
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 8

Regardless of the plots in the shadows that went unnoticed, Naruto had managed to save hundreds of thousands of people that would have died a painful death. It was a great achievement for someone who had barely traveled the world and was without any basic healing knowledge.

However, the grandness of the feat didn't help with the fact that he missed many people. It was impossible for Naruto to know who was sick. He couldn't sense all life on the planet and could only cover around 10% of the world with full focus. To make matters worse, he couldn't tell people apart so he didn't know if the person was dying from a natural cause or the illness.

Nonetheless, Naruto tried to ignore the negative thoughts and appreciated the fact that he saved countless people instead of doing nothing. It was pointless to drown in the what if's when he couldn't have done any better and time to change things had already passed. The only thing he could do was to learn from his experiences and find solutions for a similar event in the future.

Finished with the task, Naruto took rest in his new place in the Dark Ocean before returning to Konoha. He had taken short naps in his new house and managed to overcome his grief mostly over the week. He didn't have much time to think because of his work. Though, the moment he got closer to Konoha he couldn't help but remember.

It was easy to let it all go. He could just forget it all or he could just seal the memories, but it was those memories that made up a part of him. It was also a disservice to his loved ones. The worst thing that could happen to a person was that his loved ones forgot about him completely. As such, Naruto hoped to get through the phase and remember the past fondly instead of having a painful experience.

Arriving in Konoha, Naruto decided to visit Tsunade to see if they needed help and to report his work. By force of habit he was about to enter through the window, but he stopped in his tracks. Looking at the scene, Naruto realized that he was being childish. Maybe he needed to act professionally now, as it would be disservice to his people to continue without change.

Entering the building normally, Naruto let the assistant inform Tsunade of his presence. He entered without waiting for a second to see Tsunade looking him up, as she seemed to be surprised by his actions.

"You have grown." Tsunade commented in a tone that showed her regret and pain at seeing Naruto face such problems and see him loose his innocence.

Naruto wasn't an expert of non-verbal communication or verbal communication, but it was still very much easy for him to read people most of the time when he was truly focused. He could read Tsunade's emotions without his powers.

"Have I? I don't see the difference." Naruto decided to shift the topic, so that the mood wouldn't become depressive.

Getting up from her desk, Tsunade walked up to him and hugged him.

"You have grown stronger, Naruto. I am proud of you." Disregarding the negative side of things, Tsunade was happy that her little brother figure had grown to become the strongest and was even maturing into a proper adult.

Surprised by the sudden closeness and affection, Naruto looked into her eyes and only found love for him. He could feel the intensity and appreciate it after losing so much.

Truly, one only saw the importance of what they had after they had lost it. Tsunade had been there for him for so long, and he couldn't ever remember spending time with her.

"Thank you,… how about inviting me to dinner tonight? You know since I deserve a reward." Naruto smiled and hugged her back.

Hearing his words, she was surprised before realizing that they had never spent time together after taking the Hokage seat.

"Of course, I will invite you to big meal tonight and we will celebrate with the best booze that the world has to offer." Tsunade replied in a cheerful tone.

"I look forward to it. So, why is he here?" Naruto removed himself from her grasp and looked to the corner of the room. Orochimaru was hidden within the shadows with only his serpentine eyes being visible.

The man stood there like a statue watching everything with amusement.

"He is here because we need him."

Naruto broke her flow with a glare, "Need him?...How?" Naruto could feel his soul burning with rage at the man's presence. It was the man responsible for all that happened besides Obito. It was because of him that Sasuke left the village and took to the dark side.

"Naruto, calm down. I know what he did, but for the betterment and survival of the world we need him. He is at the top in genetic manipulation and body enhancement. If not for these reasons, I would have already disposed off him." Tsunade held on to his shoulders and stared into his eyes, forcing his gaze away from Orochimaru.

"You hurt me so with those words. I thought we were friends…And Naruto, he promised me freedom. What do you think about that?" Orochimaru was very casual and playful like the situation wasn't dire for him. He didn't act scared even though Naruto was filled with rage, meaning one move could end him.

Slipping through Tsunade with ease, Naruto grabbed Orochimaru by the throat.

"Never utter his name again, or I will make it that you will never speak a word."

"Naruto, don't." Tsunade thought he was about to kill him even though Naruto had already forsaken the killing nature.

"I will not kill, no matter who it is. However, I will not allow him to roam free and live in comfort after what he has done."

Orochimaru was shell shocked by the power difference and the intense blood lust. It had grown to another level after the young man had received the rinnegan eyes and the full Kurama along with parts of other tailed beasts.

It almost made him piss himself. Nonetheless, he felt a desire to reach such a level. The young man was the ultimate being now. It was unfortunate that he didn't know what took place until the end of the war, but he definitely witnessed the powers of the Juubi and Madara. Naruto had overcome an obstacle that was a world threat.

He was the Ultimate being. Orochimaru wanted to replicate it and now he had all the time in the world to accomplish it.

"What do you wish for, Uzumaki Naruto? I will accept anything you say." Orochimaru was not someone bound by concepts of pride. He was a logical and greedy being, and for that he didn't mind groveling.

"You will stay in a prison like environment like everyone else until you have paid your dues and changed as a person. Without a proof of your innocence, I will never allow you to walk in the sunlight."

Tsunade calmed down after hearing his words. She almost expected to hear dark things from Naruto. Luckily, he was still her loveable little brother.

'His no kill rule came in handy this time.' The Hokage could only thank the hero's non-sense rule.

"I accept your conditions. Does this mean you will allow me to use your blood?" Orochimaru asked with an excited glint as he looked at Naruto after the boy let him go.

"You will not use his blood until you have our trust." Tsunade stepped in and stopped the snake from getting permission from Naruto about something she hadn't allowed.

"It would accelerate our progress if we have the ultimate sample, or it would take years just to stumble along the way to blindly reach such an impossible goal."

"Stop talking, we will tell you when you have the permission." Tsunade stood beside Naruto and shut the mad scientist up as he was getting too comfortable. Having been forced into getting a seal on his body, Orochimaru was unable to deny her command.

It was the cost of his crimes.

"You can leave now." With those words, Orochimaru was made to leave.

"You can give him my blood. There is nothing special about it beyond what it was before. My powers are not in my blood." Naruto thought Tsunade and others seemed to be misunderstanding something. His Sage of Six Paths power was not in his blood.

"How can you be sure? Have you checked if there is a difference or not? Your body was already going through changes when you had the Kyuubi and now you have these new powers. Of course your body will also experience change to accommodate such a change. It is obvious from what happened to Obito and Madara."

"Really? I didn't know that. How about giving me a check up?" Naruto had never really thought about these things and didn't even have basic scientific knowledge.

"I was planning to do it later. But, now is fine as well." With those words, Tsunade led him to a room on the side.

It was where she performed emergency procedures and practiced her craft so that her skills wouldn't go rusty.

Taking his clothes off like usual, Naruto slept on the bed under the light so she could check for anomalies.

"Turn on your new power." Tsunade commanded and created a chakra scalpel. Normally it would cut through the skin or even bypass it to cut the nerves, however now it couldn't pass through the skin.

Cancelling it, she tried for a basic wind blade and it didn't even scratch him. Watching it through enhanced vision to observe on the microscopic level, Tsunade saw everything.

She continued with other elements and even increased in intensity.

"Just like Obito and Madara, you are immune to ninjutsu. More accurately, you are immune to normal chakra. The only thing that should harm you would be a natural phenomenon, physical attacks and Senjutsu. This is from our initial observation and things may change after we understand it further."

"That makes sense." Naruto remembered having to use Senjutsu and Six Paths power on Obito, Kaguya and Madara as nothing else seemed to work.

"Walk me through the changes you experienced after gaining the power. Explain it to me." Since she was unable to observe the inner body while the Six Paths was on, Tsunade could only rely on Naruto's description. It was unfortunate that she didn't know Senjutsu.

"Getting the power was definitely a day I will not forget. I met the Sage and he awakened this power within me because I was the reincarnation of his son along with having the chakra of each tailed beast. The power increase was massive and I could feel the world itself become a part of me. It was just like Sage mode, but multiplied by ten or even hundred. The Senjutsu chakra made normal chakra look weak, but this new chakra made even Senjutsu look mediocre. Unlike Sage mode, I could easily absorb nature energy on a whim and the range was immense.

I feel like I could become one with the world and I don't mean the planet. I don't feel any limits and it makes me scared what would become of me, if I tried to see the limits. Maybe I will explode or maybe I will grow stronger infinitely, I don't know. I just know that I don't feel a limit to how much I can absorb now.

It even allowed me to sense beyond this world. I can feel other worlds around us. I can feel the world of the dead. I can feel the world of darkness and so much more. I lacked the ability to move there, but these allowed me to gain what I lacked.

I can see what will happen few seconds in to the future. I could sense it, but with these it has been enhanced.

I feel like I control all of nature. I can control chakra with so much ease that it feels like a dream. I can make it do whatever I wish. Just like that, I copied your scalpel without even seeing it.

With the eyes, the new chakra was further enhanced and with the addition of the other part of Kurama. I also seemed to have absorbed a part of the Juubi's remnant chakra, so all of these worked together to further change my chakra.

In this form, I feel like I could do anything."

Hearing the description of his powers, Tsunade imagined what power the young man held. It was truly too much power for one man and he was not wrong about being able to do anything. At this moment, Naruto could easily become the ruler of the world.

Ignoring Naruto's words about other realms, Tsunade focused on her work.

"Describe the changes in your body; do you think the energy is doing anything? Is your body adapting to the enhancement?" During normal chakra enhancement, the body would continuously try to adapt to it. It was the reason why shinobi continued to grow stronger even without using chakra afterwards. It meant that after a certain period, the shinobi's base form would grow stronger and the chakra enhancement would allow a further increase.

"I think I can show you what I see." Naruto made a clone and looked at himself while another clone projected the image on the wall.

With this method, Tsunade was finally able to see inside of Naruto and observe his new chakra. With the addition of the Rinne-Sharingan, it had become a mixture of purple and gold.

The chakra covered every part of his body from the inside and it looked extremely dense. It was like the difference between a gas and a solid.

It was not a level that was natural.

She could also see the natural energy get absorbed like Naruto was hole that couldn't be filled. It also didn't seem to provide any hurdle.

Looking at the muscular structure, skeletal structure, nervous system and the cellular structure, Tsunade could see the body going through immense changes as it was under a lot of pressure from the sudden increase in power. All the body parts were saturated with impossible amounts of dense chakra.

The body was breaking down and healing at an insane rate to survive and adapt. It seems like Naruto had not noticed it before since it didn't cause him pain. It was the addition of Rinnegan that had tipped his body towards a new change.

"Can you turn it off?" Tsunade asked to confirm her thoughts. Naruto's body still continued to go through changes as it was adapting to a new power increase and it was not stopping after the mode was turned off. It was the other part of Kurama and the new eyes along with the remnant Juubi chakra plus the enhanced Six Paths chakra in the body.

The unused power was seeping into his existence.

Taking a blood sample, Tsunade checked with his previous sample and it didn't match. Within a week, Naruto's blood had changed.

'Is he becoming like the Sage of Six Paths?' Tsunade wondered as she didn't have enough information to make conclusive statements.

"How is it?" Naruto asked as he sat up and wore his clothes.

"Everything is perfect, your body is continuously enhancing itself and soon you will reach a new level of power. It should take a year or two naturally, and maybe you could accelerate it to six months or so if you focus on it."

"I am not in a hurry. However, I want the jutsu scroll with all of Konoha's jutsu. I believe that my limited arsenal has caused me a lot of trouble." Naruto asked for help to learn what he lacked. He regretted not learning other jutsu as those could have helped him save Sasuke and many other people. His insistence to only keep the powerful jutsu made him loose too much.

"I will arrange for it. I will also teach you my secret art as well."

"I planned to learn it as well. I think I will ask the other Kages for their jutsu for a full line up."

"Naruto, I don't think they will agree."

"I think they should take into account our situation. Otherwise, I wouldn't have asked either." Naruto disagreed with Tsunade and thought she was being too pessimistic. They had fought together on the same battlefield and survived. They promised to work together for the betterment of the world.

"I will communicate with them."

"No, I will go meet them. I want to see the other villages and I want to meet up with Killer Bee." Naruto shook his head.

"Fine, but don't expect too much. You know that these are their state secrets."

"I know, but now we have to live as one." Looking out the window, Naruto thought it was getting late.

"I will be going now. When should we meet up?"

"I will send someone, unless you plan to leave the village."

"I will be meeting up with Sakura and Hinata."

"Two at the same time, way to go hero."

Rolling his eyes, Naruto walked out of the room and left towards Sakura to check up on her health.