
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-March 1, 2061/ 1:55 PM/ Current location: Library chambers-)

Charles's magic spell tore off Vicar's right leg.

He screams in agony and pain. Vicar's legs bleed out blood like a flood during a storm.

Yet he still laughs.

[Vicar: I told you. You won't get anything out of me.]

[Charles: Do you really plan to live?]

[Vicar: I always wanted to die but this curse won't let me.]

[Charles: If that's the case.]

The Gyrate that appeared on Charles's wrist vanishes into thin air.

Charles turns around and walks up the stairs.

[Vicar: Is that it? You sure you don't want to go any further?]

He turns his head to Vicar.

[Charles: I don't want to continue doing this any further if nothing won't come out of you.]

[Vicar: Wise choice.]

Charles leaves the chamber and closes the shelf. He then goes to his office, sits down, and lets out a sigh of tiredness.

He opens his laptop and observes Mordred and John training on the training grounds and seeing them through the CCTV camera. This calms his mind and anger, content with what he saw. He remembers his days as a normal student, living the average life.

[Charles: Such great times have passed and I still regret my choices.]

He then realizes that Anastasia isn't teaching Mordred but John instead. Charles turns his phone on and calls her.

(-At a bar below Magna Curvae-)

(-1:55 PM/ Current location: Magna's bar and grill-)

Anastasia is half-drunk and laughing with Glacies. Just as the man from the bar is about to criticize the Chinese tyrannical society.

Her phone rings from her pocket.

She answers.

[Anastasia: Who art thou?]

The sound from the phone heightens and deafens her ears.

[Charles: It's me, Charles! Where are you? Weren't you supposed to be teaching him?]

Anastasia answers while her mouth is full of grilled pork.

[Anastasia: I am having the greatest timeth of my life with my favorite sibling. Thou shalt not disturb.]

Once Anastasia starts speaking Archaic language, it indicates that she is drunk and beyond repair until sober.

[Charles: You're drunk aren't you? Just come back when you're sober.]

[Anastasia: I shall doth thee toldeth.]

(- At Charles office-)

He looks back at the laptop screen to find that the two are nowhere to be seen by the camera. Charles then changes to another camera of the mansion and unsuccessfully finds them to no avail.

[Charles: Where did those two go?]


(-2:05 PM/ Current location: The Market street of Trauzagaien-)

Mordred and John went out of the Mansion to experience the life of a citizen in Trauzagaien.

[Mordred: Oh my God!]

What he saw was a beautiful place full of food stands, accessories vendors, high-quality vegetables and fruits as well as a statue honoring the first King of the Sky City.

Mordred smelled the scent of beefy fried burgers.

He was led down and bewitched by what he will soon taste.

John sees Mordred drooling all over his chin.

[John: You want some Trauzagaien burgers?]

He turns his head with excitement.

[Mordred: Is it really ok?]

[John: Don't worry, we're here to have fun after all.]

John calls the seller.

[John: Two large burgers please.]

The seller prepared the delectable food that John asks for. Modred is staring at it while he is preparing it.

[John: You never had this kind of food before?]

[Mordred: Burgers are my favorite food. After saving up enough money to buy one at the local shop in Impala village, I would immediately buy and savor it.]

The seller gave them the two burgers they ordered.

[Vendor: That would be two dollars.]

[Mordred: What!?]

He was shocked and overjoyed by the price.

[Mordred: The burgers cost only 2 dollars?]

[Vendor: You're new here aren't you?]

[Mordred: I am. I was taken here yesterday.]

[Vendor: Let me tell you. Living here is a blessing. The vegetables are high quality and low priced and the meat here is highly nutritious. The reason why the food here costs less is because we also sell them from below. Like export and import.]

[Mordred: That's amazing.]

[Vendor: I know right?]

As he said while smiling like a proud grandfather.

In the far distance, a feminine scream could be heard by everyone close to it.

[Mordred: Did you hear that?]

[John: Hear what?]

Mordred's senses became somewhat superhuman after the incident relating to the Maddened wolf.

He runs to the sound of where it came from and drops his burger.

John follows him and catches the fallen burger.

Mordred jumps to see what has transpired. What happened was not much but the lady's necklace has been stolen.

He drops from the tall height and resumes running.

Mordred reaches the woman who lost bodily functions temporarily.

[Mordred: Are you okay? You aren't injured in any way have you?]

Mordred complexion suddenly changed from worry to stunned.

The beautiful ash brown hair, the baby-like face, and the body of a trained martial artist.

It was his closest friend Anna.

[Mordred: Wait! Why are you here?]

[Anna: My necklace!]

As she said weakly.

[Mordred: Ah.]

Mordred ran again to catch the thief. He sees him running with the necklace in his hands.

He ran as quickly as he could.

The sea of people deters him from recognizing the thief properly. To efficiently detect the thief, he could do what John did.

He used "Flash step" up to the wall and into another one, remaining his foothold and height to properly observe the crowd.

Mordred notices the man running with the stolen necklace.

He halts his movements and lands behind him.

Mordred then hits him in the head, causing the thief to fall down and get knocked out cold to the floor.

[Mordred: What a pushover. Goblins are more crafty than that.]

John walks up to Mordred who followed him without him noticing.

He sees the thief with an engraved taser sitting on the thief's waist.

[John: I didn't expect you to master it just by observing me.]

[Mordred: It just means I have a good teacher.]

He yanks the necklace out of the thief's hands.

Mordred remembers Anna was left lying down on the road.

[Mordred: Almost forgot.]

He walks back to see that she regained function and control over her body.

She sits down crossed legged.

[Mordred: What happened?]

[Anna: I was zapped by something on my back. It hurts a lot though.]

John answered.

[John: You were tazed by an engraved weapon with a paralysis spell added on to it.]

[Mordred: Really? I thought those weapons were rare.]

[John: Yeah but not in this place.]

Mordred presents his hand to Anna.

[Mordred: It's nice to meet you again Anna.]

Anna held it tight as if it's going to disappear again.