
People In One Piece: Obtain Ryūjin Jakka At The Start


MiLaDon · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

The hero of Galio appeared on the stage, a huge figure enveloped the sky, almost covering the entire Windmill Village under his figure.

His body is too huge, like a huge fortress, like a walking city, just standing there can make countless people feel scared.

"This this!"

Garp's eyes widened and looked at Galio incredulously.

It seemed to see something incredible.

What the hell is this?

Creature or fortress?

Or is it a capable person?

Galio's size was far beyond his imagination. He stood in front of Galio like an ant, insignificant.

He couldn't imagine the existence of such a huge creature in this world, even if the giants were in front of him, it seemed that they were not enough to see.

call out.

Ye Chen jumped onto Galio's shoulders, stood above and stared at Garp, and said faintly: "Old man Garp, I have no idea about Windmill Village. You don't need to be nervous, it just happens that my companion is here!"

"Also, if you really intend to offer me a reward, since you don't want to give such a low bounty, at least one 800 million bounty, a mere 30 million bounty does not meet my identity!

"Goodbye bye!"

Between words.

Galio spread out huge wings, and the hard wings spread out, like covering the sky and the sun, shrouding everything under the shadows.


Galio jumped and disappeared into a stream of light.

Watching Galio leave.

Garp's face changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Ye Chen? This is a weird kid!"

Looking at the disappeared figure, Garp muttered to himself: "It seems that an incredible guy is about to appear in this sea!"

It's not that Garp didn't think about keeping Ye Chen here.

Just gave up later.

Because he is not sure whether he can keep Ye Chen.

At the same time, there is Galio. Once they fight, the village of Windmill is hardly spared. If it is not good, the whole village of Windmill may be destroyed directly.

So Garp finally decided not to start.

"Lieutenant General Garp, what shall we do now?"

At this time.

Several Marines walked out of the warship and looked at Garp nervously.

After this incident, they can also see that an incredible figure has appeared in this sea.

Facing a strong person like Garp at a young age, they are equally divided. They are placed in other sea areas, and even places where monsters like New World push and push, it is estimated that they are extremely terrible.

If this kind of existence is left unchecked, it will inevitably become a major concern for Marine in the future.

"Contact me Sengoku!"

Garp is short and horrified, without the hippie smile of the past.

When he said this sentence, his tone was extremely calm.


Upon hearing this, a Marine hurriedly took out a phone bug to contact Sengoku.



The phone worm turned into Sengoku's appearance, wearing glasses, and his expression was majestic, not angry and majestic.

"What's the matter, Garp!"

"Sengoku, I just met an incredible guy, this guy may have the qualifications comparable to those of Whitebeard Roger!"

The words came out.

Sengoku at Marine headquarters put down the files in his hand and solemnly said, "What did you meet Garp!"

Comparable to Roger and Whitebeard's qualifications?

This is a terrible thing. You must know that these two days have run through two eras, and they are all outstanding in the era, which makes them feel a headache.

If one appears, it is even more serious.

"A kid named Ye Chen is very strong, even I didn't take him down!"

Speaking of this, Garp paused for a while, his expression solemn: "And when fighting, I can feel it, this guy didn't do his best, and he was hiding something!"

"Of course I didn't try my best, but even so I can't help him, and this guy has a companion called Galio, who is extremely huge, like an island!"

Hearing these words, Sengoku was stunned.

A pirate who has never heard of a name?

Even Garp can't even win it!

This is incredible.

And he could hear Garp's tone, not the usual hippie smile, but extremely serious, obviously Garp was serious.

"Garp, if Admiral is dispatched, is there a chance to take this guy?"

"There is a possibility. I haven't seen him use Haki. Maybe not. If those guys do it, maybe they can get it!"

'But if this guy can Armament Haki, it's hard to say! '

"I understand, you pass the information to me, and I will give this guy a reward order again!"


The two chatted for a while, and then each hung up.

at this time.

Marine headquarters.

Marshal's office.

Sengoku put down the things in his hands, his eyes flickered, and said in a low voice: 'Even the old guy Garp is so careful, where did this guy named Ye Chen come out! '

No one like Garp won.

It is enough to illustrate the strength of Ye Chen.

It's just that Sengoku can't figure it out.

Ye Chen is so strong, why is there no news before?

What exactly is this for?

Sengoku took a deep breath and whispered: 'I can only wait for the information from Garp to come, and then let the intelligence department guess. Maybe he will know his depth by then! '

After speaking.

Sengoku continues his work. .