
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 38

Ino was touched by his choice as it showed that Naruto was thinking about her feelings. Danger was part of her life and death was always close to her, so it made her feel useless to actually sit out of important events.

Only an average person would be satisfied with how life was going and would avoid danger at all costs, Ino definitely didn't want to be categorized as a normal person. She believed herself unique and brave. She was always going to be part of the decision makers, it was her path. However with all the sudden changes across the globe, that role seemed to have slipped from her hand and she was becoming some normal ninja.

The thoughts frustrated her to no end. It was further motivated by the fact that she had lost her father and it all could be attributed to the fact that she didn't have enough power. During the war, it was just Naruto and Sasuke from their generation that actually seems to control the situation while the rest of them barely had any part in it.

Even during the Toneri situation, she couldn't do anything. It was a fact for majority of the world, but it mattered most to her as she was supposed to be a core player. But, life was treating her like a pawn on the chessboard instead of the Bishop/Rook/Knight she had imagined. There were times when she had even gone as far to believe that becoming a Queen on the board was a possibility if she just tried. However, life had made that thought feel like a delusion.

Regardless of the negative thoughts infecting her mind, Ino had tried to keep a positive mindset and it had worked because of Naruto's natural aura. But, his presence was a clear reminder of how far behind she was and the devil continued to whisper.

Naruto's action of leaving her behind to meet the Uzumaki's had made those thoughts resurface and when Gaea mentioned leaving her behind, Ino felt her heart sting from the pain. It made her question her worth. It made her question when she would even walk on that stage, and if it was even a possibility.

Life seems to be leaving her behind, and she had become regulated to a small role of managing to Naruto's memories.

Naruto's words brought her out of that funk, and she smiled genuinely while feeling some tears. Ino looked down as she hit Naruto's chest, "Thanks Naruto, but are you sure? Won't I become a burden?"

Her voice was controlled, but it was easy for him to notice her volatile emotions. She had been so close, and he had missed out on the effect if the new world on her mind. Maybe she wasn't alone, and his other friends were also similarly depressed by such negative thoughts.

'I have been selfish. I should talk to them once we are done.' Naruto hadn't considered this fact and only asked them for help to improve his powers. He had just assumed that they were all fine and managing their training normally.

He just assumed that they were perfect in managing their lives. Forgetting that they were also people and he wasn't the only one that could be depressed about not having enough power.

"You will never be a burden to me. And, this is a new experience for all of us so maybe you can find a path to further boost your strength." Naruto hugged her tight and kissed her on the head. He didn't know if it was going to be effective but it had worked for Hinata.

Ino felt relaxed and happy in his arms that she almost forgot about the situation they were in.

"I will definitely get to your level, so keep yourself sharp." Ino declared in a confident tone to boost her spirits and show that she was fine.

"I am always at 100 percent….Mister Orochi, will you also follow us or do you wish to sit this one out?"

Looking towards Gaea, Orochi saw her nod.

"I will be honored to follow you on this journey."

With that episode out of the way, the team finally walked into the Immortal realm. Gaea opened a portal and they stepped through it to arrive on a floating island.

All around them were small floating islands that seem to represent an immortal and the one they had arrived on was the central island where all immortal gathered.

The world wasn't different in appearance from earth except for the fact that the species living on the planet were not human beings, but mythical beings like Harpies, Mermaids, Minotaurs, Centaurs and much more.

The only other difference would be the concentration of energy on the islands; it was extremely high that Naruto was forced to provide a chakra cloak to Ino and Orochi. All around them were beings on the level of Sasuke that it made weak people explode or get poisoned from the energy.

It was not just the power of these immortals, as the team was charmed by the beautiful and miraculous sites produced from the imagination and power of those beings.

Gaea let the team enjoy the scenery while guiding them to the palace where Izanagi lived and it was the place that the meetings took place for important matters.

The immortals around them also looked at the team and were especially shocked by Naruto's and Hinata's power. Some of them were scared to the point of running away, thinking that they were Otsutsuki. On the other hand, some of them almost attacked the team if not for Gaea's presence.

"These are the children born during our exile, so you might not have heard of them." Gaea muttered as she knew that the team would be surprised to see more immortals than they had expected. Majority of the ones that they saw were just Demi-Immortal, children of a mortal and an Immortal.

Naruto had thought of the immortals as something similar to him, so he wasn't surprised that they had children. It just seemed natural, and he was happy to see that they had further support to fight against their mutual enemies.

However, this time he didn't forget to consider the fact that they might become enemies as well. He didn't judge with that in mind and continued normally while keeping it at the back of his head.

Sightseeing trip ended quickly as their location wasn't far and the people waiting for them didn't like to wait on others.

Entering the palace made them feel like ants as it was huge because the immortals tended to have the average height of 20 meters.

Walking into the audience room that could accommodate thousands, the team was greeted to the sight of the grand leaders of the Immortal realm.

Sitting in the center of the group was Izanagi while the other four were seated on his sides. The five great immortals truly lived up to their legends as Naruto felt weak in front of them. Even Kaguya was weaker than the current Naruto, so these five had surpassed anything he had ever faced.

The difference wasn't massive but the age gap made things in their favor.

"Welcome Uzumaki Naruto, we have been waiting for your arrival for a long time King of Men." Izanagi the immortal of the Land of Fire representing creation and destruction greeted him with a neutral tone as if he knew about him. The giant looked like a handsome man with black hair and brown eyes that were typical to his region, and he even wore the traditional style.

"Don't look confused child, the Great Toad Sage is not the only one that can see the possibilities." Odin the immortal of the Land of Water representing battle, victory, sorcery, knowledge and wisdom smiled at him that it reached his one eye.

The title they called him by was unknown to even the girls and they looked towards Naruto to see his reaction. The young man had yet to learn absolute control of his expressions as they showed clearly on his face.

The Great Toad Sage had given him the prophecy while they trained. It was something that he had never thought about and wished to deny, and it came as a shock to see that others also knew about it.

King of Heroes, Emperor of Mankind, you shall build a Kingdom like no other, a Kingdom that shall not belong to anyone after you.

No matter what path you take, you will always reach the same end. The sharp blade of lightning shall reap your soul asunder and the world shall weep for the loss of its Great King.

When he heard those words, Naruto couldn't understand them. He asked for an explanation and still got nothing as the great sage could never see the full picture. He could only find pieces of the unknown future with unlimited possibilities.

However, this prophecy was one he formed from his contemplation about Naruto's future. It meant that no matter what path he took, these points would remain constant.

But, he had no idea what it meant beyond the fact that he would end up controlling the world for some reason. It only meant that humanity would cause enough problems and not follow his path, forcing him to take control.

Naruto wanted to deny such a reality as it went against his words and dreams. He only wished to guide others; empires and such were not his goals.

"It is an honor to meet you all, but I hope you won't keep calling me that title. I am not the king of anything, as I am just a Hokage/Sage in the making."

"It is better for you to acknowledge the truth before you regret it. Fate is not something you can change, and try to run from it has only caused disasters for everyone. I can tell you that from personal experiences, accept it now and maybe things will turn out in your favor." Zeus the Immortal of the Land of Lightning representing the storms and weather advised him as he sat on his throne with his head resting on his hand. The man seemed different from his legends, otherwise he would have acted with hatred at the fact there was some mortal close to their power.

"Let the child find his path, Zeus. Forcing it is not the way, the future will come to be in the order that it is supposed to be. It is the experiences that he will gain that will make him the King, you can't skip such important events lightly…Child, open your eyes and enlighten yourself to the true path that is meant for you. Do not lose hope, for there is no purpose in despair."Shiva the immortal of the Land of Earth representing destruction and arts spoke with a tone showing his grace and vast wisdom. He was the one that stood the most among the Immortals gathered because of his blue skin tone.

Naruto didn't feel like arguing the point as he wasn't interested in it and he wasn't someone focused on the negatives.

"Thank you for your advice, I will keep it mind. However, can we start with an introduction and begin discussing the problem." Naruto felt like they were messing with his mind and guiding him away from the real issue.

"Very well Naruto, let us focus on why we have gathered here today. We are all aware of the threat known as the Otsutsuki and we have been making preparations for them accordingly. Today we are gathered here to induct humanity as a viable partner in this fight against our mutual enemy.

We have all witnessed the recent changes amongst mankind, and concluded that they can play a part in this war. This is especially true for three main players amongst mankind, Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuga Hinata and Otsutsuki Toneri.

The power of these three heroes has been acknowledged by us and it is enough to grant humanity a seat on this council.

Amongst the mortals, there are multiple heroes worthy of becoming our chosen vessels and as such they can also reach our stage of power.

Uzumaki Naruto, the young sage of Humanity and the future Hokage has gathered here to ask for a blessing from us. His character, ideals and power has satisfied our conditions. He is worthy to share power with us on an equal ground.

I acknowledge him and put forth my offer." Ra the Immortal of the Land of Wind representing the sun and life stood up from his seat while looking at him with his literal eagle eyes, his head was that of an eagle.

It seems that they didn't have to repeat the talk as Gaea had already conveyed the message except for the part of asking for all of their blessings.

None of them elaborated on their powers or benefits, and expected Naruto to choose on the spot.

"I am happy and honored that you all extended your hands for this cause. So, I hope you won't mind my words…I hope you all can consider choosing me at the same time because of our special circumstances." Naruto stood confidently as he looked at them for this favor under the scrutiny of the immortals with the sharp gazes.

"Child, don't ask for more than you can handle. We know more about this threat that your kind. The Sage was strong but he had never gone beyond this solar system to see what these creatures had done, nor was he aware of their strength.

More than half of the world is under their control and they use planets as farms for their fruits. This solar system was far from their territory so it has survived becoming past tense and the ones that visited this region were at the bottom of their power ranking.

There are countless Otsutsuki that can erase solar systems with a wave of their hands and even Galaxies. The top amongst them have left the normal world and ascended to the fifth dimension, but the rest are already strong enough to dominate the multiverse.

The leader of the Otsutsuki is unknown to us, but his Royal Knights are well known across the Universe. The enemy that destroyed our world controlled the concept of infinity to the point that no one could ever reach him.

That is what we are facing and you are just one part of the resistance. To mankind you might be the invincible hero, but among us that is not the case. Don't delude yourself into thinking that you are the hero of the universe. Accept one of us and we can help each other grow together. Having all of us would only cause your death and known of us would benefit from such a setting, do you understand our point?" Odin advised Naruto while showing him the image of what would take place if they did what Naruto was asking.

The room was silent for a moment.

"I understand your concern, but I can't relax until I have done my very best. I didn't intend to accept power from all of you at the same, as I just wished to convey my intention. For now I only wish to work with Mister Izanagi, and if it works out then I wish to accept another power. And, I don't think of myself as the center of the universe. Nonetheless, I am willing to risk my existence for what I believe in."

Seeing that Naruto wasn't backing down, the immortals once again considered his words and presence. Unlike them he had only lived for a short time, as they had lived for more than 3000 years. If Naruto kept his growth rate, he would surpass them very soon.

Giving him a blessing was like sharing a portion of their powers with him and in the extreme cases, it was a complete fusion of powers. Multiple blessings had taken place over the course of history by lesser immortals, but not the great immortals. On the other hand, a complete fusion had never taken place for a person with multiple blessings because of their great pride and differing personalities.

Taking into the account that they would not be able to utilize complete fusion, the immortals had denied him.

However, even with just a portion of their powers, Naruto could become a strong pillar to their cause.

"I see…Since you are intent on ignoring our words, I take back my offer." Izanagi dropped his command in a neutral tone and the others also followed while Odin and Shiva gave him a chance to reconsider.

"Regardless, you are part of this council now and your vote matters in the decisions that take place. For now, you can take your leave and visit this world."

With those words, Naruto and team were shifted out of the palace without any resistance. It showed the mastery that the immortals held on space.

However, that fact came second to the fact that Naruto had just been rejected. Even Naruto was shocked by the fact as he had assumed that they would at least agree for now.

"What are we going to do now?" Ino questioned while looking at Orochi since Gaea seemed to have stayed back.

"We can try appealing to others. Master Gaea told me to take you to the Coliseum if things didn't work out. There you can fight and show off your abilities to attract the normal immortals." Orochi composed himself after being overwhelmed by what he was seeing and experiencing before answering the enquiry with class.