
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 6

Entering the humble house of the bridge builder, Naruto and Kakashi came across Tazuna the Builder and his daughter Tsunami. The family was extremely surprised at their sudden arrival since both of them were famous beyond reason at this point and the situation wasn't exactly ideal at the moment.

Naruto had already been declared as the Hero of Wave when he saved the Bridge and allowed the small town to grow. However, now he was the hero of the world. It was a position that removed him from their realm of connections.

Tazuna and Tsunami had shared Naruto's exploits with their child, but never expected the young man to ever meet them again. It seems they had started thinking wrong of the young man, as he was truly humble and didn't seem to care about his higher rank.

The family welcomed him with love and affection before inviting them to breakfast. However, Kakashi was forced to cook the fish since normal people didn't have the strength to cut the creature. It was fortunate that Kakashi had also ended up copying the Akimichi clan cooking techniques for his personal use.

It made Naruto regret not asking his teacher for food as they had eaten amateurish food when they were with him.

With the breakfast being prepared, Naruto shared some of his adventures before listening to the situation in the Land of Waves over breakfast.

It was then that he learned of the awful situation of the country. Land of Waves depended on trade and taxes from people using their bridge. It was a small nation without a strong military force and lacked specialist of various fields.

The small nation only had a small amount of doctors and even lower amount that could help with serious issues. During the war, the real healers were taken away and it left the small nation without anyone to rely on.

Even though the war had ended, Land of Waves didn't have their healers back since they hadn't been able to survive the war. To make matters worse, many people had been falling ill to an unknown disease with a high level of mortality.

"Its chakra sickness, the people are dying because of their exposure to the heavy chakra of the Juubi." Kakashi answered the question on Naruto's mind, as the sickness was not limited to the Land of Waves. It was actually worse in places that were close to the war zone.

"Does that mean the Shinobi know a way to cure it?" Tazuna asked as he heard Kakashi's words. Chakra sickness wasn't an unknown disease but it was extremely rare. However, only the great villages would know the way to cure it since they had handled the chakra of other tailed beasts.

"We do have a cure. However, we will never be able to save everyone since we don't have enough people with such ability." His words saddened the people around him as they knew many people would die after just surviving one crisis.

"Can you at least save Inari?" Tsunami muttered as the room entered a silence zone.

Hearing those words, Naruto was shocked. He had been thinking of what to ask and how to help when the news hit him from the side.

Naruto turned on his senses and looked at Inari with a strong focus. He hadn't looked at the boy carefully and missed such a disease.

With his eyes, he could see inside the body on microscopic level and it was there he understood what was happening. The heavy chakra was breaking down the cells slowly. It was still not dangerous at the moment, but the process was slowly accelerating.

Once it increased beyond the capacity of the body, the cells would all collapse and Inari would simply die in the most painful manner.

"I will do it, just watch me and learn." Kakashi knew that Naruto would make him do it, so there was no need to argue about it especially since even he didn't want the young boy to die. It was impossible to save everyone, but that didn't mean he couldn't save people around him.

"Thank you very much, Master Kakashi." Tazuna and Tsunami could only show their gratefulness for such assistance since they didn't have much left in monetary value after helping out their town with the maintenance costs.

"It is nothing. Inari is like a brother to Naruto, so he is an important part of my family… Now, Inari take of your shirt and sit down on the floor." Kakashi stood up from his chair and had the boy take a seat on the floor before sitting behind him with his hands on his back.

"Naruto, pay attention to what I am doing. This is a very delicate task and one mistake would make things worse. Chakra sickness happens to people with low quality chakra or no chakra when their body is introduced to a high quantity of heavy chakra. To help them, one needs to have good quality chakra and high control. What you need to do is enhance the victim's body on the cellular level and help it overcome the invasion." Kakashi explained as he slowly poured his chakra inside Inari.

The chakra covered up the young boy before going inside the body. It slowly covered up everything and started to focus on individual cells.

The process was extremely difficult since majority of the shinobi didn't have such control to split their chakra on the cellular level. Most people also didn't have the chakra capacity to cover all cells properly either.

With the disappearance of the Sharingan, Kakashi's chakra capacity showed itself properly unlike his previous low capacity. However, it also came with the almost perfect control and other powerful abilities of the eyes.

Nonetheless, Kakashi was extremely experienced and managed to properly help Inari with his problem. It took a long time because the delicate parts involved, but it was a success.

It had been extremely painful for Inari that Naruto had to force his body in one place, but in the end the young man benefitted greatly. Without much training, Inari had his chakra level increased to the average level and his body had also been greatly enhanced to superhuman levels. It felt like the young man had been training for a decade.

Inari's body had gone through a change on the cellular level. It allowed the increase in stats and even increased the affinity to chakra.

"He is fine now." Kakashi stood up and wiped away the sweat once he was finished.

Inari was knocked unconscious from the pain multiple times as Kakashi couldn't cut of his pain receptors. It woke him up every time he went unconscious, and now he was completely spent. The pain was enough to make most people crazy, especially if they weren't used to extreme injuries.

It was lucky that Naruto was around and he covered Inari with his chakra to heal him, physically and mentally. Naruto's golden chakra had the added property of reinforcing the mindset of people around him and spreading hope.

"Did you understand the procedure?" Kakashi wouldn't normally think that Naruto would understand from one try, but after receiving the eyes and the Six Paths mode it should be child play for him.

"I understand, and thank you for saving him." Naruto was happy that Kakashi was there or he might have lost Inari as well. It showed him the importance of knowledge and wisdom of other experienced people around him. It would be the height of stupidity, if he denied others and their abilities. He really needed to learn and make up for the time he had wasted over the years.

At this moment, he didn't even know the function of each part of the body and didn't even understand chakra in its entirety.

"You are welcome, but….are you thinking of saving others now?"

"Yes, I think with my help we can cover everyone within few days." Naruto believed that with his power, it shouldn't be difficult. He could move faster than light. He could fly. He had perfect control over chakra and his chakra capacity was almost unlimited.

"Are you prepared to see people die even when you help them? Naruto, some people will still die since not everyone can survive this harsh procedure."

"Teacher, I am not a kid anymore and even then it would the height of selfishness to ignore people in their time of need. I understand that you can't save everyone, but I will try my best to keep people from dying an avoidable death."

Looking at his resolute form, Kakashi knew Naruto wouldn't ignore the problem. It was the reason that he taught him the procedure. Naruto wanted to teach the world the path to peace and understanding, for that he needed to go and meet people.

He needed to experience handling such situations and not just battles. It was a heavy task filled with difficulties, but it was also an opportunity for his brother.

"Good, I will help you find the people in need of help." With those words, Kakashi sent a message to Konoha and through them to other places.

Naruto would heal people from the sickness, so they needed to wait in their city or village for him.

Saying their farewells to the family, Naruto made thousand clones and spread them around the world to help people with their sickness.