
Peaky Blinders : The Black Diamonds

Before World War I, four men from the Shelby family went, but after the war only three returned. What if the fourth one didn't die? -Follow Lucas Shelby's story of taking over the world of crime.

Tqru_ · TV
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7 Chs

Ch3 : Family gathering

In the middle of the room there was a table and two chairs. Polly and Lucas were sitting opposite each other and looking at each other.

"How...how are you alive so far?" Polly began to speak with tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. How...how was he not dead? We got the same news from the authorities and they said he was dead.

"Sorry...sorry, Polly, I can't say." Lucas looked at Polly with tears in his eyes.


"Sorry? What do you mean sorry, you motherfucker? Now tell me what the fuck happened." Polly stood up, banged on the table and started yelling at Lucas.

"Polly... I'm sorry... I can't really tell you... You'll be in danger, I can't lose you too. I've had enough." Lucas looked at Polly, his eyes red, and his hands were on his face and he started digging into his face with his nails to the point of bleeding.

"Shhh... calm down Lucas... I'm here now... sorry, just calm down." Polly approached Lucas and hugged him while trying to calm him down.

"Lu?...Lucas??" Suddenly they heard another sound in the room. They looked at the door to find Tommy standing and the rest of the family behind him with shocked faces. They couldn't believe what was happening in front of them. Why is their brother here, how is he alive, what curse is happening here.

"Long time no see, brother. I missed you." Lucas stood up and ran to Thomas and hugged him, and they were crying.

After half an hour of crying and the family greeting each other. The Shelby family was now all sitting at a table. Tommy, Lucas, Ada, Polly, John, Arthur, and Finn was asleep in Lucas' arms.

"So Luca, what happened and how are you alive now?" Arthur said as he looked at his brother. He was in the middle of a drinking spree, but when he heard the news of his brother's return, he arrived home at the speed of light.

"Haa.. are you pregnant now Ada? Who's the father?" Luca ignored Arthur and looked at Ada to find her stomach like a watermelon. He looked at her with a questioning look as he asked.

"Tsk...why do you even care...while we were suffering here, who knows what you were doing, maybe you were enjoying your life somewhere else," Ada said, looking at Luca with a reproachful look.

"Ada...you don't know what you're talking about, so shut up now." Lucas' voice tone changed to a serious one. He looked at Ada and said in a deep voice.

The rest of them shivered at the sudden change in Lucas. They were not accustomed to this state of his. Sometimes he got angry, but he had never been angry with his brothers before, especially Ada.

"After we went to war... and after a few missions, I separated from the brothers. I was called to a new squad." Luca lit a cigarette and before putting it in his mouth, Polly took it with a scolding look. Lucas gave in and started telling his story.

"I lived through hell with them... We were carrying out all kinds of missions... slaughter, torture, assassination, protection. Everything... any damn mission that the senior officers wanted to do, they would call us in." Lucas shuddered as he spoke. The others looked at him with sad eyes, but no one interrupted him. They listened in silence, shock on their faces.

"We were on a mission to steal a few files from the enemy base... Everything was going easy, but..." Lucas began to tremble with anger in his eyes, and his hands were bleeding because his nails had dug into them, and blood was coming out of his mouth because he was biting his lips in anger.

"There was a traitor among us... he leaked our information and when we moved to them... we fell into an enemy ambush and were surrounded... we could not return empty-handed... death or success, there is no other choice... all my squad were killed... and I was arrested because I was... the Leader ."

Everyone gasped as they looked at Lucas. Ada and Polly started crying, while the others had tears in their eyes.

"I was tortured for three months...every damned month, every damned day, every hour, every minute, every second. I was tortured...I couldn't sleep. Even when I slept, they took my nails off...I would spend days without eating...it was like hell."

"So, at that time, you were informed of my death..." Lucas said with a warm smile as he looked at the others.

"So...what happened after that, brother?" John said to Luca

"That's a story for later, John, haha," Luka laughed and hugged John.

"So Luca, what's the story with this black diamond? Also, there's a driver outside waiting for you with the same button, but a silver button," Thomas said while looking at Luca.

"They are my mafia, brother. Yes, they are a mafia, but they are like family to me," Lucas said with a warm smile.

The others looked at Lucas and his smile in amazement, curious about the people in his gang.

"So what about us, you idiot? What about Shelby?"

"What do you mean, Arthur? I'm Shelby always and always." Lucas looked at Arthur with a questioning look.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, yes. Now let's all go celebrate and drink because of the return of Shelby." Arthur stood up and took Luca and they left the house and everyone left and saw them with smiles on their faces.

Read my new novel: Survive the apocalypse with my shadows

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