
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-April 2, 2061/ 1:22 PM/ Current location: Demon King's forest-)

Muto scoured the umbral forest of the Demon King's territory. After the ordeal that he went through regarding the Hunters, he is no longer at his hungry state. Muto found their supplies and ate half of it.

Muto saw in the distance, Goblins totaling 15, cornering a young person lying down by the tree.

His body is full of wounds and his sword is broken in half.

The young man is panting and is on the brink of death while pointing his sword at them with the embers of strength he has left.

[Muto: Hey! Are you okay?]

He waves to the young man in tattered clothes. The Goblins turn around with their shivs laced with fecal matter.

(W/N: Fun fact: Fecal matter or Shit can be used as a poison. Isn't that a weird way to die?)

[Young man: Why Are You Here!? Run!]

Muto rejected his order. The Goblins came running at him while yelling in their incomprehensible language.

Muto casts his magic.

[Muto: {Gladiis Occiderunt}]

Blades made of dark elements came flying out of Muto's back. It pierced the chest, head, eyes, etc. As blood gushes out of the goblins, The young man is filled with relief.

[Young man: I'm saved?]

[Muto: Do you not want to be saved?]

[Young man: I want to but I'm already at my limit. I'm dying anyway.]

The young man made a request from Muto.

A dead man's request.

[Young man: Can you carry me to a hill near the village?]

[Muto: Just why? I'm curious.]

[Young man: It's a place overlooking the whole village. I want to die while looking at it from the horizon.]

[Muto: Where is this hill located?]

[Young man: Just outside this forest.]

Muto carries him back as fast as he could with the magic he obtained from the fragment. In just 4 minutes, they reached the hill that the young man talked about.

Muto carefully places him down. The young man lies down on the ground and his eyes see the sky.

[Young man: Can you turn my head towards the village please.]

Muto did as he was told by the young man.

[Young man: My name is Rance.]

[Muto: Huh.]

The young man told his name without notice, getting Muto caught off guard.

[Young man: My name is Rance Samar. What's yours?]

[Muto: Muto Hargreaves. A demon.]

[Young man: I see. Thank you for bringing me to this place. Once my soul left this planet, take whatever you need from my dead body.]

Tears ran down his eyes. Not by regret but fulfillment. Muto holds his hands to comfort him.

His spirit left the world. the flame of light that dwelled inside Rance twinkled into sparks. It reached its end, the light fades out and turns to smoke.

[Muto: Even though it felt like we knew each other, you would have survived if I saw you much earlier.]

Muto closed Rance's open eyes.

He asks the Archaic sword.

[Muto: Is there a way to save him? Any at all?]

[Evangel: I have no such power but I can take his.]

[Muto: Take? How?]

[Evangel: Stab him once and you'll be able to. Just add magic to your hand before doing it.]

Muto added Mana to his hands. A dark blade made from his Magical energy spews out of the top.

[Muto: I stab him with this right?]

[Evangel: Correct.]

He stabs his chest with ease. The blade shaped hands gilded inside his body while trying to take his power.

[Evangel: Congratulations. You've taken the power of healing.]

[Muto: Great.]

He stands up, grabs his coat and leaves his body facing the village.

It would be a bad sign if his money was taken. People would assume that I killed him.


(-April 2, 2061/ 9:01 PM/ Current location: Vanidicus Industry's prison cell-)

[Alice: So, had enough Videns?]

The Soldier stops torturing a man with long dark hair, black eyes, and an old complexion. The man wearing his suit with suspenders is now dripping down blood with a little bit of saliva.

Videns asked Alice weakly.

[Videns: Just why are you doing this? Is it because I have the information about the prototype you're planning to use?]

[Alice: No. I am asking you where the rest of the Archaic sword is?]

Videns laughs.

He thought that it was something serious but instead it was something so simple.

[Videns: HAHAHAHAHA! That's what it's about huh?]

[Alice: I'm trying to gain as much power as possible but there are people trying to prevent it.]

[Videns: Is that how much you care for him?]

Alice explains while her right hand is in her pocket.

[Alice: He's the one who saved me. He is the only one who cared for me when others didn't. We talked a lot, shared our goals, and made peace with our demons.]

[Videns: I see.]

[Alice: Are you still not gonna talk?]

[Videns: Nope. This is for your own good.]

[Alice: Alright then.]

Alice screams to the soldiers.

[Alice: Kill him.]

Alice leaves the room and goes to her office.

The soldiers readied their weapons. They point the barrel to his head. He made an unusual request before they ended his life.

[Videns: Can you play a song for me before you shoot that on my head?]

The Soldiers are an understanding bunch. So they thought they understood why he's asking.

[Soldier: Sure. What song?]

[Videns: My phone is in my pocket. It doesn't have a lock. Just press shuffle on it.]

The soldier pulls out the phone from his pocket. As he said the phone does not have a lock. He then presses shuffle on the music selections.

Pumped up kicks start playing.

The whole facility rumbles, causing the lights to flicker.

Videns disappeared and the room that was filled with soldiers was killed without any of them screaming in pain. Their throat sliced and their brains sliced out of the skull.

The siren breaks out and the whole facility goes dark.

He killed everything that was in his path.

Videns seemed bored while killing them. He doesn't have the intent but if he didn't, it would be a hassle if more soldiers came blocking his way.

(-40 minutes later-)

(-9:41 PM-)

The ceilings are painted with blood. Rooms are either destroyed or full of corpses. Hallways filled with nothing but bones. It is truly a God of death's work. Videns' suit is stained with their blood, and Strings everywhere. The soldiers stopped pursuing him and the place was nearly destroyed.

Videns enters her office with his gun pointed at her. Alice does not move and continues to sit eerily still.

[Videns: End of the line Alice. What are you gonna do now?]

[Alice: This.]

Alice throws a card to Videns.

He catches it casually and without effort. Videns brought out his phone and made a call.

[Videns: My services and target are expunged. I now have a new employer.]

[Man on the phone: But my mo-]

Videns hangs up the phone mid-sentence.

[Videns: What now Boss?]

[Alice: Just wait for my orders.]