
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-March 1, 2061/ 1:35 PM/ Current location: Mansion Library-)

Charles was listening earnestly to what she said.

[Anastasia: The Gospels are beings born from certain places where they are at their strongest. Right now, the Gospels have been very silent and rarely appear out of their habitats.]

[Charles: How are they connected to Adam when they only appear once every lifetime.]

[Anastasia: They are his disciples. He taught them everything about magic. The Gospel of Light is much more powerful when there is daylight and at her weakest when It's midnight. ]

[Charles: What do you want me to do then?]

[Anastasia: Convince them.]

[Charles: That's impossible. Even he couldn't convince them.]

Anastasia answered mockingly.

[Anastasia: Just because you're not him does not mean you are unable to. You are what you are, don't act like him.]

[Charles: Sorry about that. Guess I haven't grown despite my age.]

Charles asks a question.

[Charles: Don't you have a student to teach?]

[Anastasia: Oh, I forgot.]

Anastasia places her book back at her magic storage and leaves the library.

Charles waited for a few minutes until her footsteps couldn't be heard. He then stands up and pulls a book like it's a lever.

The bookcase slid open, revealing a staircase leading down.

He steps down to do what he needs to do the most.

A chamber containing a single person asleep, tied up with chains and his palms dripping with blood because of it being pierced to the wall.

Charles orders him.

[Charles: Wake up, You're not dead.]

He wakes up and opens his drowsy eyes.

[????: I was sleeping. What do you want?]

[Charles: I want to know where It is.]

The figure pinned down to the wall smiles with his teeth out.

[????: The great and honorable King Charles finally lowers himself to ask a criminal a question. Very brave indeed. You don't want to make the same mistake do ya?]

[Charles: Answer my question, Vicar.]

[Vicar: You'll never get a word out of me. Even if you use an Origin spell, My curse will erase my memories to prevent it.]

Charles opens his palms to prepare his magic spell.

[Charles: I'm not asking. If Origin spell doesn't work then torture will.]

The room was filled with a bright red light and his wrist projecting a Gyrate.


(-1:41 PM/ Current location: Training grounds-)

Anastasia sees John teaching her student about the anatomy of every species.

She lets out a breath of rest.

Seems like I have some free time.

Anastasia walks to the front door of the mansion and leaves. She then cast a magic spell.

[Anastasia: {Magia Ostium}]

A portal opened, connecting to another part of the world.

She left the door open when she entered a tear through space and time.


(-1:45 PM/ Current location: Magna Curvae mountain top-)

Magna Curvae is the highest mountain and also the coldest with temperatures. Going low as -0.

This place is where the Gospel of the cold resides.

Anastasia cast a magic spell to keep her body warm.

[Anastasia:{Ignis Lorica}]

Anastasia looks around to find her.

She found a woman wearing a fur coat with eyes that will make you shiver down to the spine, sitting down on a cliff while looking straight up to the clouds.

Anastasia waved her hands to an old friend

[Anastasia: How's my favorite Gospel doing?]

The woman stood up, ran with glee, and a hint of tears on the side of her eyes. Despite her cold magic, her heart is very warm to others.

[????: Anastasia!]

The woman screamed.

As she ran towards her, her aura of goodwill turned into a nightmare.

In one moment, the woman closed the distance with inhumane speed and pinched Anastasia's cheeks. The snow bounced in accordance with the heavy steps she made trying to get near her as fast as possible.

[????: Why Did You Leave Without Saying Anything!?]

[Anastasia: Sorry, Sorry! I was too preoccupied with my job. How are you doing Glacies?]

Glacies stops pinching her cheeks.

[Glacies: I'm doing fine even without someone to talk to.]

[Anastasia: You can't blame them. Glacies, you're the only one with absolute resistance to the cold so they would avoid being in this place to prevent themselves from freezing to death.]

Glacies asks a question.

[Glacies: Before we could enjoy ourselves, why are you here?]

[Anastasia: The awakening of Adam is nigh and we cannot stop it. I want you and the other Gospels to test my student if he seeks power.]

She rests her head on Anastasia's shoulder.

[Glacies: You're going to leave me again.]

Glacies eyes' tears up and flow down like a waterfall. Anastasia gently pats her head.

[Anastasia: There, there. I'm sorry again. This world just means a lot to me and I don't want it to be destroyed.]

[Glacies: You're always like this. Leaving me behind without any explanation. Just why?]

[Anastasia: We have our circumstances. There are times when we cannot spend our time the way we want to unless we're fortunate enough. Change is nature and you should change too.]

[Glacies: It doesn't need to be you.]

[Anastasia: If not then who will?]


(-1:47 PM/ Current location: Vanidicus Industries military camp-)

Alice looks over the thousands of men training to become soldiers. Each of them is highly skilled and superb in teamwork and only a small battalion of 300 soldiers can handle 100k soldiers on the battlefield.

The man holding a piece of paper is stating the progression of their training.

[The man: Lady Alice, the growth of the newly recruited soldiers is exceeding the expected amount. We had to re-do our calculations and preparation for their exoskeleton suits.]

[Alice: Good. How about that?]

[The man: Ah, yes. My scientists and engineers are having a bit of trouble when making what you requested. A 690 km² radius is too oversized for our prototype. It isn't meant for large scale projects and the best it could do is 3 km when it's overclocked.]

[Alice: It doesn't matter. I will provide the funding and manpower you need. Make the prototype exceed it's 3 km limit. We have to make it possible for the glory of our country.]

The man's heart grew and his motivation was strengthened.

While Alice does not give a damn about the health of her men.