
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Muto's journey

(-April 3, 2061/ 7:12 AM/ Current location: Demon lord's forrest-)

He went back to the Demon king's forest to hunt more monsters. What Muto found out about his new body is that he can absorb Magic core from the Monsters he faces. The more pure and rare the monster's core is, the stronger and more powerful his magic spells become.

He went very deep into the forest to hunt more monsters. Muto hasn't bathed yet but this didn't stop him.

Muto finds a group of Kobolds roaming around, claiming territory.

He climbs up the tree to get a better look.

[Muto: This looks like a good meal. These things pack a 23% pure magic core.]

Purity is one of the first things an appraiser looks at in the magic core of a monster. Purity is one of the defining parts of a monster, it helps them to use certain magic from their respective races.

[Muto: Let's have some fun shall we Evangel.]

[Evangel: Of course Master.]

A rain of dark blades drops down from the sky. It immobilized everything in its vicinity

It consumed everything it touched.

Trees, grass, water, even the air around them.

[Muto: This is new. When did my Spellswords get this kind of effect?]

[Evangel: It seems that our connection has become stronger.]

[Muto: When did that happen?]

[Evangel: Continued use of magic spells can make our connection stronger. Like practice or tolerance.]

[Muto: What's the limit of the corruption effect?]

[Evangel: When your magic erases matter instead of corrupting it.]

[Muto: I better get started.]

As they Observe the Kobolds groaning in pain and their magic cores dropping off their bodies, Muto smiles so vividly. A face that shows the satisfaction he receives from the pain of others.

[Muto: What else is new?]

[Evangel: You can absorb the Mana inside the Magic cores to appease your hunger or use it to heal your body.]

[Muto: Nice.]

Muto jumps down from the tree and into the melted corpses of monsters. He begins to collect the magic cores that were covered in decayed, rotten flesh.

On the tip of his ears, he hears the sound of the ground being pounded. As it moves closer to Muto, the sound becomes more intense and the pebbles commence to bounce.

He looked back and saw an abomination. An abnormality of the forest under the shades.

[Muto: What the hell is that?]

It's an Alpha Gorilla. It's so full of corruption that it is seething out of it.

The Gorilla opened its mouth and a large concentration of magic blasted out of it. The blast made a hole on the rock beside Muto. The attack missed and caught him off guard.

[Evangel: Be careful. That attack can kill you in an instant.]

[Muto: No shit Evangel.]

If it's this large and can use that kind of Racial magic spell then I can assume that its magic core is very high in quality and mana.

The Monster Gorilla is charging at Muto with the speed of a raging truck.

[Muto: {Erumpentium Tenebris Foliorum!}]

Dark blades erupted out of the ground and into the Raging Gorilla. As it sees the blades protruding out of the ground, the Gorilla jumps at a very tall height of 30 ft and lunges itself into Muto.

[Muto: Fuck it's agile.]

[Evangel: No shit Muto.]

[Muto: What did you just say?]

Muto jumps out of his range and into another tree. The Gorilla shoots out a ball of corrupted energy again.

He jumps out of the tree and into another one.

The tree that Muto left, lost it's life and burned with a violet color.

Muto sprouts his wings and begins to fly into the sky. He was unable to do this before due to his hunger and lack of Magical energy.

The corrupted Gorilla shoots out his magic to Muto who is in the sky. He dodges with ease because of the distance he is in.

[Evangel: What now Master?]

[Muto: I have a plan. It could possibly kill me so fuck it.]

Muto made a spellsword shaped like a jousting lance.

He pours large amounts of magical energy into his sword and wings. His wings glowed a bright violet light while his lance burned like blood.

He begins to dive down and into the Gorilla.

The Gorilla opened its mouth and blasted at him.

The ball of energy is different from before. It came at Muto like a stray cannon. As it was near his face, he faded into thin air. He then appeared to a farther end of the sky.

Muto evaded so quickly that the gorilla couldn't react to his speed.

The sky made a large hole, devoid of clouds.

The gorilla opened its mouth wider than before and spewed out a staggering amount of magical blasts.

[Evangel: Let me help.]

Muto's begins to be covered with High amounts of Corrupted energy.

One of the blasts hits him. It did not stop him. The ball of energy gets consumed before it can detonate. Another one came flying at him and got consumed again

Muto reaches his range. The Gorilla cannot act because of his slow reaction.

The lance pierces the stomach and flies with Muto.

Trees were pulled out of their roots, the birds flew out of their nests, and Monsters came running away from what was happening.

Muto's lance reaches the wall and impacts it with ravaging force. It created an enormous crater in the wall and blew away some parts of it.

The gorilla loses consciousness.

Muto's body, and wings, lose magical energy and his lance withers into thin air.

He takes a closer look to verify it's death.

While he was looking at the hole he made, something unpredictable and uncalled for happened.

His chest is impaled by fingers with sharp nails. It was the gorilla, smiling while doing so. He also smiles.

[Muto: Two Can Play At That Game!]

Muto with his hands pierces his heart and grabs his Magic core located at his heart. The Gorilla finally dies and it's nails slip out of his chest.

The wound it made is quickly healed without any mark left on it.

[Evangel: Congratulations. You obtained: Magic Bolt.]