
Patriarch of the Uchiha

After a mysterious accident, a guy finds himself waking up as a young Uchiha Fugaku, the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world. At first, he is confused and disoriented, but he soon realizes the opportunity that has been presented to him. With his knowledge of the Naruto world, he knows what is coming and how he can change things for the better. Fugaku, a man who lived his life in pursuit of the Uchiha clan's strength and glory, is seen by many as a stern and harsh patriarch. However, the transmigrator is not a good man at heart and seeks to correct Fugaku's mistakes through manipulation and intricate use of politics. As he gains more power and influence, he begins to see the flaws in the ninja world and the flaws in his own thinking. He realizes that peace cannot be achieved, neither through war, nor through working together and understanding one another. However, his path is not an easy one, and he faces many challenges and obstacles along the way. He must navigate the treacherous political landscape of the ninja world while also dealing with the internal struggles of Konohagakure. As he strives to create a better world for all, he must also come to terms with his own identity and reconcile the person he was with the person he wants to become. Through his journey, he learns the true meaning of sacrifice, love, and redemption. !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! SLOWPACED STORY - Basically a Snail fusing with a Sloth, and their combination is still faster than this story!!! !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! Ark 01: Rise of Fugaku - Current Ark Ark 02: Fugaku in FMA - Next Ark

Ikaru5 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 43: I miss writing silly stories \(-.-')/

Satōmaru tried to speak, but Fugaku raised his hand, silencing him.

"I know what you're thinking," Fugaku glanced at Satōmaru. "Having more people doesn't necessarily guarantee success. The more individuals I involve in this mission, the higher the chances of one of them making a mistake and getting us all caught. By keeping the team small, I am basically minimizing the risk of exposure, and dying a gruesome death."

Without further discussion, Fugaku made his decision. "Yamada Shinji and Aburame Nozawa, you two will handle the outside response. If by the second morning, we haven't returned, you are to go back and report the mission as a failure. Understood?"

"Captain, why must it be the two of us?" Shinji asked haughtily. "The Yamada Clan doesn't fear death. I would rather die in battle than live a dishonorable life."

Aburame Nozawa stared intensely at Fugaku, and Fugaku understood his concerns. Nobody wants to be the sole survivor while all their comrades perish. The burden of guilt and remorse would haunt them for a lifetime, but Shinji's motivation stems from his wanting to prove himself and not about him being concerned for his team.

Just like Kakashi's experience with the deaths of Obito and Rin. Kakashi carried the weight of their deaths for over a decade until the Fourth Ninja War, when he eventually discovered that his long-deceased friend is actually alive. At that moment, finally, some of the guilt in his heart is relieved just to be replaced with some new form of guilt.

Despite understanding their emotions, the plan of action will remain unchanged. Fugaku calmly glanced at Shinji while activating his Sharingan. "I hope this is the last time someone questions my orders."

"Both you and Okasawa Ōno are skilled in Earth Release, but Ōno has also some expertise in Fūinjutsu which is beneficial meanwhile your Kenjutsu is useless for this mission. Nozawa's use of bugs is mainly for investigation purposes and has limited impact in direct combat, making him a bad fit for an infiltration mission.": Fugaku explained his reasoning not mincing his words with Shinji.

"Nozawa I will be writing down the names and skills of all 22 individuals in the Stronghold down for you. If the operation fails, take the information back to Sakumo-san, he will certainly find a use for it.": Fugaku addressed Nozawa.

"Yes.": Nozawa replied.

With the action personnel determined, Fugaku turned his attention to the Sunagakure Jōnin he was about to impersonate. He carefully studied the information he had on hand, for the next few days he will be known as Oda Maru, who is known for his proficiency in Wind Release.

Fugaku observed the character traits of the Jōnin: cautious, attentive, and bold. As he went through the details, he mentally simulated Oda's way of wording and behaving in different situations.



Fugaku noted down all the information and approached the two Sunagakure Shinobi. His Sharingan, with its three Tomoe, enabled him to see every detail of their situation.

The two Ninjas had already awakened and were pretending to sleep, possibly planning to escape during a moment of his group's relaxation.

"Stop pretending," Fugaku stated firmly. " The Hyūga Clan's Jūken has disrupted your Chakra flow. There's no escaping for you guys at this point."

Upon hearing Fugaku's words, the two simultaneously opened their eyes, filled with hatred, helplessness, and remorse. Their mouths were sealed, preventing them from uttering any curses or pleas they wished.

It seemed that they remembered the information they had unwillingly disclosed under the influence of the Sharingan's Genjutsu.

"Don't blame me; blame this cruel world," Fugaku said feeling a bit annoyed. "I hope you find peace in your next life."

In one swift motion, and without any hesitation, Fugaku's hands glided across the throats of the two Ninjas.

Two messages appeared in Fugaku's mind:

[You killed a Chunin and earned 30 Points of Life Force.]

[Current Balance: 3696 Points of Life Force.]

[You killed a Jonin and earned 300 Points of Life Force.]

[Current Balance: 3996 Points of Life Force.]

Fugaku held a strong disgust for taking the lives of prisoners. He understood that there was a distinct line between engaging in combat on the battlefield, where one fought against those aiming to kill, and intentionally ending the life of a defenseless individual. The notion of killing someone who posed no immediate threat weighed on his conscience.

The battlefield presented a ruthless environment, where survival instincts prevailed and combatants clashed with lethal intent. In such circumstances, Fugaku had no qualms about defending himself or his comrades, even if it meant taking the life of an enemy. But when faced with a defenseless prisoner, he could only force himself to commit such an act.

"Shinji, Ōno, bury these two together with the other four Suna Shinōbi," Fugaku instructed. "Tomorrow morning, we will head out to the designated location and set up traps to cover our retreat path."

Under Fugaku's command, the team swiftly carried out their assigned duties. Shinji and Ōno took charge of burying the fallen Suna Shinōbi alongside their comrades, solemnly laying them to rest. Together with the other four fallen enemies, they were interred in the earth, their final resting place.

As night enveloped them, a calm and peaceful atmosphere settled over their hidden location. The rain poured down relentlessly, its incessant patter serving as a melodic backdrop to their actions. The team remained vigilant, their senses sharp, yet no enemy Shinōbi detected their presence in the secluded resting spot they had chosen.

With the dawn of a new day, Fugaku gathered the team, their determined gazes fixed on him. He outlined their next move, pointing towards a land road below them with unwavering confidence. This was where their trap would be set, a crucial element in covering their retreat path once they made their escape from the Sunagakure stronghold.

The Land of Rain seemed to sympathize with their mission, intensifying the rainfall. The heavy downpour created a veil of secrecy, washing away any traces of their passage. It was as if nature itself conspired to aid their escape, allowing them to proceed with less concern for leaving behind telltale signs.

Perched atop a highland, Fugaku took a moment to survey the area. His eyes glinted with strategic acumen as he finalized their plan. "This spot is ideal for our trap. Once we exit the southeast gate of the Sunagakure stronghold, we'll head north, utilizing the trap to elude the pursuing Suna Shinōbi. From there, we'll continue our journey straight back to the Vanguard army camp."

Hyūga Tazumo, ever perceptive, considered Fugaku's words before responding. "You're right, Captain. It's a thoughtful retreat route. Yamada Shinji, and Aburame Nozawa, the task of guarding the trap falls to both of you. Your diligence will ensure its effectiveness."

As elite Shinōbi hailing from Konoha, Shinji, and Nozawa were no strangers to the art of setting traps. With their specialized knowledge, aided by the Earth Release techniques at their disposal, they were more than capable of fulfilling their assigned duty.

As the darkness deepened and the rain cascaded down, the team braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. The weather seemed to mirror their determination, intensifying its downpour. It was a visual testament to the hardships they would face on their perilous journey.

"Let's move," Fugaku commanded, his voice resolute. With the team in motion, they seized the opportunity to adapt to their new identities, shrouded in the art of Henge no Jutsu.


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