
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

The first connection

(-April 2, 2061/ 12:40 PM/ Current location: University's exclusive arena-)

Raiden could not believe what he saw. He was stunned to see his enemy protecting him. The wall that stood before them shielded them from the attack.

[Mordred: Stand Up! You can't do anything if you sit around like a lunatic.]

[Raiden: Say That To My Face Coward!]

[Mordred: I'm Busy Protecting You Dumbass!]

[Raiden: I Don't Need Your Protection!]

[Mordred: Then Get Out Of The Way!]

Mordred is gradually losing a contest of strength. Raiden responded and moved out of the way to the right side for him to act accordingly.

He maneuvers its hand to slide on the left side of the Arena. The gauntlet fades to white and evaporates into Magical energy.

[Raiden: Where did you get that giant gauntlet?]

[Mordred: I made it with my Forge Master's glove.]

Raiden is left stupefied by what he said.

[Raiden: Doesn't the Forge Master's glove snatch a lot of mana just to create one weapon? Wouldn't you need a magic stone for that?]

[Mordred: I have a Magic core attached to the gauntlet so don't worry about it.]

Not entirely true. I used my own Mana to create a large weapon. I'm surprised, I didn't know that when you pour too much Magical energy into the glove, it will increase the size and weight of the weapon.

The Iron Golem attacks again. This time it used both of its hands to attack.

They evade as swiftly as they could to avoid it. The golem made another concave mark on the ground. One hit could kill both of them if they're not careful.

Mordred and Raiden run around the Arena to confuse the Golem for a short while.

Slashing attacks and blunt attacks won't work so the only way I could damage him is to pierce it.

I need a lot of speed and lure it to the desired position.

[Mordred: Raiden!]

[Raiden: What?]

[Mordred: Let's cooperate. I only need you to do two things.]

[Raiden: What am I supposed to do then?]

[Mordred: Push me up the sky with the strongest magic spell you have and lure it into the Center of the arena!]]

[Raiden: Wouldn't my magic kill you?]

[Mordred: I'll use my gauntlet as a shield so Just Trust Me On This!]

Mordred rushes towards Raiden with his right hand projecting his Magic-made Gauntlet while Raiden focuses half of his Magical energy to his Magic spell.

The air around them begins to collect itself on to a single concentrated point that is his palms.

[Raiden: Get Ready!]

Mordred covers himself by using the gauntlet as a shield to disperse the damage. Mordred crashes himself towards the collected storm

[Raiden: {Lacrumans Obtestatur Spiralis!}]

A spinning Vortex of wind impacts Mordred's gauntlet. The Magic spell caused damage to the ground and to himself. With a little help of reforming the shape of his gauntlet, he is able to redirect his direction up into the air instead of the ground.

The golem loses sight of Mordred and looks above. It seems it's more interested in him than going rampant all over the school.

Raiden screams at Mordred who is flying upwards.

[Raiden: You Better Not Bail On Me!]

I have to do my part then. This may take up about half of my Magical energy, my chances of survival against this golem will increase but I won't be able to move for a while.

It's all for nothing then.

[Raiden: {Tempastes Lorica}]

The magic spell coated his whole body with a Tier 3 defense and movement enhancement. This Spell increases his speed and defense for only 5 minutes. The downside is, he can't use other magic spells while the enhancement is active.

[Raiden: Hey!]

He screams at the golem.

As if that works against a Nature-made Bio-Automaton.

[Raiden: Listen here you little shit.]

Ironic insult. The Golem stood with a height of an average size giant by 40 ft while his height is about 5.8 ft tall.

Raiden jumps as the same as it's height then strikes the golem's head.

It did not suffice.

He made the golem wobble a bit before regaining its balance. It's attention quickly changed to Raiden.

[Raiden: That's right. Look at me, not him.]

The Golem became furious.

Raiden moves to the center of the arena. The golem followed him to the desired location. Suddenly and without warning, the golem's arm is placed onto the ground and sweeps the place in a circular motion.

The Magic enhancement help Raiden dodge the attack by hopping again. He was on his head, standing on top of it like a platform.

Raiden stomps the golem's cranium to make it more focused on him. But it's hard material defended it from causing it.

He abandons on attacking the golem and focuses on distracting it. Raiden jumps down and scrambles around the arena.

Raiden begins to hover from the ground but not enough for flight. His speed confused the golem and started attacking randomly.

The golem is unlucky and did not hit him even once. Raiden tasks are complete. It's at the center and Mordred is about to pierce at the speed comparable to a falling meteor.

[Raiden: This thing has a mind of a child so it's not artificially created then?]

Raiden stops moving then stood at one of the pillars with a smirk on his face while waving and saying these few words in a childish tone.

[Raiden: Bye-Bye.]

A Giant Guillotine blade shapen to pierce falls from the sky with Mordred above it.

As expected, it pierced the head of the golem.


It's still moving.

The golem wriggles like a glitch. Acting on instinct instead of logic. It's Hopeless and doesn't know how to act according to the situation.

If this continues it will break out of the arena and rampage into the city.

[Mordred: Fuck! It's Still Alive After That!]

A sound of a glass being breached can be heard at the Headmaster's balcony. A woman running with a speed comparable to an accelerating motorbike.

She shaped her hand like a spear and drove it into the Guillotine. Anna's hands are buried to the blade and bleeding. While the hand is in place, she casts her magic spell.

[Anna: {Appone Fulmen!}]

An abundance of lightning came out of her hands. It spreads throughout the guillotine blade and electrocutes the golem's mind, causing it to lose its life.

It stopped moving but at what cost?

She falls down with an unconscious mind. The Magic spell used up all of her Magical energy inside her body.

Mordred jumps down to catch her. The Giant Guillotine blade fades away and turns into Magical residue. He catches her successfully. His mind is full of questions to "Why she did it?" but one thing is for sure.

She killed the Iron golem.