
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

A time after the war

(-April 7, 2061/ 8:50 AM/ Current location: The Pocket dimension-)

Dark and empty. Only a tame, clear sea is under them.

The road of progress ends here. Alice is in a corner that she cannot run away from. What lies before her is an evolutionary anomaly.

Constantly changing and adapting to accomplish a single goal.

Mordred's exterior is crumbling away, the souls inside him are screaming.

Desperately demanding her death.

Mordred wishes for it as well.

[Alice: What is this?]

His body is crumbling. He can be defeated. Without that armor, he may be vulnerable to some degree. He Has To Be! (Alice)

Mordred slowly approaches her. Walking like someone is in his territory.

Reevaluating her chances against what she more than bargained for. Something vibrated under her feet. She looked down and saw the horrors that she made.

Preaching and raging for her death.

[Alice: Damn, I did this?... this is-]

[Mordred: Horrible?]

[Alice: Interesting. Rather than being horrified, I see this as an interesting result. I guess I added too much combat data and became somewhat sentient.]

[Mordred: So you sent children to their deaths?]

[Alice: More or less.]

[Mordred: All the more reason to kill you myself.]

Back on topic now. The spell {Hephaestus} may still be used in this space as well as the strange spell that made me switch places with him. I just need a decisive blow. Through the neck specifically. (Alice)

She positions herself. Similar to a form that the East uses to eliminate charging enemies with blinding speed.

They call it "Iai Jutsu" or "Draw stance" in english.

Alice does not have a blade to hold but her hand will be worth the sacrifice.

Her knees bent down, her right hand on her left and finally, her right hand pushing in "Qi" to enhance it's speed and explosive power. Lightning overflowed and her drawing hand was shaking.

The dark lit world that she stands on is illuminated by a blue colored ray.

There was a theory after Qi was first discovered.

"Qi '' stems from emotions and mental tolerance. Words draw out meaning and intent. That is the reason why "Qi '' follows what they are invoked to be performed.

As she drew her hand, a white light echoed through the world.

[Alice: {Tengoku No Bunrentsu!}]

With one quick swipe, a miracle happened.


(-January 4th, 2044/ 1:07 AM/ Current location: The Tomb of Legendaries-)

"The Tomb of Legendaries"

A place where the most feared and revered, Villains and Heroes, Gods and Mortals rest for all eternity as souls that cannot possess nor leave. It is the greatest curse where the known is taken away.

Out of all the Gods, Heroes, Villains, and Lords that he could meet, one stood out to him among others.

The one who blighted the roots of the World Tree and is one of the causes of Ragnarok.

[Nidhogg: The 3 years of War has already passed and you still desire more? Do you really intend to do this? You still have your sanity and you're trading it for an Eternal Frame?]

[Videns: Come on now. I don't want to fall easily like last time. You know that I lost my "Divinity" because of the war. My title as the "Sword Saint" is gonna disappear anyway.]

[Nidhogg: That's the worst reason to tribute your sanity. An "Eternal Frame" doesn't mean, "Eternal Life". You already made it to the history books even if you do even more to this new world. "The Dawn of 41st", "The Dusk of 42nd", and "The Twilight of 43rd". During those wars, you are the Loki of it.]

[Videns: I won't deny that. I became a Villain and lost to my former comrades and my brother as well. Lost my "Divinity" and cursed to be unable to attain it again.]

[Nidhogg: If I remember. Holy magic's main focus is to remove Magical phenomena in certain applications like curses and Attack spells.]

[Videns: Dark magic is to enhance, recreate those spells based on the user's intents and emotions or use it as a medium to recreate events that occured from the past. I used to be invincible due to Divinity. But that weapon...]

[Nidhogg: What weapon?]

[Videns: "The Archaic sword".]

Nidhogg is struck with a memory. The weapon that he saw from the Archives when he was still biting from the roots of the World tree.

The Dragon spoke in haste. Curiosity overwhelmed him.

[Nidhogg: How is he in possession of it? Didn't he use the Rapier, "Poison Dragon" before?]

[Videns: First off, it was given to him after a lengthy talk with Tubal Cain and secondly, His sword, "Poison Dragon" is in my bag.]

Nidhogg exclaimed.

[Nidhogg: HOW!?]

Videns pulls out the sword and presents it to Nidhogg.

[Videns: It was a will that he wrote himself, stating that the "Poison Dragon" will be given to me. John gave it to me with scornful eyes. He hates me down to the roots of his soul. But it's his will so they can't complain about it.]

(W/N: "Poison Dragon". As the name suggests, it's a 1 hit kill weapon made by Tubal Cain, The Mythical Blacksmith of Eden. It has two functions. 1st is the incurable poison. It is near impossible to remove. Even if you did, the lasting effects will be the one killing the affected. 2nd is the "Mana Stockpiling", or in another term "Mana Nuke ''. Depending on what quality and amount of mana is stored, it is reflected by the devastation it rewards. This function has no limit. The only limit is the user's own Mana pool.)

[Nidhogg: Considering what you did, I wouldn't be surprised.]

[Videns: It's not like we're any different.]

As days went on, the two conversed like they met again after 5 years. Turns out it was. All the stories and achievements of Videns that Nidhogg didn't know about are now being told through bonding and alcohol.

After the War, Videns took back the parts of his body that were scattered all over the world after the last battle. One by one each day, Videns reclaimed parts of his body. After he brought all of it back, He realized that he could not bleed nor even make his heart beat.

It is deprived of Divinity and it is locked in stasis. The cause was his excursions through the "Cataclysm belt" which used to be the "Asteroid belt".

Videns is cursed with a stagnant body. Unchanging no matter what training, elixirs he drinks or even illegal alchemic reformation he does to his body. It's useless no matter how hard he tries.

So the Poisoner of the World roots gave him a gift.

[Nidhogg: As a fellow friend and former teacher, I am concerned. If he did curse your body into eternal stasis then what I will give you will Definitely be your strongest yet.]

[Videns: What is it?]

[Nidhogg: "Herrschmagius". The power to Personify elements.]

Videns spat his alcohol that was in his mouth.

[Videns: I think I drank too much. Could you repeat that again?]

[Nidhogg: Eternal frame exchanged for sanity, A body locked in stasis and finally, "The Poison Dragon". It's more than enough.]

[Videns: Taking in a Spirit Vassal means that you entrust your life for mine. My death will also result in your death.]

[Nidhogg: I have considered it and I have concluded that as a concerned friend, this will be the last bastion of your growth.]

Videns scratches his head. He looked at him sharply, Nidhogg was not wavering. His paw is open for him to take.

And he took it regardless of its risks.

[Videns: Well ain't this.....


(-Present day-)

(-April 7, 2061/ 8:51 AM/ Current location: Trauzagaien University-)

... Just a fat dump of goodwill.]