
Peerless Immortal Emperor

In a chaotic world that had never known peace and order, one man has taken the duty to fix everything no matter the cost. Start from after the fourth war and into the Boruto era. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 37

"It is possible, and I also believe it is a great idea to boost our fighting capability." Orochi smiled at Hinata for bringing it up. Even though he was a chosen one of Gaea, he hadn't thought about putting that option forward for others. Sometimes you just needed outsiders to point out the obvious answer.

Naruto thought about the option as he needed to seriously consider it before doing anything. He was still adjusting to his new powers and routine, so something new had the possibility of actually disturbing his powers.

"What are the requirements for the contract? And, how does it work?"

"The requirements differ according to the Immortal you are trying to serve. So, you just need to talk to them and ask what they want from you for their assistance.

Also, you don't need to worry about their powers causing imbalance inside of you. Their power will remain disconnected until you want it to activate. Though, the Immortal can also activate it and vest control of your body. Fortunately, that is a risk for weaker beings like us." Orochi explained everything and even ended it in a joking manner. However, his serious manner made the joke look like a serious warning.

After seeing his attempt at humor fail, Orochi just went with it and activated his blessing to show it in effect.

The black lines across his body started to glow with a blue light and he was floating while his energy signal changed.

Naruto could feel that Orochi's energy had risen to a quality level beyond any human being. It seemed that Orochi could attack him successfully; meaning Naruto wasn't immune to the energy of the immortals.

"Then who do you think is suitable for me."

"Master Gaea is definitely suitable for you, but there are also other options. Hestia representing the familial bond, Athena the representative of war and wisdom, Nemesis the representative of vengeance and justice, Ra the representative of the Sun and Odin the representative of knowledge, however, all these immortals are mostly unknown in the Land of Fire.

From your nation, it has to be Amaterasu representing the sun, Inari representative of agriculture and foxes, Sussanoo representative of storms, Tsukuyomi representative of the moon, Bishamonten representative of fortunate warriors and punisher of criminals, Izanagi representing Yang and Izanami representative of Yin.

You have various choices because of your special capabilities, so you should think it through as there is no hurry." Orochi was silent for a moment and just started listing the names. It felt like he wasn't going to stop and would name all the Immortals that were known across the globe.

Just like Orochi mentioned, Naruto hadn't even heard the other names before and only the two girls knew because of their clan policies.

"I have given you an idea of what they represent, so what kind of immortal do you want to follow? What concept entices you?"

'What concept?' Naruto thought for a moment.

"Wisdom and knowledge are the most important aspects that I desire. It is what I lack."

"Odin or Izanagi or Ra would be the best choice with that in mind."

"Why does he need to choose, can't he have more than one contract? Isn't he different from others? Isn't he their equal?" Ino questioned as she thought that they don't need to choose.

"That is impossible." Orochi denied it profusely as he shook his head.

"Why not? I don't think we are in a situation to compromise." Naruto picked on Ino's idea and continued with it.

"They would never go through with it and it has never been done."

"We will know once we try it. So, how about we start and talk with Izanagi?" Naruto thought about it and he felt that Izanagi suited him because of his strong figure, wise looks and aura. It was also fact that Naruto actually knew about Izanagi since the Immortal being was the most powerful mythical figure in the Land of Fire's legends.

"Izanagi is a wonderful choice. Let me ask Master Gaea for her assistance." Orochi clapped his hands together with a smile at Naruto's choice.

According to his knowledge, Izanagi was the strongest Immortal on Earth and the leader of immortals.

Orochi closed his eyes and called upon Gaea. With a release of green energy, Gaea appeared by taking form through the ground and greenery around them.

Orochi seemed drained because of her appearance and it showed that it wasn't easy to summon an immortal to the mortal realm.

Gaea stood behind Orochi so that he wouldn't fall and sat him down on a chair that formed by her will.

"Greetings children, It is a pleasure to meet you so soon. I have heard everything that has been discussed and agree with it partially.

Your desire for multiple contracts is a difficult task when considering the personalities of the Immortals. However, it isn't impossible....But, you will have a difficult time convincing them. Especially since the top aren't weaker than you." Gaea shed more light on the topic as she created seats for everyone.

Though she deemed the goal possible, Gaea also threw a bombshell.

"Do you mean Izanagi is stronger than me?" Naruto took it calmly and it only showed how strong the Sage was to block these beings.

Hinata and Ino couldn't even imagine what that meant as Naruto's limits were still unknown to everyone. It was a secret that Naruto had yet to share.

"Yes, even Izanami, Ra and Odin are stronger than you. And, there are some that are on your realm of power. It is fortunate that all of us are in the know of the real situation, so none of them will act like they did in the past."

"Are you sure about that? Wouldn't they hate us more after being trapped for so long? I assume someone like Loki, Ares and Apep would be up to something nasty." Ino knew about the mythology of the different Immortals and felt like they had just opened another can of worms.

Otsutsuki were already problematic, but now they had these freaks of nature that didn't care about the mortals.

"They have settled down after understanding the gravity of our situation. The Otsutsuki are vile creatures that we hate more than anything...You see, it is quiet personal." Gaea was like a loving mother but when she spoke about the Otsutsuki, her face darkened. It was very clear that they had some encounters with the creatures.

"Did you have a fight with Kaguya and Ishiki?" Naruto questioned since those two were the only Otsutsuki on earth.

"We did, but there was an encounter before those two ever arrived on this planet...I know it will be a surprise, but we are not from here. We are survivors of another world that was devastated by the Otsutsuki. Just like you, we have been preparing in our own way to handle this issue."

Her words full of pain and regret had once again flipped their world around. It seemed that they had been like frogs at the bottom of the well as the world around them seemed to so alien now.

Naruto and the group didn't feel like asking for an explanation as it looked painful for Gaea and an explanation didn't seem necessary at the moment.

"Don't worry, we will definitely succeed."

Seeing the little child try to help her spirits, Gaea smiled. It was sad that it had to happen, but life moved in mysterious ways.

"Thank you for your kind words, and I also believe so. I know you must be curious about our kind and what we are, but that is a long topic so we will continue about it later. It is something I can only share once I got permission from the others. For now, let me take you to our world.

Before that, I want you to avoid antagonizing them and also avoid reacting to their jabs. People get jaded when they have lived for too long."

Speaking to Gaea, Naruto felt the desire to follow her words. Her natural feel gave her a boost of charisma along with her beautiful looks and her soft voice.

Naruto didn't know what to expect since he had never indulged in stories about Immortal beings. He was going blind, but her warning definitely set him up to the fact that it could happen.

Regardless, Naruto wasn't someone that would react to people unless they were acting out of line. He wasn't the young child anymore, and was already trying to emulate the path of the Sage.

To learn everything around the world, to experience various events, to know people around the world, to challenge oneself, to help others in need, to guide others away from the wrong path and set an example for the world.

He was only at the starting point, but it was still something.

"I won't make promises, but I won't react to taunts." Naruto didn't want to lie, so he was direct with Gaea about it.

His answer was expected as Gaea had been watching him from the day he had been born. She was representing the planet itself, so she could see everyone on it.

The day Naruto was born caught her attention because of Kurama's rampage. She was interested in knowing where the child would end up in the future.

It was definitely beyond her expectations, but she was happy for him.

"That is good enough…It is unfortunate but only you and Hinata can enter the realm. It is a place overflowing with heavy energy that is harmful to those of the lower realm."

Hearing her words, Ino felt displeased and disappointed. Once again she was being left out of the important events of the world, only because of her lower power. It wasn't even something that she could change easily since it was a genetic thing.

It made her feel jealous of Hinata for hitting the lottery and gaining an enormous power boost so suddenly.

Shaking her head for thinking negatively, Ino felt ashamed to think such a thing as Hinata had almost died during that event. Nonetheless, she smiled and hid her feelings like a champ.

Hinata noticed her fluctuations and placed her hand on her back while giving her an understanding expression.

"Let's bring them along, we will protect them together." Naruto would have agreed initially, but he realized through their emotions and words that these decisions were leading him to a lonely path. He needed to involve others, or one day he would walk alone without even a single ally by his side.