
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 5

It wasn't the first time Kakashi had watched Naruto sleep, but it was definitely the first time seeing him move around so much in his slumber. It was clear that he was seeing a nightmare.

It was worse than the time after Jiraiya's death and it hadn't even been more than a month since that tragedy.

Losing so much in such a short time was difficult for a child with such a mindset. Naruto cared too much about people and it was his loving heart that was harming him so.

Kakashi didn't understand how Naruto ended up with such thoughts, because not even Jiraiya acted in such a manner. Maybe it was the third Hokage, Kakashi assumed. Hiruzen Sarutobi saw the people of Konoha as his family, his children. By that logic, Naruto was seeing the world as his family. He was mixing up the concepts of his elders and finding his path to create a utopia where everyone could live in peace.

But, was such a thing even possible? Humanity would fight for even the pettiest reasons, so how the whole world could become disciplined he didn't know.

The only method would be for Naruto to overwhelm the world with his power and break resistance with extreme prejudice, and violence. He wouldn't have to kill people, but he would definitely break their spirits and show them fear.

However, even that would only last for a limited time because Naruto wouldn't torture them and he wouldn't kill them. Once people understood that pattern, they would keep on testing him until they killed him.

That was the unfortunate nature of their people. Kindness could be misinterpreted as weakness.

'We will have to support him from the darkness. Let him rule the world of light, and we shall take care of the shadows.' Kakashi understood Naruto's stubbornness and his selfless attitude, so he decided to act without arguing with the young man.

He wasn't alone either, since many people would agree to such a path. However, there could be a problem in the Hokage selection once they heard his thoughts. Kakashi didn't know if people would repay back the debt or resist Naruto's election. Naruto's methods would break Konoha and spread chaos in the long run.

'He will have to grow up a little bit before the majority agrees. Right now he isn't ready and he lacks knowledge about majority of the work of this village.' Kakashi thought as he planned for steps that could help his little brother achieve his dream.


With a loud explosion, Naruto woke up from his nightmare. Kakashi had barely stopped the destruction from spreading, but the house had been destroyed from the right side.

It seems Naruto had ended up using his chakra during sleep.

"Thank you for stopping me teacher." Naruto muttered as he got up from the ground and picked up a water bottle to drink.

He had only slept for an hour and the result was horrendous. The only good thing was that his body was almost fully rested, but not his mind.

He had taken multiple pills to sleep and even had Kakashi use genjutsu on him since sleep didn't come to him even though he was extremely tired.

Seeing Naruto's conditions and his powers, Kakashi finally understood the extent of the problem. Unless Naruto was healed, his slumber was a world threat.

He needed to sleep in a place where he couldn't harm people.

"Naruto, I know a place where you can sleep without a worry."

"Where?" Naruto didn't think he would destroy things in his sleep, but now he was definitely worried.

"Under water, it would be easier to manage any problem and you will be away from the city."

"How does that work?"

"It will happen naturally. Your body will adapt to it and make oxygen with chakra after a few tries. You have a large reserve so you don't have to worry about running out of gas." Kakashi shared one of the methods used by the ANBU to train and perform tasks. All Shinobi knew how to breathe underwater using chakra and how to heat up their body with chakra, but most didn't use it instinctively.

It wasn't something that Naruto had seen, so it had never come to his mind.

"Let's try it." With those words, Naruto floated above ground and focused on Kakashi. With his goal set in mind, Naruto used the mastery of chakra granted by the Six Paths powers to make his target fly.

Naruto manipulated the wind for Kakashi to fly and with that done, he sped towards his target. Within a blink of the eyes, he had reached the ocean that was near to the Land of Waves since the Ocean on the other side was where the Land of Water existed.

Flying past Land of Waves, Naruto and Kakashi stood above the Dark Ocean where no light could enter and most people avoided because of the monsters living in the deep.

Past the ocean was another continent where the Shinobi had yet to explore because of their constant wars, but the normal people would occasionally trade with them.

Arriving at their location, Naruto and Kakashi dove into the depths of the ocean that would crush metal and diamonds to dust.

In his mind, it was the safest place to rest as no one could target him there and he wouldn't disturb anyone except the monsters.

"You know, I was thinking of something safer like the Chrysalis Ocean." Kakashi said with a shake of his head as he was protected by Naruto in the depths of the ocean where he couldn't sense a thing. There was no light to see and even chakra was difficult to use outside of the body at such depth because of the heavy pressure from the nature energy.

It would was possible for Kakashi but still a task. However, Naruto provided the light as he used Senjutsu to create a sphere of light.

With the sudden appearance of a mini sun, the Dark Ocean shook with fury as the monsters were blinded by the ball of sunshine.

The large beasts tried to devour the duo but one look from him and all of them ran away. Unlike humans, beasts had strong survival instincts and understood that they were facing a real monster.

However, Naruto did end up turning off the light as it was extremely rude towards the creatures around him and constant disturbance.

Instead, Kakashi enclosed his eyes with chakra and created small light to see while Naruto decided to sleep after creating a house on the ocean bed.

After countless turns and twists, Naruto finally understood how to sleep and managed to rest under the ocean. There were multiple nightmare sessions, but there was no damage to the world.

In the morning, Naruto and Kakashi flew towards the Land of Waves where they hadn't set foot since the incident with Haku and Zabuza.

Paying respects to his old adversaries, Naruto decided to visit old friends with a gift from the Dark Ocean.

The duo didn't walk through the town since people would make some noise, and just arrived silently at their destination.

However, along the way Naruto saw terrible sights. The Land of Waves had been damaged heavily and even the small town hadn't remained safe. The infrastructural damage wasn't the only thing since people seemed to have died from illnesses.

"The healers had been recruited during the war. It is a consequence of such an action." Kakashi elaborated for Naruto since the young man didn't know the procedures taken during war.

"Did they take all of them?"

"Unfortunately, they seemed to have taken all of them. The survival of humanity was on the line, so such sacrifices were necessary."

Naruto didn't say a word as Kakashi already knew that he didn't agree with such thoughts. Arriving at his target, Naruto saw a young man of 14 practicing with a sword and shield.

Without a second look, Naruto recognized him as Inari because of his beanie. The weak little boy had become tall and muscular. Naruto could even feel hints of chakra from him at some points when he was attacking.

It was weak but there. It must have been weak because Inari hadn't learned how to make chakra and use it.

"Good morning Inari, how have you been?" Naruto greeted him casually, surprising Inari because of the sudden noise. He was at the back of the house and hadn't seen anyone enter from the backdoor.

However, he dropped the blade instantly and ran towards Naruto with a happy smile.

"Big brother, you finally came back. I thought you had forgotten about us." Inari hugged him and Naruto allowed it.

"Hey, I would never lie, you pipsqueak. I always keep my promise."

"Big brother, I am tall as you now." Inari smiled as he stood at the same height of 175 cm. Naruto was still growing and had yet to finish his growth. It was delayed because of his terrible diet at a young age.

"I can see that, and you also packed some muscles….You have done a wonderful job." Naruto pinched his body and saw the hardness before patting his head.

Inari was happy at the praise and ran inside the house to tell the others about their arrival.