
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Iuvenis_Lectorem · Fantasy
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48 Chs

An unwanted guest

(-April 7, 2061/ 10:40 AM/ Current location: Summoning room-)

Our hearts are burning with hate and resentment towards a single group of clichés and oversaturated personalities. It is in our best interest to eliminate this threat that is growing like a tumor.

[Advisor: Filia Draco, you're up next.]

Filia goes to the magic circle. She pours an outstanding amount of magical energy towards the summoning circle and glowed red.

The Advisor is in awe of what he is witnessing.

[Advisor: Amazing. It's Ladon. That is a double S grade.]

The turrets and cannons started to aim at Ladon

Her summon speaks an ancient tongue. An ancient tongue made by the Dragon race.

Ladon's deep and imposing tone of his speech rumbled throughout the summoning room.

[Ladon: Your eyes.]

[Filia: What about my eyes?]

[Ladon: Ye have suffered immensely in a short span did ye not? It is engraved in ye eyes.]

[Filia: May you form a contract with me?]

[Ladon: I have served a master such as you in the past and failed. Are you telling me to make the same mistake again?]

[Filia: Did you assume that I will be the same as your previous master? I am not him, I am Filia Draco of the Draco Household. So thus I am not him.]

The Ladon smiled. His mouth is about to burst out.


[Ladon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It has been a very long time indeed.]

[Filia: Satisfied are we not?]

[Ladon: I only have two conditions for our contract.]

Ladon raised his pointing finger.

[Ladon: The first is: Never show weakness, The second is: Show no mercy to your enemies.]

[Filia: I accept those conditions.]

Ladon shines a bright red light and disappeared with only sparks of what's left of his materialization.

The turrets went idle after Ladon disappeared.

[Vincent: I can't believe it. A Legendary dragon just made a pact.]

[Rowan: She's a Dragon herself after all.]

Filia made a positive impression on them. The sheer blandness of their tone is bugging me a lot right now.

[Raiden: I assume that it's my turn.]

[Advisor: Well then. Proceed with your summon.]

[Raiden: Alright.]

Raiden pours a near-impossible amount of Magical energy into the magic circle. His summon begun to materialize and brought forth to this world.

Birthed with wings of an angel and the heart of a servant. This summon is known as the Demigod Edmund.

sporting a day to day butler attire, this man has killed world leaders, Immortal monsters, and other Gods with little effort.

As this summon open his eyes, he saw his master with a grin on his mouth.

[Edmund: My master, why have you called me?]

[Raiden: It's for presentation Edmund. Show them what you are capable of.]

[Edmund: As you wish.]

Edmund snaps his fingers

A plethora of knives arrange in different sizes and rarity starts erupting out of his pocket.

The knives that he brought out are diverse and unique. These have magical properties such as "Absolute sharpness", "Instant death poison" or even a "Blessing eraser". He has lived his entire life as an assassin and a servant. He grew to be one of the highest-ranking summons of Orbis Terrarum.

(W/N: "Orbis Terrarum" is the other half of the world that got replaced after the Cataclysm.)

No one in the room knows what those knives are capable of but the magical pressure emanating from made it clear to them that those blades are not ordinary.

[Advisor: Please call off your summon. I've already ascertained its grade.]

[Raiden: Okay. You can dematerialize now.]

[Edmund: As you wish my lord.]

Edmund disappears into thin air and left small amounts of magical residue.

[Raiden: So what's the grade?]

[Advisor: SS, a Legendary grade summon.]

Oh yeah right the grading. I think it goes like:

1. Common (C)

2. Rare (B)

3. Unique (A)

4. Ancient (S)

5. Legendary (SS)

6. Supreme (SSS)

7. Ethereal (SSS+)

[Vincent: These people are monsters. Maybe more than monsters.]

[Rowan: They must be cheating.]

[Arvel: If they are then why did that Dragon-born successfully made a contract with an SS+ summon? Even that guy summoned and made a contract with a Legendary rating summon.]

[Shane: They are amazing. Amazing!]

[Moores: I wonder how any of this is possible.]

The Advisor calls Anna to summon.

She then pours heavy amounts of Magical energy. Unlike Raiden, Anna seems to be summoning something specific.

[Anna: I got it!]

Summons typically bring mostly monsters or other races that became legends, but to her, it's an item.

A pair of gauntlets that has a wolf head for punching. There is some corrupted energy inside, circulating its veins.

It's not human or monster.

The only thing we can tell is that it's alive.

[Mordred: You've got to be kidding me.]

[Advisor: That's pretty rare.]

The gauntlets are growling towards Anna.

Its mouth is slobbering green saliva. Probably poisonous.

[Anna: It's me, your best friend.]

Anna presented her hand to the gauntlets.

The wolf gauntlets cease it's growling and begin to sniff her hand.

It floats around the room and begins to pant in delight. Though it doesn't have a tail, the gauntlets tried to wag its non-existent tail.

[Anna: Good boy.]

[Mordred: Do you mind explaining?]

[Anna: I trained just like you. My foster parents taught me a bunch of things so could you at least consider that you're not the only one training?]

I did a little bit of research on the Pagan Household.

The Pagan Household are the very first ones who helped fund the foundation of the Floating fortress or commonly known as the Sky city during the Magical war.

The Sky city was an advanced army transportation vehicle that can house a hundred million soldiers. Furthermore, the magic core used to levitate the Sky city uses a never-ending fuel called: "The Perpetual Propellant".

A fuel that continuously multiplies itself and never evaporates.

With the genius Blacksmith, Carmina, and the wisdom of a 2,000-year-old vampire, Anastasia, and the funding of the Pagan Household, they made the engine that can steadily use the Perpetual Propellant as fuel and also create a near-impenetrable shield.

(W/N: The Engine's contraption and materials it is constructed from consists of magic stones, so the engine can be classified as a "Large Autonomous Magic Stone".)

[Mordred: Right, I'm not the only one.]

As astonished as I am with Anna, the Advisor is astonished about her summon.

[Advisor: An armament summon and a S rank at that.]

[Anna: So what's my score?]

[Advisor: That'll be for tomorrow. Now say goodbye to your summon.]

Anna pats her gauntlets' head.

[Anna: See you next time.]

The gauntlets evaporated right on her arm.

[Advisor: The next one is Mordred Mcdowell. Please step in front.]

Mordred did as he was told.

He crouches down and remembers what his teacher told him about how he is unable to use magic spells.

"When a person casts magic, his one and only element will be the only part that stays constant. If a person is born with two opposing elements to cast a magic spell, it will evaporate. The same goes to Holy and Dark magic. Dark magic consumes and Holy magic erases without a trace. If you were to cast a magic spell right now, you're performing what is called "When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object". So yeah, you're useless with magic".

But what I can do is make the flow of mana move through objects.

Like tracing or pasting.

So a person can cast magic like summoning spells, defense spells, with ease. With a special ink made from monster blood just like what the school is using right now.

I can summon too.

And what I got is


(-April 7, 2061/ 10:41 AM/ Current location: Charles's Mansion-)

Anastasia is walking around the garden with Primis and Alpha in their maid uniforms. The wind flew by the garden and made the leaves and the petals fly into the air.

[Anastasia: Windy today isn't it?]

[Alpha: It would seem so.]

The leaves stopped midair, acting like it hit something invisible. Anastasia saw and told her maids.

[Anastasia: Alpha, Primis. There are guests in the Garden. Eliminate them please.]

[Alpha and Primis: As you wish.]