
Path to the Peak

A path that none found but exists. Many lost in search of a path while those who persists may find it. Follow Long Hao in seeking the Path to the Peak in cultivation. This novel is about a boy named Long Hao searching the true path in cultivation filled with dangers while confronts enemies and found friends.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Chapter 13

The air was charged with anticipation as Long Hao stepped out of his training room, his once youthful features now carrying an air of maturity and strength. The Long family, gathered in the living area, couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that had taken place over the past three years.

Long Chen, a proud father, approached Long Hao with a warm smile. "You've grown stronger, my son," he remarked, clapping a hand on Long Hao's shoulder.

Long Hao nodded, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that went beyond his years. "The training has been enlightening, father."

The family, eager to celebrate Long Hao's emergence from seclusion, moved to the dining area where a feast awaited them. The table was laden with dishes prepared in anticipation of this special occasion. Yan Hua, Long Zhao, and Ai Li exchanged glances, their eyes revealing a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

As they settled around the table, Long Chen raise his cup. "To Long Hao, whose dedication and strength inspire us all. May the path you've chosen lead to greatness."

The family echoed in unison, "To Long Hao!"

Amidst the clinking of cups, Long Hao shared a modest smile, appreciating the warmth and support of his family. The atmosphere lightened as they began to indulge in the feast, sharing stories and laughter. Yan Hua couldn't help but sneak glances at her son, noting the subtle changes in his demeanor.

Long Zhao, the elder of the family, observed Long Hao thoughtfully. "The journey of martial arts is one of self-discovery. It seems you've found more than just physical strength in these past years."

Long Hao nodded, acknowledging the profound insights he had gained during his solitary cultivation. "Indeed, grandfather. Strength is not just in the body; it resides in the mind and spirit as well."

As the meal progressed, Long Hao felt the need to share his decision with the family. He cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. "I've decided that it's time for me to go outside and explore the world."

The room fell silent for a moment as the family absorbed Long Hao's words. Long Chen exchanged a knowing glance with Long Zhao, recognizing the restlessness that often accompanied the pursuit of martial arts.

Yan Hua, though supportive, couldn't hide a hint of concern. "Are you sure, Hao? The world can be unpredictable."

Long Hao met his mother's gaze, offering a reassuring smile. "I've spent these years refining my skills and understanding. Now, I want to experience the world firsthand, to learn from its diversity, and to test my abilities in different environments."

Long Zhao, the voice of wisdom, spoke, "Exploring the world is a crucial part of a martial artist's journey. Just remember, every encounter is an opportunity to grow."

Ai Li, Long Hao's grandmother, chimed in, "We'll miss you, but I know you'll come back even stronger."

Long Chen, proud of his son's decision, raised his cup again. "To Long Hao, embarking on a new chapter. May the world witness the greatness that resides within you."

The family echoed the sentiment, toasting once more. Long Hao, feeling the warmth of their support, couldn't have asked for a better moment.

In the following days, preparations were made for Long Hao's journey. The family assisted him in gathering essential items, imparting advice, and sharing their blessings.

The village was shocked of the news of Long Hao getting out of seclusion and preparing to travel outside world.

"He sure is bold." said a woman.

"Who does he think he is? An expert? He's gonna die as soon as he step outside the village." said an old man.

Long Chen called for his son and ask Long Hao to follow him. He then takes out an item.

Long Chen handed Long Hao a treasured family heirloom – a sword passed down through generations 'Tie Long'.

"Take this sword son. It's our family heirloom even though we don't use swords that much." said Long Chen.

Long Hao takes the sword and stroke it with his hand as the sword shined.

Long Chen then spoke. "Remember. Your weapon is only a tool. A tool can be discarded but your body cannot. You can be a weapon. A weaponized body is a lot more dangerous than a weaponized tool."

Long Hao nodded.


Yan Hua sits at a chair while looking through the window. As she stared dazed outside, Long Hao approach her.

"Mother, are you alright?" asked Long Hao

Yan Hua look back at him and smile at him. "I'm alright son. Just I didn't believe that my son who I thought was still small just a moment ago, already become mature enough wanting to travel to the outside world." She look down with a sad face.

"Mother, I'll be alright. Nothing will happen to me. I already learn everything from father. I'm strong enough for kids my age." said Long Hao as he kneeling down and put his head on Yan Hua thigh.

Yan Hua spoke. "I know son. That's why I'm letting you go now. But it's hard for me as you are my only son." She cried as she hugs her only son in her embrace.

Long Hao hugs her back and said. "I'll visit when I'm near here okay mother?"

Both of them stayed like that hugging in each other embraces.


As the day of departure arrived, the village gathered to bid farewell to the young martial artist who had become a symbol of hope and inspiration. The Long family stood at the village entrance, their expressions a mix of pride and nostalgia.

Long Chen embraced his son. "Remember, the world is vast and full of challenges. Face them with the strength you've cultivated and the wisdom you've gained."

Long Hao nodded, gripping the hilt of the family sword. "I'll make you proud, father."

With a final wave to his family and the villagers, Long Hao set forth on his journey, leaving behind the familiar landscapes of Hu Village to explore the vast unknown. The world awaited him, teeming with opportunities, adversaries, and secrets waiting to be uncovered.

And so, Long Hao, the once-young prodigy, ventured into the world, ready to carve his own destiny and leave an indelible mark on the annals of martial arts history.