
Percy Jackson | The Intergalactic Demi-God

Percy is a demi-god on planet Zephyros. But he does not know he is a demi-god. He plummeted to Earth after losing all his loved ones in a war. He lands on Earth and finds out he is the first and only, demi-god son of a certain 'Creator'. He becomes accustomed to the life of being a demi-god at Camp Half-Blood. Then a war has started with Percy's old enemy. The reason he was on Earth. What will happen? Will the demi-gods win? Will he decide to go back to Zephyros? Will Percy find love? Will he live? Read to find out...

Cheesboi · Others
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6 Chs

A Fresh Leaf

| Percy P.O.V |

Silence... Silence is all I heard from my walkie-talkie. Silence is what I heard around me. All I could hear was the wind whistling in my ear. I could see what had happened. The 'Great Zephyros War' had killed billions of lives. This war took the lives of my best friend, Jack Campbell, my girlfriend, Sarah Avery, and my mom, Emily Jackson. I never knew my dad. My mom said that he left for a long vacation that will last forever. I believed in this lie until I learned the truth... my dad left my mom, hopeless, and alone to take care of me. If I ever meet my dad I will rip him to pieces with my bare hands for causing grief and sadness to my mom.

There was only one person left on the battlefield. Exodus, conquerer of the Solar System. Well, all planets except Zephyros and a planet called 'Earth'.

I might just be a soldier in the army but I can still stop Exodus. I believe. I took out the weapon of my family that was passed down from generation to generation, Anaklusmos in Greek and Riptide for English. It may just look like a pen at first but once uncapped it expands into a full, 3-foot-tall, celestial bronze, sword. It only weighs about 5 pounds, which is pretty light if you ask me.

I took my battle stance and so did he. Then Exodus said in a raspy voice, "So we meet Perseus Jackson. I've heard great things of you from the few thousands I decided to spare". I then thought 'Yeah, a few thousand from twelve billion. Makes a very big difference my friend. But you still did spare some people'.

He then continued, "But, I have decided to take you down... Once and for all!"

Then the battle between us started. I strike at his non-sword-hand but he blocked. He then swung the sword towards my head, I ducked and the sword narrowly missed my head. But, I had a small cut there and I was bleeding. Luckily, not at a fast or fatal rate. I spotted a shield right next to where I was fighting. If I could just get there... I then had an idea. I kicked him in the shins and punched him in the face, leaving him dazed. This gave me the opening to reach for the shield. I think he understood what I was doing because he shot me with his beam. This launched me very high in the air.

I went past the atmosphere and lost my oxygen supply. I couldn't breathe. After a few minutes, once Zephyros had become a tiny minute structure, I had passed out. I started free falling.

| 3rd Person P.O.V |

Percy Jackson was free falling and going faster than the speed of light. Our little hero hadn't died yet. There was still hope. A planet holding a sustainable lifestyle and beautiful nature seemed to be Perseus's accidental destination. It looked like he was going to Earth. Little did he know that exact trajectory at which he was sent flying, he would land at a certain silver-eyed Olympian's Huntress's camp. Our hero had entered the atmosphere of Earth after what seemed like hours, although it took days. It's a miracle he is alive! Or is he?

| Percy P.O.V |

I suddenly woke up. I was still free falling. The only way I could have woken up... I'M IN THE ATMOSPHERE OF A CERTAIN PLANET! Thank the gods. Wait? You're wondering why gods in plural and not God in singular. Well, it's because my religion which I still don't know has multiple gods and goddesses. That's why. I don't even know the names of these people! I was never told. Anyway, I look down and see a familiar planet. I think I learned this during Astronomy class in school. This was Earth!


I've been free-falling for the past twenty minutes and I think I just finished going through the atmosphere. I was currently in the clouds. I think I am headed for the USA because in History we learned about this country and its features. I could kind of make out the Appalachian Mountains. That means I am above... OUCH! THAT HURT! I reached the ground. I got up and looked at the crater I formed. Oh, no! Let's hope no one is wherever I am, in North Carolina!

| Artemis P.O.V |

We had just finished a couple of things in Charleston and decided to head back to Camp Half-Blood. We decided to go through North Carolina as it was the safest and quickest way to get to Manhattan. We set up camp in Durham, North Carolina. No one was in a two-hundred-mile radius because of festivities and they all had to leave and go to South Carolina for a few weeks.


It has been three days since we set up camp and today I just woke up starting the fourth and final day here. I went to freshen up when I heard a loud, BOOM! I think everyone at camp heard it. It came from the armoury. We all decided to investigate. I saw a huge crater that kind of looked like the shape of a person. I looked down and saw a person standing there and the person said, "Hello? Anyone there. Oh wait, I don't think anyone would be here. WAIT, I just wanted nobody to be here. My mind confuses me". A man for sure. I said, "What happened?"

He said, "Oh, I just fell from space after being launched from another planet". I could hear the sarcasm dripping off every word he said. How dare a male do such a thing?!

Then my lieutenant, Thalia, said, "Why were you launched?"

He replied, "Umm... I was fighting a person who nearly killed the entire population of my planet and he launched me into space I blacked out and landed here". I could tell he was being serious.

He then explained in full detail exactly what had happened. I felt remorse for him, but nothing I can do. I told him that I was Artemis and I said, "We need to take you to Olympus".

He said, "Olympus?"

I replied, "Olympus is the place where the 12 Olympians live and where their thrones are"

He asked, "But why would you need to take me there?"

I said, "So that the gods and goddesses can decide what to do with you"

He took some serious thought and finally replied, "Ok"

I then flashed both of us to Olympus and shot a silver arrow in the sky signalling a meeting has been called. Then all the Olympians teleported to their thrones.

| Percy P.O.V |

I was taken to a place called 'Olympus'. Then Artemis shot a silver arrow in the sky. Then some people, 11 to be exact, teleported onto some thrones. There was an empty throne. I wonder who sat there. Then a man who had pure white facial and head hair and stormy blue eyes asked, "Daughter, why have you called a meeting?"

Then Artemis said, "I called one because I found a person from another planet"

I could tell from their faces that they didn't believe her. But, I could also tell that they knew Artemis was not one to lie. Then the same person asked me, "Is this true?"

I replied, "Yes". I then went into full detail about the battle with Exodus and The Great Zephyros War. They all felt sad for me.

They also asked what happened to my father. This was always a touchy subject for me. I replied, "He left when I was born". They all looked shocked almost as if my father was like one of them.

I could hear some muttering. This is what I picked up, 'Chaos', 'not me', 'I never went to another planet', 'Camp Half-Blood', 'is there a cabin'.

After a few minutes, one of them said, "Take him to camp"

I asked, "Camp?"

Then a person with long, raven black hair that reached his shoulders and with a long beard and sea-green eyes, said, "You'll understand. Artemis, you take him and leave him on the hill and tell him what to do".

She just nodded. Then we left for this mysterious camp.


It has been about two days and we've been walking since. Just when I was about to ask 'Are we there yet?' for the five millionth time, we reached a hill. Artemis, who hadn't spoken on the whole journey here, said, "Ok. So, from here, go down the hill and". She then pointed at a place filled with cabins. She continued, "Go there. This place is called Camp Half-Blood for demi-gods like you. A demi-god is a person who has a god as a parent and a mortal as the other parent. So, as I was saying, when you reach the camp, look for a man who has a horse body or someone in a wheelchair. Ok? Good, I'm going to leave now. Bye"

I waved goodbye and went down the hill to start a new life. A fresh leaf.