
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 9

It had been a week since he saw Sakura, but Naruto believed that she would be fine with support from Kakashi, Ino and many others by her side. It was a great loss, but it was one she could walk out off.

Looking for her life force, Naruto found Sakura in the Konoha Hospital beside Ino and Shizune. It seems everyone was extremely busy even now as the healers were dealing with all the mutations caused by the dispersion of heavy chakra across the planet, especially one that was harmful to all living things.

The increase in the number of chakra users across the planet slowly caused changes to the natural environment and things mutated adapting to the increase in energy. However, this was process was slow and took decades or more. On the other hand the changes came suddenly and on a large scale because of the appearance of the Juubi, the Shinju tree, Kaguya, Sasuke and Naruto.

Just the remnant chakra across the planet from the battle with Madara, Obito and Kaguya was more than what exists on the planet normally. Now with the addition of Naruto the chakra concentration of the planet had changed and it was forcing the planet to adapt to him by increasing the concentration of natural energy. It was further increased by the people that went through an increase in chakra capacity after surviving the chakra sickness. Without any deep thinking, it was obvious that the all living things on the planet would become stronger.

Naruto decided to walk inside and greet her instead of delaying it because it might leave a wrong impression. He didn't know whether Sakura would appreciate it or not, but Naruto thought she might.

Dodging the hoards of patients, Naruto saw Sakura healing a child in the operation theatre. It was not a case of chakra sickness or some simple healing, but a complex viral sickness that required understanding and patience.

Looking at the scene, it made him feel grateful for others once again. It was impossible to do everything alone, he needed others beside him. At this moment he stood at a peak beyond others, but he needed others to reach his level or there would be a gap between them even in their relationships.

It was already a problem when he only had Kurama, but now he was undoubtedly far removed from all mortal existence.

'How can I help them reach my level?' Naruto didn't consider monopolizing his power or stopping others from reach the peak. He planned to help people that were trustworthy.

With the thought of helping others to increase their powers, Naruto's mind concluded with Sage mode and increasing chakra capacity along with density through his personal help. There was also the partnership with Tailed beasts like he had done.

Entering the room without a sound, Naruto allowed Sakura to see him so that she wasn't distracted by his sudden touch.

'I am here to say hi.' Naruto spoke silently and got closer. Placing his hand on the doctor, Naruto transferred large amount of chakra.

Normally it would be impossible for Sakura, but she could store the excess chakra into a seal. Dealing with the chakra expertly, Sakura felt energized and felt her fatigue lessen.

'Thanks, but I won't be able to keep you company today.' Sakura mouthed as she continued to focus on the delicate child under her watch.

'No problem, I will see you tomorrow.' Naruto gave her thumbs up and vanished from the room using his rinnegan. Sasuke's Rinne-Sharingan ability allowed him to teleport anything within the range of his sight and he could see within a range of one kilometer. Through enhancement, he could even reach 5 Kilometers. It was an extremely powerful ability that almost allowed Sasuke to one shot Naruto, if he hadn't seen it in action before hand and possessed the precognition powers. Sasuke had almost sent a lighting kunai directly to his brain and Naruto sensed it before the action even started. Naruto would have died to such a move directly since he still couldn't survive brain destruction.

The eyes could see through solid matter easily, so Naruto was not stopped by any obstacles. Walking away from the hospital, he decided to visit Hinata.

While walking to his destination, Naruto couldn't help but think about how he would go about convincing the tailed beasts to join an unknown human again. He was also distracted by the thoughts about whom he could choose to stand by his side. Naruto would have believed it to be an honor and a victorious moment, but he had grown out of that childish mindset after he had lost Jiraiya and thought about the world.

The power was a blessing, but it came with heavy responsibilities. Anyone he chose would lose the right to a normal life and would live a life burdened with the weight of the world. How many people could take such burden on their shoulders? Naruto was unsure, and he couldn't even guarantee his own soul as he had only just started and he was already feeling the pressure.

Would it become easier with age and experience or would it become worst? He didn't know the answer and that answer could decide everything for his world, so it was something he had to ponder carefully.

It seems that Naruto had gotten used to getting lost into his thoughts and it was lucky that he was keeping the Six Paths on all the time, because he could his life otherwise. It was something he didn't like to think about, but reality was that the world was filled with evil and he could never allow them the chance to eliminate him.

It was something that Kurama told him before going to sleep as the fourth war had drained him completely and combining with a double required time. The point was further reinforced by Kakashi and Gaara.

Arriving at the Hyuga compound, Naruto entered without a problem as Hiashi had given him permission. Allowing the attendant to guide him, Naruto found his target sparring with Hanabi.

It had been one week since the funeral and the clan had moved along even though they had lost around 100 members. It was their culture. The Hyuga clan didn't scream or cry loudly for their fallen and considered it a shameful act that deserved a punishment.

They would move along after one or two days as it was considered disrespectful to the fallen and to their own souls.

Even though Hinata was more sensitive and emotional unlike her brethren, she had also moved along fast for the sake of her family members.

She was someone that lived for others and took courage from the fact her strength was helpful to someone else.

Living in a clan that encouraged emotionless and practiced cruel traditions such as putting the slave seal on the other children beside the first born, Hinata was forced to act weak and step down so that her sister would not be branded.

With such a goal, she was constantly berated verbally and physically which led to her weak mental state. However that started to change when Neji helped her train and the clan seemed to start to change after the attack from Suna village. Hiashi seemed to have softened after that attack and the distance between the main and sub-division lessened.

It was her dream to change the clan for better and for that Hinata needed power. However, she didn't feel confident in her strength to change it. She started to rely on Neji and expected him to become the Clan head.

However, reality was indeed very cruel as he died saving her. Hinata believed it would have been if she had died, but things would never change because of her words.

Talking with Naruto helped her gather her thoughts, and Hinata was able to focus. When the clan was at its weakest, Hinata gathered her spirit and proposed that they should drop the old traditions and allow the clan to become one.

Otherwise, it would take them too long to regain their strength. Hundred main clan members were killed while the subdivision stayed in the village, and these members didn't even possess most of the clan skills.

With how the world was moving, if they didn't change it could lead to total destruction like the Uchiha clan.

Seeing the disgraced heiress of the clan speaking about the future, the clan elders were angered and commanded a guard to show her the gate.

For the first time, Hinata stood her ground and fought back. With a show of force that came as a shock, she took down the guard with a single hit and the other guards followed.

One of the elders decided to intervene personally and it became a real battle where Hinata showed the results of her training. The Hyuga clan witnessed Hinata's prowess and acknowledged that she was the strongest fighter from the younger generation, meaning only an elder could defeat her in battle.

It also meant that Neji was strong as an elder.

Hiashi stepped in after seeing his daughter's grit and convinced the council of elders to change the policy, especially since Naruto might just step in and change it forcefully. The elders had a different image of Naruto and didn't really know him, so Hiashi managed to use that ignorance.

He also managed to convince them to acknowledge Neji as an elder and honor him across generations. That was the drama happening in the clan while Naruto was away and Hinata started training seriously to accomplish her other goal.

She had changed her clan and now she wanted to help Naruto. She loved him more than her life. She wanted to stand beside him. She wanted him to be happy and for that, power was needed. Physical, mental, economical and political power as Naruto would never use his powers selfishly.

It didn't matter whether Naruto accepted her love, but Hinata vowed to fill his weaknesses.

Getting back to the present, Hinata was training with her estranged little sister who had started to accept her after a real battle. It had been difficult to beat Hanabi personally, but Hinata managed to harden her heart. It wasn't an easy battle since Hanabi was also an exceptional fighter after being trained personally by multiple elders and even the clan head.

Fully focused on the intense spar, the two girls only stopped once one of them was incapacitated. Watching the battle, Naruto realized that the Hyuga style was extremely useful to his cause. He didn't wish to kill people, so he could easily incapacitate them with the Hyuga style.

"Hey Hinata, would your clan allow me to learn the Gentle Fist?" Naruto asked without dancing around the topic as he was someone very straightforward.

Turning to him, Hinata didn't act shy and greeted him back while Hanabi hid behind her as she didn't know how to converse with her hero. Hanabi was one of the new fans that Naruto gained.

"I will have to ask my father since it has never happened before. But, why do you want to learn it?" Hinata would have said no for anyone else, but Naruto was a special case now so maybe the clan could allow it.

"I only have an abundance of pure power, but I am still lacking in skill. Plus, I don't have any skill to capture others so I want to learn the Gentle Fist." Naruto replied honestly and hoped that Hiashi would allow it without even considering the fact that he could force the clan to give it to him.

"I see, give a moment and we can go meet my father." Hinata excused herself as she felt conscious of her sweaty body and left Naruto alone with Hanabi.