
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Body and magic test

(-April 3, 2061/ 10:30 AM/ Current location: The University's gym-)

After a few minutes of talking and eating, we went into the gym. It was more of a research lab than what was previously mentioned. It does have training equipment but what stands out is the Mana capacity appraiser.

The gym has a giant crystal showing a person's skills and attributes. Well, I can't get out of this one.

Who and what I am will be revealed.

Anna goes up the podium and places her hand on the Magic slate. It displayed on the magic crystal her attributes, affinity, Mana capacity, and quality.

<Affinity: Martial Mage>

<Attribute: Lighting element>

<Mana capacity: 915>

<Mana quality: 87%>

Now this is.....plausible

I saw her fight numerous times with Anna only using her bare hands before. For the longest time, I rarely see her holding a weapon.

The other students were baffled about how the quality of her magic is so high.

She was a hunter first and student second so with practice and a little bit of talent, anyone can get it up that high.

Mana quality is a defining point for a mage. To give you an example: A tier 3 magic can overpower a tier 5 magic because of the quality of the mana.

[Teacher: Raiden, you're up next.]

Raiden goes up the podium and places his hand on the slate

<Affinity: Martial mage>

<Attribute: Wind element>

<Mana capacity: 1325>

<Mana quality: 78%>

He has more mana but the quality is lower than Anna's eh? Seems like he wasn't lying about being a Martial mage.

[Raiden: Mordred, It's your turn.]

I walk to the podium and place my hand on the slate. It displayed everything about me.

<Affinity: Boxer, Whitesmith>

<Attribute: Dark/Holy>

<Mana capacity: 9̷̢̛̻̻͇͇̞̪͉̻͚̬̬̗̐̋̾̾̇̑̃̈́̆̽͝͠͝9̴͈̰̤̪͚͉͙̍̆̓̀̋̃̊̋̓̚͝9̸̛̪̬̟͕̝̈́͌9̴̢̨̩̲̙͖͕̳̼̤̃̀̉̈́͑̓̄͛͠9̷̨̛͉̮͕̦̝͉̥̝̖̯̉̈́̏̔͗̎͆͒̃̆́̾́͑͠͠͝9̸̡̬̹̬̥͇̪͚̣̼̱̜͖͖̖̻̗̀̓́͒̉̃͗̾̋̍̚̕9̶̳̞̟̬̝̾͂̀̓9̶̻̗̺̜̹͆̀̈́͑̔͛̔̾̉͌́͗̎̅͋̄͜͝9̴̨̢̼̱̥̦̗̮̥̼̯͓̺̭̝̪̇̌9̶̠̘̞̝̙̝͍̅͗͑͊̃̽̑͆̍̚͜9̴̥͇̞͎̲̠̱̂͆9̴̬̟͙̣̗̀̌̓̀͑̄̊͑̈́͛̕̚͘͠͝9̷̡̨̜̲̗̳̼̪͓̘͈̥̖̬̄̾̊̔̇̐̑̓͛̽̒̊̌̕͘͜͜͝͠9̷̧͎̘͙̳͎̥̺̾̀͝͠9̴̡̯̹̗̫̣̪̦͉͍̙̘̣̃9̸̧̳͈͉̝̰͓͗͛̈́̊̈́̓̅̄͒9̴̢̢̨̛͍̞̰̖͕̞̥͕̫̬̗̯͍͒͆̇͌͆̽9̵̤͋̂9̸̢̡̢̬̺͖̹̰͚̣͉̏͜

<Mana quality: 1000000%>

The fuck am I seeing?

The Measuring crystal and slate broke into tiny little pieces.

Mana quality going over 100%? My mana capacity just broke the measuring tool. And why is it calling me a Whitesmith?

[Mordred: I think I've done something wrong.]

[Anna: What happened?]

[Raiden: He broke the measuring device.]

What a day it is. I had no choice anyway. If I didn't do the examination then people will find answers as to why he didn't do it.

Enough of me regretting it.

What is a Whitesmith?

A familiar feminine voice speaks to my mind.

[Evangel: A Whitesmith is a person who makes ranged weapons like guns, bows, or anything that can shoot a projectile.]

[Mordred: That's the role I have?]

[Evangel: Whitesmiths were extinct before that woman's book even existed.]

[Mordred: By "Book" you mean...]

[Evangel: Codex Gigas or The Devil's Bible. That sigil you have is the sigils of the Whitesmiths. There are none left and you revived the Whitesmith sigil.]

The Gigas Codex and the Whitesmith affinity.

Why is there so much information? Why couldn't things be simpler?

I walk down the podium. The teachers quickly replace the slate and the Measuring crystal. The other students were baffled and became distant to me.

But there are two people who didn't.

It looks like making connections is gonna be more problematic and awkward.


(-10:32 AM/ Current location: Charles's Mansion-)

Charles just went out of his room, dressed accordingly for his next crisis to solve. A suit and tie with his trademark cloak.

John walks into the room, formally dressed also, and wearing a ring.

[Charles: Be careful with that John.]

[John: What's in this anyway?]

[Charles: A teleportation spell script. It will teleport a part of my army so it's best not to twist it.]

[John: So that's how it works.]

Anastasia who is sitting in the room, reading her comically large book, asks.

[Anastasia: Where are you two going?]

[Charles: To pay them a visit.]

[Anastasia: Who?]

[Charles: The Elven County.]

[Anastasia: Want me to come with?]

[Charles: John himself is enough. He destroyed a battalion before and he still can.]

[Anastasia: Take care then.]

He and John leave the room.

Charles left a note on Mordred's bed.


(-3:15 PM/ Current location: Elven king's meeting room-)

Charles and John visited the Elven country to ease the tension or maybe even stop the senseless of both the Beastmen country and the Elven country.

If a war broke out between the two countries, neighboring villages, settlements, and other private properties may be caught by the tides of the war. And also something else.

Inside the meeting room lies The Elven King Sophos. Known for his technology and revolutionary magic spells he produced during his prime.

And what the last thing Charles expected to attend this meeting is The Beast King Raja Elleferam.

[Elven King Sophos: What business do you have with me? King of Trauzagaien.]

[Charles: I'm here to stop both of you from yourselves. Do you really think that this is a good move for your countries?]

[Beast King Raja: I do not have the slightest care over your opinion in this matter. We will wage war against each other no matter what the circumstances are.]

[Charles: Then.]

Charles stands up and slams his hand on the table.

[Charles: Instead of an all-out war. How about a competition? A battle royale consisting of 3 rounds. The loser takes it all. Money, Beastman or Elven rights, resources.]

[Elven King Sophos: Hmmmm.]

The Elven king strokes his beard while thinking of going to war or a simple battle royale.

The Beast King leans back while looking at the ceiling.

Seems like the two of them aren't eager to oppose a battle with less bloodshed and casualties. The Beast king and the Elven king are wise people so this result is expected.

But why start a war this late?

[Elven king Sophos: What are the rules? I want to confirm the safety of my people.]

[Charles: To begin with, The minimum amount of participants will need to be 100 to 150. The participants must wear a device that teleports them out of the battlefield when the damage she or he sustained is enough to stop him from performing any other actions. The ones who lost will be taken immediately to a hospital to treat them as quickly as possible.]

[Beast King Raja: What place is gonna be out battlefield?]

[Charles: It's a place where there are no people or other races to intervene. The place where our worlds merged with each other.]

[Elven King Sophos: You mean.]

[Charles: The Great Genesis crater.]