
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Battle royale

(-April 6, 2061/ 3:15 PM/ Current location: Elven king's meeting room-)

The Great Genesis crater.

A place where the Cataclysm erupted and split the world into two and replaced the other. Orbis Terrarum and Earth.

This is where they will fight to decide who is the superior race among them.

[Charles: But this wouldn't be fair. Only two of you get to decide who is the strongest race. How about all of the races join in on the competition of superiority.]

The Beast King and Elven King unanimously agree with a nod.

[Charles: Then in this category: Beastmen, Elves, Demons, Angels, Humans, Lycanthrope, and mixed.]

The lycanthrope race is a mix of Human and monster breeds.

They are a product of Humans mating with other monsters such as Dragons, Centaurs, and many more.

[Beast King Raja: What do you mean by mixed?]

[Charles: Mixed are races composed of more than just one race. It can be teamed up with Lycanthropes, and Humans. Even Beastman and Elves.]

[Elven King Sophos: So what you're saying is that if the mixed-race team win then all of the races are equal?]

[Charles: Yes. Meaning all of us are superior and willing to cast out prejudice and differences to accomplish a shared goal.]

[Beast King Raja: Alright then let's prepare. I believe the meeting decided that it's a battle royale instead of a war is it not?]

[Charles: You're correct. Just to inform you that the battle royale progression style will be bracket based.]

The Beast king leaves the room without bodyguards or escorts to help him.

I forgot about the date of when the battle royale will start. January would be a good month to start it.

[Charles: King Sophos. Please tell him that by January 1st is when the battle royale will commence.]

[Elven King Sophos: I'll keep that in mind.]

He leaves the room with John by his side.

King Sophos is the only one left inside.

Charles single handedly turned a senseless and meaningless war into a contest that involves all of the races that are willing to participate.

[John: Damn. You turned the war into a battle royale. Is it really about stopping them from involving other people.]

[Charles: Do you know what happens when someone dies? Their body's remaining Mana is consumed by Adam and their souls are trapped inside a Pocket dimension. This was his trait. The power to take from the dead.]

[John: I know. It will boost his mana capacity in a tremendous amount and once the planets align, he can destroy the world immediately.]

[Charles: The reason why Adam's world-ending magic didn't work is that he used Integrum Rasura. A magic spell that absorbs the mana from the magic spell and recreates it into a whole new different one.]

[John: I saw it all. He did it once and failed. Adam manipulated its direction and made it fly towards the Earth. Adam's world-ending spell became a transportation spell and transferred half of the world.]

[Charles: I don't know how it happened. After the world's half was replaced with Orbis Terrarum, he was possessed and became stuck on a meteor that revolves around the Earth.]

Charles sighs.

John looks around the place for assassins hiding from the Elven palace. Luckily, there is none.

[John: Seems like there are no assassins.]

[Charles: If they did then it's a breach of their moral code.]

[John: I get that but what's that thing doing in here?]

A large scorpion fell down the ceiling. Its tail went for Charles's chest. It missed and they both dodge to a safe distance. The Elven guards came in as soon as they heard the loud thud produced by the scorpion.

[Charles: It is a Corrupted scorpion.]

[John: Want me to kill it?]

[Charles: Let's check how good the guards fight against this Monsterfied scorpion.]

In only a span of 5 minutes, they killed the scorpion with tier 2 magic spells while using bows and spears. They were slow and hesitant to act, half of them were poisoned already. The Elven guards are often yelling at each other and blaming the weakest one while in combat.

[John: The Elven race is shit compared to ours. No teamwork and coordination, their experience is less to none and they often blame others.]

[Charles: This country is fucked.]


(-3:20 PM/ Current location: A road towards the Demon King's kingdom-)

The Demon king's kingdom.

Known for its ranking system as a representation of status. The higher your rank is, the more you are revered or feared. The lower your rank is, any higher rank demons will have their way no matter what.

The Kingdom's Guild is the fastest way to increase your rank since your contributions to the country are the deciding factor for the evaluation of your rank.

And our young revenger decided to join a Guild.

While walking towards the kingdom while dragging along a large corpse of a Corrupted Gorilla. The guards at the gate stopped from his tracks.

Muto's coat is full of dirt and blood from the ground and the Gorilla.

[Guard: Halt! Who are you and state your business.]

He answered.

[Muto: I am Muto Hargreaves. I need to sell this thing.]

[Guard: Let me see an ID please.]

Muto handed his card when he was a citizen of Outlaw city. The guard inspects it cleanly. He saw that his occupation did not match what he was carrying.

[Guard: A Gardener that haunted a Corrupted Gorilla? You must be joking.]

[Guard 2: You haven't heard? Outlaw city was destroyed a month ago. He must be a refugee.]

[Guard: Well then let's welcome him.]

The guards opened the gate. The wind inside the kingdom blew past him and flutters his hair.

He was greeted by a city full of Demons getting together, laughing, and having fun with each other. Muto became confused and weirded out by what he saw.

Muto goes inside the Kingdom.

He got distracted by the decorations and beauty of the city.

Muto asks an old lady, birdwatching from her balcony.

[Muto: Excuse me!]

[Old lady: Huh?]

The Old lady looked down from the balcony and saw Muto with his garments stained and carrying a Corrupted Gorilla.

[Old lady: Strong one aren't cha? Just go straight through and turn right. It's just beside the center where the Demon king's castle is.]

[Muto: Thank You!]

[Old lady: Don't mention it.]

Muto went ahead and went straight through. A lot of demons are looking at him with curiosity. The children are staring at him like an Idol.

He reached the Guild and went inside, Leaving the large corpse outside.

Muto walks to the receptionist.

Every hunter and non-hunters has their sights on him like a prey walking inside the nest.

His Garments and his looks made him an intimidating person.

Muto talks to the receptionist.

[Muto: Hello. I'd like to register as a hunter.]