
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-Feb 28, 2061/ 3:30 PM/ Current location: Mansion office-)

Rage, hopelessness, confusion and every kind of bitterness clouded Mordred's mind

[Mordred: Even my origin is-]

[Charles: Let me finish.]

Charles cuts Mordred's sentence midway.

[Charles: You are a failed product of Vanidicus Industry's "Demi-human project."]

[Mordred: What did you say!?]

Mordred is not only filled with shock, but he is also somewhat filled with relief.

[Charles: The "Demi-human project" or "DH project" began after the Cataclysm. The project focuses on creating enhanced soldiers with magic as the prime material, using your father's blood, and other various species to make up for the loss of manpower as well as to create a new era of soldiers. But there is more to it than just establishing a new generation of soldiers.]

[Mordred: To evolve the human species right?]

[Charles: Correct. You are the first subject that successfully attained immortality but there's a problem.]

[Mordred: What is it?]

[Charles: You're unable to use magic. You even have vast spoils of Mana but you're incapable of tapping into it, plus that trait you have is an incomplete one. The trait that the Gospel of Darkness and your father have.]

Mordred's sights glinted in accordance with his discovery.

[Mordred: "Herrschermagius".]

(W/N: "Herrschermagius" in English means: "Magic Manifestor" in this world's language.)

[Charles: Precisely. "Herrschermagius" can turn the user's body into the magic he absorbed. Your father had to train himself and improve his body with magic to take the expense of turning himself into lightning.]

[Mordred: Is there a side effect when using this magic technique consecutively? It was never told in the "Chronicles of Mages and Sorcerers".]

[Charles: Do you know why the Gospel of Darkness is immortal?]

[Mordred: No sir.]

[Charles: Continued use of that magic technique can turn your body into pure magic. The Gospel of Darkness's body doesn't need anything like food, water, and nutrients. It just needed mana to function.]

[Mordred: That's what I am?]

[Charles: Yes, an immortal monster.]

I always knew that something was off with me.

Why I couldn't use magic.

And why others hate me.

People thought that because of my inadequacy of using magic is the reason why I was abandoned.

I thought so myself but now I know that

I was not abandoned.

Mordred raises another question

[Mordred: How did I end up in the orphanage?]

[Charles: That is what I would like to avoid talking about. Do you wish to continue?]

[Mordred: To learn about my past and my fate, I have to know.]

[Charles: Fine. Naturally, we had to stop them from memorizing the process of creating the immortality that you have. So I sent infiltrators to pull you out of that place. The mission was a success but you were nowhere to be found.]

The door opened behind them.

Mordred turned around and saw a blonde woman, half-dressed wearing only a polo shirt and panties.

Mordred immediately turns his head to prevent his erection and then he sees Charles, visibly agitated.

[Charles: How many times do I have to tell you to get ready? Anastasia.]

[Anastasia: You seem uptight, Harem protagonist. Oh wait, you're not.]

[Charles: Don't mock me! You never even hit it off with him back then.]

A tense and vibrant aura of anger is simmering out of Anastasia.

[Anastasia: Come on! People call you the "Harem protagonist" all the time despite the visible lack of women.]

Charles snaps and screams on top of his lungs.


A lengthy pause of awkwardness looms around the room.

[Anastasia: Sorry about that. Looks like I took it a little too far.]

[Mordred: Is he usually this traumatized?]

[Anastasia: The trauma of being called the "Harem protagonist" really stuck with him.]

[Mordred: You should have called him "Haremless Protagonist" then. Since he will always be a virgin.]

Mordred and Anastasia turn their heads to look at Charles.

He is facing down, frozen from time. Devoid of movement and hope.

[Mordred: Huh? Did I make it worse?]

[Anastasia: You sure did.]

Anastasia grabs my hand tightly.

[Anastasia: Come boy! We shall train before enrolling you in the Academy.]

Anastasia took me to the training grounds of the mansion.

It was like an arena.

very spacious and can fit hundreds of people

She took me to the center of the training grounds.

[Anastasia: Tell me, boy. What is the most important trait a warrior has?]

I have to choose carefully.

One wrong answer then I'm gonna get backlash.

I know because the look in her eyes is sinister.

[Mordred: Strength.]

[Anastasia: Wrong.]

Anastasia disappears from Mordred sights.

Her speed is faster than the maddened Wolf.

He is suddenly in front of Mordred.

Anastasia punches with overwhelming strength.

Mordred dodges with his whole body turning to the left.

The ground behind Mordred is crushed by mere wind and force.

[Anastasia: Nay boy, It is instinct.]

[Mordred: What?]

Mordred's lack of skill in dodging caused him to drop down.

Anastasia looks above him like a teacher to her students.

[Anastasia: You won't account much for just having strength. Instinct and skill are the most essential to fighting an opponent. Even the strongest of warriors cannot triumph over a man with nothing left to lose.]

[Mordred: I see. It seems that I am lacking what I need.]

Anastasia smiled.

[Anastasia: Incorrect!]

As she shouted with her dignified voice.

[Anastasia: That fist you dodged is the fastest that I could do without magic enhancements and you effortlessly avoided it. Be proud! Because you are special!]

Mordred's morale improved.

With his voice prouder than the rest.

[Mordred: Yes! Ms. Anastasia.]

[Anastasia: Don't call me that. Call me "Teacher".]