
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs


(-11 years later-)

(-Mordred. Age: 15/ Feb, 27. 2061/ 2:11 PM /Current location: Orphanage-)

Thugs between the age of 15 to 18 are cornering a young orphan girl with blue eyes and black hair behind the Orphanage building.

[????: Come on. Don't be such a mood killer. Just give me that necklace you're wearing and we'll call it even.]

The young girl replied.

[????: No! This is what's left of my mother.]

The Thug reaches for her necklace.

The Young Orphan girl stood her ground.

[????: Don't touch her!]

A familiar voice can be heard behind their backs.

And behind them, you can see someone familiar.

He has grown significantly. His body more mature, his hair yellow as gold, his eyes bathed in blood and face turned dignified.

The Young girl screamed.

[????: Mordred!]

The thugs were alerted by the call of his name.

[Thug: Why are you here?]

[Mordred: Can't you see just by looking at it.]

The young girl's heart beats faster than ever before. As if she's waiting for his response.

[Mordred: She's my friend.]

The heart of the young girl shattered into a million pieces.

[Thug: Let's see if you really are what they say.]

The emotion of anger emanates behind the thugs. The one who emanated it was the girl from behind.

[????: We're just friends huh?]

The young Orphan girl walks slowly towards Mordred.

Out of fear of being beaten up, the thug chanted his magic

[The Young Orphan girl: Get out of my way You scummy thugs.]

The thug chanted his intermediary spell: Flare. A Gyrate formed from his wrist.

[Thug: Take this!]

The Thug's Gyrate that formed from his wrist, breaks like thin glass. His magic disappears from thin air.

[Thug: What did you do!?]

The young orphan girl chanted her magic. Her wrist glowed and sprung 5 gyrates.

[The young Orphan girl: Go To Hell!]

The advanced grade magic spell: "Lightning burst" sent them flying to the wall and knocked the thugs unconscious.

[Mordred: That's a little too much for them Anna.]

[Anna: Shut Up Mordred! Who are you calling a friend?]

[Mordred: You obviously.]

Anna sighs.

[Anna: Your lack of hesitation makes me question whether or not I should beat you to a pulp.]

[Mordred: What's there to hesitate?]

Anna changes the topic.

[Anna: So, why are you here?]

[Mordred: Old keeper says that they found a D-rank monster near Impala forest to hunt. So he told me to tell you to get ready.]

[Anna: I'll get ready then.]

Anna walks away.

But before that.

[Mordred: Be careful, okay?]

[Anna: Okay.]

Anna is a close friend of Mordred. They first met in the Orphanage about 11 years ago.

The two of them are orphans. Maybe that's the reason why they get along so well.

[Mordred: Well then. Maybe I'll ask Old keeper if I could join in as well.]


(-2:34 PM/ Current location: The Orphanage office.-)

The Orphanage keeper or what Mordred calls him "Old keeper", spat his tea because of Mordred's request.

[Old keeper: Excuse me?]

[Mordred: I said I want to join them.]

[Old Keeper: In your dreams. You might die out there.]

[Mordred: It's not about me being killed. It's about keeping her safe.]

Old keeper sat down from the office chair.

[Old Keeper: I get that you want to protect her. You've been together since the beginning. But the thing is that you can't use magic.]

[Mordred: I'll find a way so please.]

[Old keeper: I won't let you hunt with her and that is final. If you'd excuse me.]

Old keeper stands up from his chair.

[Old keeper: I have to go to the town hall for a meeting.]

He leaves the room. Leaving Mordred standing in an empty room.

Old keeper. Someday you won't be here to take care of us. I'm only doing this to gain experience and to be someone who you can count on.

Mordred walks to the shelf and takes out a book called "The Chronicles Of Mages and Sorcerers".

He flipped through a random page and found something interesting.

He sits down with his eyes locked to it.

[Mordred: "Herrschmagius: The magic technique to become one with the element. The first person to ever use this magic technique is The Gospel Of Darkness, and the second to use this technique is none other than Arthur B. Quisano. It was used in the first Magic war that started the Cataclysm around 2037. Not much is known about Arthur but information from his battalion describes him as practical thinking and Omnipotent".]

The telephone rings from the Old Keeper's desk.

Mordred answered the phone.

[Mordred: Hello.]

An adult voice can be heard panting repeatedly.

The caller was out of breath and it sounds like he's being chased.

[Caller: Send in reinforcements! It's not a D-rank monster, It's a B-rank Maddened Wolf in the Southwest of the forest.]

B-rank! This is such a bad time. Old keeper is out and in the town hall, Anna is probably fighting it and the rest of the hunters are at another town.

I'm the only one here.

[Mordred: We'll send one in right now! Survive till then.]

[Hunter: Alright, I'll hang on until the-]

The hunter's voice was gouged out of him. Mordred listens closely and hears his body being consumed.

Fuck! Why now?

Mordred ran to his apartment and grabbed every necessary item for hunting monsters.

His sword, gauntlets, leather armor, and flare.

Once he acquired all these items, he immediately left his apartment.


(-2:42 PM/ current location: Southwest of the forest.-)

He ran earnestly without a break. Sweating profusely as he worries.

In the distance, he hears trees being torn from the ground and lightning being expelled.

There was no time to lose.

He entered the scene and saw half of the Hunting squad devoured.

What if Anna died.

He looked around to find her and saw she was knocked out cold with a graze on her abdomen.

From what he could assume that she distracted the Wolf to give the other hunters time to leave the forest.

Out of instinct, he threw his knife at the wolf's side.

It bounced off the wolf and completely lost interest in Anna.

Thunder spewed out of the wolf's horn.

The Lightning was so powerful, it made a hole in the tree.

He doesn't have any experience in fighting monsters.

Mordred couldn't do anything.

His reaction speed is that of an average person.

The lightning struck and blew him out of range.

His left arm and leg are torn off him by the lightning.

He Collides against the tree.

His body is crumbled by a single attack from a 3-horned Maddened Wolf.

Mordred's blood flows out of him like a river.

The only thing that he can move is his right arm.

The Wolf focused its magic on the tip of its horns. It slowly grows to a tremendous size.

Mordred reaches out to the girl behind the Maddened Wolf.

If there is a God out there. He's a piece of shit.

The Maddened Wolf releases it's magic and flies at Mordred. As it flew, it created a trail on the ground.

The Magic connected at Mordred's right palm. It stayed for a few seconds then flew back at the wolf.

It caused an explosion so intense that it could be heard and seen from another city.

In an instant, the upper half of the other Wolf turned into dust.

Looks like God gave me a chance.

With the last of his strength, he pulls out his flare and shoots it to the sky.

His lost body parts slowly but surely began to regrow and his wounds started to heal.