
Patriarch of the Uchiha

After a mysterious accident, a guy finds himself waking up as a young Uchiha Fugaku, the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world. At first, he is confused and disoriented, but he soon realizes the opportunity that has been presented to him. With his knowledge of the Naruto world, he knows what is coming and how he can change things for the better. Fugaku, a man who lived his life in pursuit of the Uchiha clan's strength and glory, is seen by many as a stern and harsh patriarch. However, the transmigrator is not a good man at heart and seeks to correct Fugaku's mistakes through manipulation and intricate use of politics. As he gains more power and influence, he begins to see the flaws in the ninja world and the flaws in his own thinking. He realizes that peace cannot be achieved, neither through war, nor through working together and understanding one another. However, his path is not an easy one, and he faces many challenges and obstacles along the way. He must navigate the treacherous political landscape of the ninja world while also dealing with the internal struggles of Konohagakure. As he strives to create a better world for all, he must also come to terms with his own identity and reconcile the person he was with the person he wants to become. Through his journey, he learns the true meaning of sacrifice, love, and redemption. !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! SLOWPACED STORY - Basically a Snail fusing with a Sloth, and their combination is still faster than this story!!! !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! Ark 01: Rise of Fugaku - Current Ark Ark 02: Fugaku in FMA - Next Ark

Ikaru5 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 40:

[POV: Narrator Focus Fugaku]

[Location: North Entry of the Valley]

[Date: Three days after the Team was divided or one day after Ootoro's death.]

After observing and playing with the Suna Shinobis and Iwa Shinobis, Fugaku could discern their movements and estimate their strength to some extent.

His Sharingan spun rapidly with three tomoe, scanning the surroundings. There were no suspicious targets in sight. The Sharingan returned to its normal state as he listened to the raindrops masking the sound of footsteps. Identifying someone's presence solely through vision was challenging in this shitty weather.

During the day, Fugaku carefully observed the Shinobi who entered the valley for replenishment, but at night he would use Greed's carapace in combination with Pride's powers to hunt down the poor suckers who are out on a mission or on guard duty.

As Fugaku scanned the surroundings, he noticed two teams leaving the valley. One team consisted of 8 Shinobi, while the other had 12. Interestingly, the larger team didn't join the supply mission that day. Additionally, 2 teams of 3 Shinobi each entered the valley, but one of them remained behind to rest.

Fugaku's sharp eyes surveyed the area, and he grew amused. It seemed that this zone is for many teams from Sunagakure throughout the Land of Rain a resting and resupplying location, but this was expected.

The true problem lies in the fact that, that the number of Shinobi currently residing in the valley remains uncertain, but Fugaku knows how Konoha protects their supply points, and these people should use at least a somewhat similar strategy for a successful supply point, there needs to be at least one team in each direction, comprising a minimum of 6 members, and the same number in the supply point.

Deep in thought, Fugaku re-evaluated the mission. It was clear that a thorough understanding of the enemy's movements would require patient observation over the course of at least three days.

As dusk approached and the rain subsided, the supply point in Sunagakure grew silent. Seeking some respite, Fugaku closed his eyes and settled down to rest.

Fugaku's senses snapped to attention as a faint sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears. His gaze swiftly turned towards the entrance of the valley, where a trio of teams emerged, their silhouettes distinct against the backdrop of the setting sun.

A surge of recognition coursed through Fugaku's veins as he realized that these were his own allies. Three days had slipped away, and now they reconvened at the designated meeting place, their countenances etched with solemn gravity.

"Captain," Hyūga Tazumo spoke up, his voice carrying a hint of unease. "The situation is far from optimistic. We have 24 permanent residents at the Supply Point, including 4 Jōnin and 20 Chūnin. Additionally, there are four groups of six rotating in and out daily for rest and resupply, along with sporadic teams ranging from 1 to 9 entering as needed."

Fugaku absorbed the information, and his expectations were met but the task proved even more challenging than anticipated.

"Sato, Shinji, share your observations," he commanded.

Satōmaru stepped forward, his voice filled with concern. "Captain, we've been monitoring the entrance, and on average, 8 to 10 shinobi enter daily. Occasionally, the numbers fluctuate."

Shinji nodded in agreement. "Our findings align with Satōmaru's report. Some teams require more frequent resupply, visiting daily, and their personnel are sustaining more serious injuries."

"Captain," Sato interjected, a tinge of worry in his voice, "we've also noticed a concerning trend. Over the past three days, fewer people have been leaving the Supply Point compared to those entering."

The other two groups chimed in, confirming the same issue.

Fugaku sighed inwardly, realizing that his intervention had inadvertently disrupted the delicate balance. His actions had not gone unnoticed by his own people, and the consequences were becoming evident.

Regret tinged his thoughts. 'I should have exercised more caution,' he mused silently. His eagerness had almost compromised his cover, for he needed to conceal not only his skills from his enemies but also from his allies.

He had been running around killing people left and right, abusing the powers of both Pride and Greed each night.

A heavy weight settled upon Fugaku's shoulders as he considered the ramifications. The visual and tactical advantage he had gained came at a price—a disruption in the supply chain and an increased difficulty for their own forces.

His mind raced, searching for a solution to rectify the situation he had unwittingly created. Fugaku knew that he had to recalibrate his approach, finding a delicate balance between asserting his presence and maintaining the integrity of their operations.

"It won't be easy to take down Sunagakure's supply point," Fugaku acknowledged, his voice firm. "They outnumber us significantly, and a direct assault would only lead to heavy casualties. Aburame Nozawa, continue monitoring Sunagakure's movements. I'll search for a squad of six members heading towards the supply point."

Tazumo, his voice laced with concern, questioned Fugaku's plan. "Captain, you want to infiltrate the stronghold? There are two Chūnin stationed at the entrance. We might be able to blend in if we avoid showing weakness, but the risk of being discovered is high."

Fugaku's strategy was clear. He intended to gather vital intelligence about the supply point by interrogating Sunagakure Shinōbi in the area, seamlessly infiltrate the base by blending in, and ultimately destroy it. This plan was the most viable option for a team of their size, offering the highest chance of success.

Engaging the enemy head-on, with their overwhelming numbers, would only lead to futile deaths unless they possessed a significant advantage in combat prowess.

In a battle of strategy and wit, Fugaku aimed to outmaneuver their foes, utilizing stealth and careful planning to achieve their objective. It was a path that required finesse and cunning, minimizing the risk to their own forces while maximizing their chances of victory.

As the weight of the plan settled upon them, Fugaku's gaze met Tazumo's, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew the risks, but they also knew that this was their best chance to strike at the heart of Sunagakure's stronghold.

Nozawa extended his hands, releasing a swarm of bugs that scattered across the valley, splitting into three groups to monitor the movements of the Sunagakure Shinōbi.

"Let's find a spot to rest," Fugaku instructed, his voice determined. "The next battle won't be easy. We can't afford to fail. If our mission to ambush the Sunagakure Shinōbi is unsuccessful, it will raise their alertness, and destroying their supply point will become nearly impossible. We must succeed."

"I've scouted the nearby terrain for the past three days," Tazumo replied confidently. "There are a few suitable resting spots. As long as we avoid encountering that ghost, we should be safe."

Curiosity piqued, Fugaku inquired, "What ghost?"

Tazumo's expression turned uneasy as he explained, "There's a chakra-less being in this valley who hunts humans for amusement. I've seen him a few times, and he effortlessly killed a Jonin in just two moves. I didn't dare to approach him."

Taking in the information, Fugaku nodded. Following Tazumo's lead, they ventured forward, eventually discovering a relatively clean cave with minimal moisture.

With caution and awareness, they settled into the cave, their bodies yearning for rest. They knew that in the upcoming battle, every ounce of strength and focus would be crucial. As they sought respite, they remained mindful of the looming danger and the need to be prepared for what lay ahead.

In the depths of the cave, shadows embraced their weary forms, offering a temporary sanctuary amidst the chaos. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, for they understood the gravity of their mission and the risks they faced.

[POV: Narrator]

[Location: Valley]

[Date: Three days later]

Nozawa diligently monitored the movements of the Suna Shinōbi for three consecutive days, aware of the team's fatigue. He understood the importance of showing strength, especially in front of Captain Fugaku, who, despite being only 13 years old, led them with unwavering determination.

In this mission, their lives hung in the balance. If Captain Fugaku lost confidence, the mission would be considered a failure, and Konoha would dispatch a new team.


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