
Peaky Blinders : The Black Diamonds

Before World War I, four men from the Shelby family went, but after the war only three returned. What if the fourth one didn't die? -Follow Lucas Shelby's story of taking over the world of crime.

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7 Chs

Ch2: Back To Home

Okay guys, this is a message from Chad: Since this is my first time writing a novel/fanfic, whatever... in general, this is my first time writing anything really. Also, English is not my mother tongue and I am a beginner in it. For this reason, I will use some machine translation to improve. If you see any grammatical errors or any errors in general or anything like that, do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you for all your support, guys. 

You can support me for free by giving me some stones.


[Thomas Shelby's Pov]

Every day... every damn day I can't stop thinking about my little brother. Lucas, he was two years older than John.

Everyone in the family loved him, everyone without exception. He was very smart and strong, even though he was younger than me and Arthur, but he was stronger than Arthur and smarter than me. We used to take care of him when we were young, and he took care of us even though he was a bastard, but who cared. We all loved him.

But...this cruel, damned war took him from us, and we couldn't even get his body back. Unfortunately, he was in a different unit, a special unit for the best soldiers, and no one knew what kind of missions they were doing. A year later during the war , we received news of his death in an enemy ambush.

This news devastated us all. Especially Polly, she loved him very much, and Ada also loved him very much. When we heard this news, everyone collapsed.

"What are you thinking?" While I am thinking about my brother, I hear a sweet voice. I look in front of me and find a blonde girl looking at me with a smile. Her name is Grace, she's a waitress at this bar.

I look at her with a smile and take a sip of the wine in my hand.


 [Lucas Shelby's Pov]

I do not know what to do . I arrived in Birmingham with Raphael and Andrew. I left Norman at the palace to take care of the rest and business. Besides, he is my servant, he is also my left hand and the smart mind at my side.

I don't know, I'm afraid to go to them...what will I say...what will their reaction be? I am afraid that they will expel me from the family because I lied to them all this time.

I was watching them after the war ended. everyone of them . Tommy, Arthur, John Ada, Polly, Finn, I was also watching the father at first but I didn't care. Will Finn remember me even now? Ha-ha-ha-ha.

[End of Lucas Shelby's POV]


[3RD Pov]

Rafael and Andrew look worriedly at Lucas, understanding his concerns. They were with him all this time, side by side.

"Calm down, Lucas. Look into my eyes." Rafael approached Lucas, who was looking at the ground with his hands on his head. He grabbed him by the shoulder and began to calm him down.

"No... I can't... I can't... l.." Lucas ignored Rafael's efforts and continued to tremble as he looked at the ground and muttered.

"Lucas," Rafael shouted at Lucas.

"Calm down, you idiot. No one will hate you. No one will kick you out. They are your family. And so are we. Take back your memories. You know them well. They will be more than happy to have you back, you idiot." Lucas raised his head and looked into Rafael's eyes while I looked at them. Lucas was shaking, Rafael began to calm him down.

"Yes, brother, please calm down. As Rafael said, no one will hate you," Andrew said as he stood in front of Lucas.

"I'm sorry... Sorry guys... You already know my fears... Sorry." Lucas smiled weakly as he looked at his brothers.

-Not his real brothers-

"It's okay, buddy. Just calm down and let things go," Rafael said, smiling at Lucas

"Yes, brother, just calm down and don't worry, everything is fine, and you have us here with you... until death," Andrew said.

"Ha-ha-ha...until death, guys...until death," Lucas said as he hugged his two brothers.

"So do you want to come with me or what are you going to do now?" Lucas said.

"ye..." As Andrew said excitedly, Rafael hit him on the back of the head.



"No...you go alone. It's your moment, man. We won't ruin it. We'll just walk around Birmingham for a bit until you come." Rafael smiled as he looked at Lucas.

"Thank you... I will go now. Don't forget to prepare things for the rest of the brothers," Lucas said while smiling.

"Sure.. everyone is excited to meet their leader again haha," Andrew said while laughing.

Lucas smiled and left the hotel, his driver was already waiting in front of the building.

"Where are you going, sir?" the driver asked Lucas respectfully.

"Let's go to Small Heath, Alfonso," Lucas said while lighting his cigarette after getting into the back seat of the car.

"Of course, Mr. Lucas," Alfonso said with a smile and started driving.

Lucas arrived at Small Heath and arrived at a house in the middle of the place. He stood in front of the door, not making any movement. He was getting looks from passersby. No one recognized him because of the changes that had happened to him. He was also facing the others and focusing on the door.

"Calm down... calm down Lucas... you can do it." Lucas muttered to himself and was trying to encourage himself to knock on the door.

"It's coming... wait a minute, you idiot." After five minutes of not moving and rooting in front of the door. Lucas started knocking on the door until he heard the voice of a middle-aged woman inside the house.

"Who are you, you idio....?" The door opened and Lucas looked at the woman in her mid-thirties, who was going to curse whoever was standing in front of the door until their eyes met.

"L-L-Lucas???" Polly was shocked as she looked at the young man with the scar on his lip in front of her, her eyes filling with tears.

"P.. Polly, long time no see , right?" Lucas looked at his aunt in front of him and his eyes were filling with tears as he said this.