeth laughed. Only this moron could pull something goofy and unrelated in situations like these.

"I never knew how it felt to have a family. My dad's resented me since the day I was born. He never wanted a baby. When he got me, he asked Athena to take me back and raise me on Olympus because he was too busy with his work. She wasn't happy about that. She told him heroes had to be raised by their mortal parent."

"I don't suppose you were born in a hospital", Percy said as he remembered how Athena was born from Zeus' head. Annabeth shook her head as she continued.

"I appeared on my father's doorstep, in a golden cradle, carried down from Olympus by Zephyr the West Wind. You'd think my dad would remember that as a miracle, right? Wrong, he always talked about my arrival as if it were the most inconvenient thing that had ever happened to him. When I was five he got married and totally forgot about Athena. He got a 'regular' mortal wife, and had two 'regular' mortal kids, and tried to pretend that I didn't exist."

Percy was now beyond furious. Who would treat someone like this? The world was so unfair and mean. He resolved that he would try to change things for the better however he could. He did not want others to suffer like this. However, his full attention was on Annabeth. She was now trembling slightly as a few tears started making their way down her face. He wiped them off and held her hand to express his support.

"He doesn't care about me. His wife – my stepmom – treated me like a freak. She wouldn't let me play with her children. My dad went along with her. Whenever something dangerous happened – you know, something with monsters – they would both look at me resentfully. Finally, I took the hint. I wasn't wanted. I ran away when I was seven."

"The same age as when you arrived at camp", Percy said. Annabeth nodded.

"Of course I couldn't make it alone all the way from the west coast. Athena watched over me, guided me towards help. I made a couple of unexpected friends who took care of me, for a short time anyway."

She now seemed lost in sad memories. Percy decided to snap her out of it as he surprised her by enveloping her in a hug as he warmed his body slightly. He could not bear the anguish in her eyes as her body shook with grief. Her suppressed emotions had finally come out and Percy was there for her when she needed someone the most. Percy, on the other hand, wanted to give her hope. Hope for a better future filled with happiness and joy, without suffering. He was so caught up in wanting to make her feel better that he didn't realise his body glow slightly as an orange aura enveloped him. Annabeth too didn't notice this since she had her head buried in Percy's chest. However, she felt hope coarse through her body as her thoughts cleared and became positive. She knew that the worst was finally over and a bright future lay ahead for her.

On Olympus

Hestia gasped as she felt the changes in Percy's being. The spirit of Elpis had always been around to give hope to those who needed it the most. She never gave her power to anyone other than Hestia herself save for today. She had, on her own accord, bestowed Percy with her blessings thereby granting him some of her power. She knew he was special but this? This just cemented the fact that she had chosen well. Hestia clapped to herself with joy.

Would Percy's system inform him of this? She had no idea but she wanted to tell this herself so she decided to write a note and send it his way.

With Percy and Annabeth

Annabeth felt herself drift into the realm of Morpheus as she hugged Percy. The warmth from his body combined with the hope flowing through her being was the perfect combination as she fell asleep. Percy slowly pulled away from her and lay her on the bed as she sighed in content.

He did not pay attention to the notification as he absent-mindedly dismissed it. He then looked around to find a note on the table beside him. He picked it up. flipped it around and smiled when he saw who it was from.

"Dear Percy,

I can see that your quest is going well. There is lots that I would like to discuss with you especially the stunt you pulled with Medusa. Don't think you're going to get a free pass for that.

Anyway, I don't know whether your system has informed you or not but I'd like to tell you this myself. It seems that the spirit of Hope, which I am the guardian of, has blessed you. She has never given her blessings to anyone save for me but it seems that you're special since she went out of her way to bless you.

About her blessings, it's extremely powerful since Lady Elpis is the personification of the concept of Hope itself - a Primordial. The blessings lets you give and take away hope from another person but it does have its limitations set by her. I know you will use this wisely.

I am so glad that you were chosen by her. I will see you soon!



Percy was gobsmacked. What the Hades had just happened? Was it really true? He brought up the notification that he had ignored and there it was.



You have received the blessings of Elpis, the primordial god and spirit of Hope.

Makarios tis Elpis

The blessings of Elpis lets you give or take hope from someone.

Level 1 - Range : All levels below, 20 levels above.


After reading the notification, Percy's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. This was so not happening. Just as he was about to dismiss the notification, his eyes suddenly started feeling heavy as he was knocked out and lay unconscious.

In a remote place unknown to all

Percy glared at the Fates as they looked at him with blank expressions.

"Was this really necessary? You did not need to drag me here to tell me not to misuse the power", Percy said.

The Fates suddenly broke into wide grins as Clotho handed Lachesis a small bag of Drachmae.

"Told you that was the first thing he'd say", said a smug looking Lachesis.

"How was I supposed to know he had become even more intelligent compared to the last time?" Clotho replied.

"You hardly keep track of him. There are lots of people watching the young hero you know."

"Guys, you do know I am here right?" Percy asked.

"Quiet sisters", Atropos finally said. "You know why you're here Percy but we needed to explain you exactly what a blessing from a Primordial of all people entails."

"It must be serious if you guys had to call me for this", Percy said as he straightened up.

"Indeed and you must remember, what we are about to tell you must not be shared by anyone under no circumstances. Hestia too has sworn an oath not to tell anyone about Lady Elpis' blessings.

The protogenoi were the first beings in this universe created by Lady Chaos herself as personifications of their domains. We were created by our mother, Ananke, who is the personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity. As such a Primordial is above us too, we cannot control their actions or fate. Moreover, almost no one has ever been blessed by a Primordial. The instances can be counted on one hand. Needless to say, a blessing given by a Primordial is extremely strong. Lady Elpis has somewhat limited your power greatly but, she will gradually increase it until the blessings would be able to affect a minor god easily.

You must realise the gravity of this situation. Do not use these powers in front of others unless its required and do not misuse it. I fear what mother would do to you if you abused it", the three completed as they took turns speaking.

Percy was still trying to absorb the information. This was enough to make his head explode due to the source of the blessing. He had definitely NOT planned on this happening ever but here he was.

"I promise I will handle this as you say", Percy said as he bowed his head a little.

At this, the Fates smiled.

'Lady Chaos truly chose the best option. I bet she herself didn't imagine a Primordial blessing her chosen one', Clotho told the other two mentally. They agreed in response.

"Farewell Percy. Your journey has just begun but we know that you will not disappoint us."

With that, Percy found himself waking up to the early morning sun.

"Finally awake Seaweed Brain", Annabeth said. "We are about to reach Missouri. Let's get off for a while, I cannot bear to sit still anymore"

Oh right they had ADHD.

Soon, they reached the next stop as they deboarded the train. The city was famous due to the St. Louis Arch which Annabeth wanted to check out because of her love for architecture. Even though Percy wasn't remotely interested in it, he agreed to it for her sake as the three made their way towards their next destination.


Percy's Stats

Perseus Jackson

Species : Demigod

(gives +2 STR and +2 DEX)

Title : Son of Poseidon

Perseus is the son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. He has ADHD which helps in combat. Blessed by Elpis, the spirit of hope, he has a natural affinity with water due to his heritage which grants him control over water, horses, storms and earthquakes. He is also Hestia's champion which grants him control over fire and lets him summon meals.


Level - 12

Exp – 551 / 2746


HP : 600 / 600 (+ 2000)

MP : 700 / 700 (+ 2000)


STR : 23 (+ 2 + 20) (Bonus : Weapon damage - Damage + STR | Unarmed damage - STR * 2)

VIT : 18 (+ 20) (Bonus : 50 HP per 10 levels)

DEX : 18 (+2 + 20) (Bonus : +10% HP regenerated / min)

INT : 22 (Bonus : 50 MP per 10 levels)

WIS : 18 (Bonus : +10% MP regenerated / min)

LUC : 10 (Bonus : +10% chance of better loot)

Points : 12

Money : $3400 / D30


Status : Demigod




Combat :

Sword Fighting (Level 10)


Inherited :

Ancient Greek (Max)

Modern English (Level 25)

Swimming (Level 7 - 9 km/hr)

Breathe Underwater (Max)

Running (Level 7 - 34 km / hr)

Storms (Level 3)


General :

Observe (Level 4)

Sneaking (Level 4)

Critical Strike (Level 4)

Taunt (Level 1)

Mark of the Furies (Level 3)

Mage Armor (Level 5)

Summon Meals (Max)

Makarios tis Elpis (Level 1)


Chores :

Cleaning Dishes (Max)


Passive :

Gamer's Mind (Max level)

Son of the Sea God (Gives +20 STR, VIT & DEX as well as +2000 HP and +2000 MP when in water)


Abilities :

Water Control (Level 16)

Water Spikes (Level 4)

Blood Control (Level 1)

Water Spear (Level 3)

Dimension Create (Max)

Ice Control (Level 3)

Steam Control (Level 3)

Fire Control (Level 8)

So here we are at the end of this chapter. I focused more on dialogue and a bit of progress rather than combat. Moving the story too quickly isn't worth it.


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Until next time.

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