
Patriarch of the Uchiha

After a mysterious accident, a guy finds himself waking up as a young Uchiha Fugaku, the future patriarch of the Uchiha clan in the Naruto world. At first, he is confused and disoriented, but he soon realizes the opportunity that has been presented to him. With his knowledge of the Naruto world, he knows what is coming and how he can change things for the better. Fugaku, a man who lived his life in pursuit of the Uchiha clan's strength and glory, is seen by many as a stern and harsh patriarch. However, the transmigrator is not a good man at heart and seeks to correct Fugaku's mistakes through manipulation and intricate use of politics. As he gains more power and influence, he begins to see the flaws in the ninja world and the flaws in his own thinking. He realizes that peace cannot be achieved, neither through war, nor through working together and understanding one another. However, his path is not an easy one, and he faces many challenges and obstacles along the way. He must navigate the treacherous political landscape of the ninja world while also dealing with the internal struggles of Konohagakure. As he strives to create a better world for all, he must also come to terms with his own identity and reconcile the person he was with the person he wants to become. Through his journey, he learns the true meaning of sacrifice, love, and redemption. !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! SLOWPACED STORY - Basically a Snail fusing with a Sloth, and their combination is still faster than this story!!! !!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!WARNING!!! Ark 01: Rise of Fugaku - Current Ark Ark 02: Fugaku in FMA - Next Ark

Ikaru5 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 37: I need 10 Reviews and we have 6...

"Excuse me, Sakumo-san, Uchiha Fugaku is here to receive a mission," the assistant said.

Hatake Sakumo's tent was occupied by Hatake Sakumo and a few staff members.

Hatake Sakumo nodded and said, "Please wait a moment. We'll wait for everyone to come in together, and then I will explain everything at once."

Fugaku understood the situation. It seemed that this time the task was not completed by a three-person team alone. Multiple teams had joined forces, but they were unsure about the specific positions of the joint teams.

A young Hyūga Clan Jōnin led two Shinōbi into the tent, announcing, "Hyūga Tazumo Squad reporting in."

Hyūga Tazumo, who is a few years older than Fugaku, was a skilled member of the Hyūga Clan known for mastering the Jūken technique at a young age. Jūken or the "Gentle Fist" is a special martial arts style that focuses on precise strikes to the opponent's chakra points, disrupting their energy flow.

Tazumo's presence in the same team as Fugaku added an unpredictable element to the situation. The Uchiha and Hyūga Clans were considered the top Clans in Konoha, and their rivalry extended not only in public but also behind the scenes. Fugaku couldn't help but wonder if the decision to place the geniuses of both clans in the same team was a deliberate move by Konoha's higher-ups, perhaps orchestrated by Danzo as a way to assert dominance over the Uchiha Clan in retaliation for their past actions.

Fugaku had little belief in coincidences. With the geniuses of both clans now working together on a mission, the arrangement seemed calculated and intriguing, hinting at deeper motives within Konoha's power structure.

Two more Shinōbi entered the tent, both Chūnin rank. Their Jōnin squad member had sacrificed himself during the mission. They had encountered a surprise attack from a team of Shinōbi from Sunagakure. The Jōnin bravely sacrificed his own life to cover their retreat, engaging in a suicide attack against the Sunagakure team.

"Yamada Shinji and Koudamaru reporting," they announced.

Fugaku glanced at Yamada Shinji, a member of the Yamada Clan, known for having no special Kekkei Genkai or unique jutsu. They seemed unremarkable in terms of their Clan's abilities.

The only interesting fact about the Yamada Clan is the death of Elder Yamada.

With the assassination of Elder Yamada, the Yamada Clan, lacking any exceptional talents or geniuses in this generation, faced the risk of becoming an ordinary Clan in Konoha or even disappearing altogether if targeted by Danzo.

Hatake Sakumo nodded and said, "Good, everyone is here. You must be aware of the current situation in the Land of Rain. Three-person squads are practically useless now. Uchiha Fugaku, you will be the Captain of this new team, and Hyūga Tazumo, you will be the Vice Captain."

Hatake Sakumo retrieved a scroll and handed it to Fugaku, saying, "This scroll contains information about a Sunagakure stronghold discovered by our Intelligence Section. It houses a significant amount of Sunagakure's supplies. Your mission is to find a way to destroy these supplies and dismantle Sunagakure's supply system."

As Fugaku glanced at Hatake Sakumo, he couldn't discern any emotions or intentions from the latter's expression.

Placing both Hyūga and Uchiha in the same team, along with a clansman of the former Konoha Elder and a member suspected of being from Anbu, left Fugaku wondering about the nature of this mission. Was it another test for him, or were they simply assigning all the problematic individuals to his team? The uncertainty surrounding the mission puzzled Fugaku.

Fugaku gathered his team inside the tent where they would be staying. He began introducing himself and each member of the team, emphasizing the need for familiarity and coordination.

"Allow me to go first," Uchiha Fugaku said. "Since we are a newly formed team, it's important for us to get acquainted with each other's abilities and coordinate our tasks effectively."

"I am Uchiha Fugaku, your Captain. I specialize in Fire Release and Sharingan Genjutsu," he explained.

Next, Hyūga Tazumo spoke up. "I am Hyūga Tazumo from the Hyūga Clan. I possess the Byakugan and excel in Hyūga-ryū: Jūken," he announced.

Yamada Shinji followed, stating, "I am skilled in Earth Release and my family's inherited Kenjutsu."

Fugaku nodded, acknowledging that many Elders of Konoha had inherited their own Kenjutsu techniques from the Sengoku Period, which had evolved into Shinōbi skills. The Hatake Clan, for example, had transitioned from a Samurai Clan, with Hatake Sakumo and his son Kakashi becoming famous for their Ninjutsu and Sharingan abilities.

Koudamaru (or Kuda) introduced himself as skilled in Water Release, followed by Aburame Nozawa, who had a talent for manipulating insects. Lastly, Satōmaru revealed his expertise in Fire Release and Kenjutsu, showcasing his sneaky nature as an Anbu member.

Fugaku then turned his attention to the remaining two members.

"Ono Okasawa, proficient in Earth Release and Fūinjutsu," Ono introduced himself.

"And Genyaki, skilled in Fire Release and Kenjutsu," Genyaki completed the introductions.

With the team now familiar with each other's abilities, Fugaku retrieved the mission scroll and unfolded it, revealing a detailed map with the Sunagakure stronghold marked as their target and supply point.

"The stronghold is located southwest of Sunagakure, closer to the Land of Rivers. Our meeting point lies in the southeast of the Land of Rain, requiring us to cross more than half of the region," Fugaku explained.

"Prepare yourselves, and in ten minutes, we set off," Fugaku commanded. "This mission serves as our inaugural assignment as a Vanguard force. It will undoubtedly put our skills to the test. I trust each of you will be fully prepared."

In the pouring rain, Uchiha Fugaku led his team of two Jōnin and six Chūnin, determined to destroy the materials stored within the Sunagakure stronghold. Fugaku knew that such strongholds were typically guarded by multiple teams, consisting of at least three enemy Jōnin and around nine to twelve Chūnin, or even more if luck was not on their side. There was also the possibility of encountering Sunagakure teams receiving supplies, adding to the already formidable opposition they might face.

As the eight Konohagakure Shinōbi traversed the rain-soaked landscape, countless bugs swarmed around them, a constant presence due to Aburame Nozawa's ability to manipulate them. Hyūga Tazumo intermittently activated his Byakugan to survey their surroundings. The combination of Byakugan and the bug infestation provided added vigilance against potential enemy ambushes.

"Captain, there's a situation up ahead," Aburame Nozawa suddenly spoke up. "I've spotted six Ame Shinōbi ahead. If we continue moving forward, we'll likely cross paths with them."

"Maintain concealment," Uchiha Fugaku commanded. "Stay hidden, halt our advance, and continue moving once the enemy passes by."

"Captain, there are only six Shinōbi on the opposing side," Okasawa Ōno interjected. "We could easily eliminate them and proceed with the mission."

It was the first time someone had expressed a different opinion since their journey began that morning, and Fugaku knew it was just the beginning.

Glancing at Okasawa Ōno, Fugaku's 3-Tomoe Sharingan spun as he spoke sternly, "Engaging in a battle could attract more Shinōbi, jeopardizing the success of our mission or leading to casualties even before reaching our objective. As a Chūnin, your role in the future will involve leading Genin on missions. Your ability to gather intelligence and analyze situations is lacking if you lose sight of the mission's true objectives. I reiterate once more: avoid unnecessary engagements before completing the mission. Exercise patience."

Okasawa Ōno's face reddened slightly, whether from embarrassment or anger, and the eight Shinōbi concealed themselves, allowing the six Ame Shinōbi to pass by and fade into the distance.

Throughout the journey, Hyūga Tazumo, as Vice Captain, remained silent, refraining from expressing his opinions.

However, Fugaku could sense that some team members were still unconvinced. They harbored resentments towards him as the Captain, believing that a thirteen-year-old boy without notable accomplishments was insufficient to lead them to success.

As dusk descended, Fugaku ordered the team to hide multiple times, successfully evading encounters with Shinōbi squads from other nations. The team members continued to cooperate, recognizing that the main objective had yet to be accomplished. Any engagement with the enemy could spell failure for the mission.

No one wanted to bear the burden of unauthorized actions leading to mission failure.

"Nozawa, find a suitable cave where we can rest for the night."

They were only halfway to their target location, with another half-day's journey ahead of them.

Hyūga Tazumo, who had remained silent, finally spoke up, "Captain, there's a suitable cave located south of the team. It offers excellent concealment and has ample space inside."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded in agreement. "Very well, let's make our way to the cave you've found."


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