
Patricia Mage

During COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, there was a young Filipino girl named Patricia Maggie Dela Cruz a.k.a. Patricia Mage. She and her older sister were both obsessed with cryptocurrencies. One day, Patricia received a call that her older sister can’t go home for a week but after that, an urn of her older sister just came home. While mourning after her older sister’s funeral, there was another call she received. A call from an anonymous caller that wears eyeglasses, a facemask, a bonnet and a blue hoodie claiming that Patricia’s life history was all a lie. Out of her curiosity, she followed the anonymous girl to their meet-up place but she didn’t expect that, it was the start of her journey to different timelines until she became a ‘Technomancer’ under Quantum Knights Academy who accepts cryptocurrencies as tuition fee.

tboycryptoonarts · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Flash Clash and Flash Romance

"Stop! Please stand up! Haha!" I said laughing as I'm making Mayumi stand up.

"Alindog already prepared the tools for your tattoo Anito." Mayumi said to me while trembling a little bit.

To make her calm, I held her hands and said, "I am not an Anito or any kind of deity, ok? Please treat me as an ordinary human, ok?"

"But... But you're talking to spirits in another world!" Mayumi replied.

"Nah! He's not a spirit, he's just a man like us, so don't worry, ok?" I said to Mayumi.

"Ok..." She replied.

"Before we go to Alindog for my tattoo painting, let me finish first my important task with my friend Lucio. The one that I am talking to with this gadget device." I said to Mayumi while holding the tablet gadget.

"One more thing, can we make what you witnessed with this device a secret?" My follow up request to Mayumi.

"Sure, no problem." Mayumi replied.

After a few minutes, Lucio called back to me and started a video chat.

"Hey! What's up Pat? How are you doing? Ooops! You have a cute cosplayer over there, what's her name? Please tell her that I love her." Said by Lucio as he intends to flirt with Mayumi.

"Don't be such an ass Lucio, just go inside of our house!" I seriously replied to Lucio.

"Knock! Knock! Well, as expected, there's no people here, see?" Said by Lucio as he opens the house's main door.

"Let's take a look now inside of my room Lucio." I replied.

"Whaaaaat?!!!" Said by Lucio as he was shocked by what he had seen.

"Hey! What's that?! Let me see!" I said to Lucio wanting to know what's really going on.

The anonymous girl in a blue hoodie was there inside of my room standing with a baseball bat. All of my crypto mining rigs and desktop computer were already destroyed as shown in Lucio's camera. When the girl in a blue hoodie turns around, she quickly approaches Lucio to hit him with her baseball bat.

"No!!!!" Screamed by Lucio then he dropped his smartphone on the ground.

"Bam! Bam!" A sound that followed in my tablet gadget while on a black screen.

"What's happening?!" Mayumi unconsciously shouted.

Then Lucio picked up his smartphone again to shoot what was currently happening in my room. There was another girl with glossy fuchsia pink hair who suddenly appeared and came out from nowhere defending Lucio's life.

"Don't worry baby boy, I got you." Said by the girl in fuschia pink colored hair and winked her right eye to Lucio.

"Uyyy!" Me and Mayumi unconsciously said at the same time as we got thrilled by Lucio's new romance.

The two girls continued fighting then suddenly, the girl in a blue hoodie escaped by jumping out the window.

"You're fine now, I have to leave. Bye!" Said by the girl in fuschia pink colored hair then jumped to the window to follow the girl in a blue hoodie.

"Hey! Wait! I need your name, my heroine!" Beggingly said by Lucio.

"Ahhhy! What a romantic scene... But what about my crypto mining rigs! Damn it! Forget about it! You can go home now. I am very sorry. I put your life in danger." I said to Lucio in our video call.

"No, it's nothing, it's all fine for me." Lucio replied.

"Ok, I'll give you your Bitcoin then." I said to Lucio.

After our crypto transaction was done, me and Mayumi went back to her home to start my tattoo painting with Alindog.

To be continued…

Creation is hard, feel free to cheer me up!

Following me from my social media links below will be much appreciated:

Twitter: @tboycryptoarts

Facebook: @tboycryptoonarts



Any content in this story relating to cryptocurrencies is not subjected to financial advice. If you're interested in investing in such crypto assets, please do your own research first and always invest on something you can only afford to lose that will not adversely impact your lifestyle and your ability to meet your financial obligations.

The author is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of buying any of the crypto assets mentioned in the story.

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