
Path to the Peak

A path that none found but exists. Many lost in search of a path while those who persists may find it. Follow Long Hao in seeking the Path to the Peak in cultivation. This novel is about a boy named Long Hao searching the true path in cultivation filled with dangers while confronts enemies and found friends.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


After a week, representatives from different sects arrived at the Long family house, eager to invite Long Hao to join their ranks.

The atmosphere in the Long family house was tense as the sect representatives presented their offers. Long Chen, Long Zhao, Yan Hua, and Ai Li were all present during these negotiations.

The spokesperson for the visiting sects stepped forward and said "Long Hao, your performance in the martial arts competition has caught the attention of many sects. We believe you have great potential, and we invite you to join our respective sects to further cultivate your martial arts skills."

However, Long Hao surprised everyone with a polite but firm decline. "Thank you for the invitations, but I've decided to continue my martial arts journey independently. I appreciate the recognition and honor you've bestowed upon me."

The sect representatives exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by Long Hao's decision. Some attempted to persuade him, emphasizing the benefits of joining a sect for better resources and guidance, but Long Hao remained resolute.

The sects offered various benefits, resources, and promises of rapid cultivation progress to entice Long Hao. However, Long Hao, despite being only nine years old, remained firm in his decision to decline their invitations.

"I appreciate the offers, but I have my own path to follow," Long Hao calmly stated.

The sect representatives were shocked by the young boy's resolute decline. Some tried to persuade him further, highlighting the opportunities and advantages he would gain by joining their sects. Others attempted to appeal to his sense of duty and destiny.

Long Chen, observing the interactions, couldn't help but feel proud of his son's maturity and determination. Long Zhao, although a bit disappointed that Long Hao wouldn't join a sect, also respected his grandson's decision.

In the end, despite the various attempts to change his mind, Long Hao remained steadfast. He politely thanked the representatives for their offers, assuring them that he would pursue his own path of cultivation.

Realizing that Long Hao had made up his mind. The spokeperson said "Well, young one, if you ever change your mind, know that the doors of our sects are always open to you."

As the sect representatives left, the Long family discussed the situation. Long Chen, proud of his son's decision, supported him wholeheartedly. Long Zhao, though surprised, saw the determination in Long Hao's eyes and respected his choice. Yan Hua and Ai Li, despite their worries, understood that Long Hao had a unique path to follow.

Long Chen approached Long Hao, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You've made a mature decision, my son. Follow your heart and forge your own destiny."

Long Zhao, too, nodded in agreement. "It's not always about the sects. True strength comes from within."

With the sect matters settled, Long Hao retreated to his room. Little did anyone know, he had made up his mind to focus solely on his martial arts training for the next few years. Closing the door behind him, Long Hao entered a period of intense cultivation and training.

The village buzzed with gossip about Long Hao's unexpected decision. Some admired his determination to carve his own destiny, while others questioned whether he was making a mistake by turning down such grand opportunities.

As he continued his solitary training, rumors spread about Long Hao's seclusion. Some believed he was preparing to go outside to explore the world, while others speculated that he was just a kid who is pretending to be an expert. 

Over the next three years, Long Hao delved deep into refining his martial arts skills. His goal was not just to become powerful but to understand the essence of martial arts. The room became a haven for his training, filled with the sound of fist strikes, the hum of his sword, and the occasional burst of qi.

The family respected Long Hao's decision, allowing him the space and time he needed. Occasionally, Long Chen and Long Zhao would exchange knowing glances, silently acknowledging the dedication Long Hao showed in his training.

In this period of seclusion, Long Hao advanced through the ranks of cultivation arts, steadily climbing the ladder of strength. Long Hao's daily routine consisted of rigorous physical training, meditation, and studying martial arts and cultivation techniques. The room echoed with the sounds of punches and kicks as Long Hao honed his body to perfection. His fists became deadly weapons, and his control over qi reached new heights.

As Long Hao pursues his intense training, he aims to progress through these ranks, mastering both martial arts and cultivation arts. The unique combination of these elements sets the stage for an epic journey of self-discovery and unparalleled strength.

The family awaited the day Long Hao would emerge from his seclusion, curious to witness the fruits of his dedication and training. The once young boy who amazed the village was now on the brink of becoming a formidable martial artist, ready to embark on a new chapter in his journey.

The years passed, and Long Hao's name became synonymous with a prodigy whose potential seemed limitless but wasted his time and opportunities.

Long Hao's cultivation arts advanced steadily during these years, moving through the Foundation ranks – low, middle, high, and peak. His body underwent transformations, progressing from Body Mortal to Body Warrior, and eventually reaching the esteemed rank of Body Master.

Long Hao's family, accustomed to his dedication and determination, supported his decision. They trusted that whatever path he chose would lead to greatness. His father, Long Chen, often peeked into the training room, witnessing the profound changes in his son's martial arts.


Three years later...

Long Hao, now 13 years old, emerged from his room with a calm demeanor. His body exuded an aura of refined power, and his eyes gleamed with newfound wisdom. The Long family, gathered in anticipation, marveled at the transformation in their son.

Long Chen approached Long Hao, his eyes filled with paternal pride. "You've grown stronger, my son."

Long Hao smiled.