
Chapter 3

"Number 6. Come here."

Over the last few weeks of travelling the Captain's summons had become increasingly frequent. For several moments he would stare at me inquisitively. Only when he was satisfied would he dismiss me.

This time was no different.

"Captain, do you have any instructions?"

The Captain ignored my question. His rank allowed him to treat me however he pleased.

Only after several minutes did he speak, "Number 6. Tell me. Your friends are tens of miles behind us, passed out or collapsed from hours of running in the hot sun. Yet you, average and indistinct, run for hours without complaint. Why is this?"

The steady beat of my own rapid footsteps echoed in my ears.

"I don't know Captain."

A trace of weariness appeared in his eyes. This conversation had played out numerous times. No matter how he attempted to intimidate or trick me he only received the same answer.

Even his own men were baffled by his actions.

"Number 6. This journey was supposed to take several days more. However thanks to your exceptional efforts you will be arriving in advance." He paused suddenly. His eyes stared straight ahead.

Then my perception sensed something unusual. His lips were twitching.

Slowly he turned to face me.

Glowing red eyes and a malevolent smirk bored into me.

"Since you're so eager, I have taken it upon myself to move you to a more appropriate training camp. With my personal recommendation you will be joining the Elite camp. Don't let me down boy. Dismissed!"

Suppressing my shock I replied perfunctorily and fell back, "Yes Captain!"

I sunk into contemplation.

While the Captain had been observing me I had also been observing him.

He spoke little, leaving his second in command Julius to give out orders. He had been the one to read the Queen's order at the village.

I could count on one hand the number of times he had dismounted his horse. His soldiers slept and ate like ordinary men, but he just sat there.

In 12 days he had slept only twice.

Astride his huge black warhorse he rested a head taller than even his most imposing soldier. No matter the terrain his expression remained impassive, concepts such as fatigue or boredom appeared foreign to him.

'If I couldn't sense the life within you I'd be sure you're a robot.'

He towered over me like a giant, easily reaching seven feet. He scarcely slept or ate and his eyes even glowed red when serious.

Intrigue quickened the beat of my heart. Something within me burned fiercely to learn the secrets behind this inhuman Captain.

This so called Elite camp would bring me a step closer.

"Badges ready for entry!" Julius called out.

Every soldier calmly retrieved a bronze badge from their waist. Each badge was imprinted with the insignia of the royal family. With this badge the soldiers could bypass the city's usual identity checks.

A vast grey wall loomed in the distance. The horses whinnied and fussed as they travelled over the pockmarked ground. Time could not hide the scars of battle that had once devastated this place.

As we drew nearer the soldiers voices gradually began to rise. Mention of wives and children gave the atmosphere a warm feeling.

Julius looked nervously to the Captain.

With a small tilt of his head the Captain motioned for Julius to continue moving. His eyes closed and a small smile crossed his face as he appreciated the warmth in the air. It was my first time seeing such a vulnerable emotion on his usually stoic face.

Like this we reached the entrance to the city.

Queues of people waited to be identified. The soldiers maintaining order greeted the Captain with respectful salutes.

The Captain's huge warhorse moved forwards with long confident strides. Its hooves left deep prints in the earth.

Before we reached the largest of the gates an official hurried out to greet the Captain, "Captain Argon! It is my pleasure to serve you!"

His subservience further reinforced my impression of the Captain's status. This was more than respect. It was fear.

"I need the papers for a recruit. Elite camp."

The official was taken aback. His eyes bulged.

Swallowing his shock the official hastily fixed his composure, "O-of course Captain! One moment!"

The official turned and shouted to a tower shaped building attached to the immeasurable grey wall. Moments later a boy raced out tightly clutching an object to his chest.

His chest heaved as he bowed and presented the object to the official.

"This is for you. Do not lose it. He warned, handing it to me while glancing anxiously at the Captain.

He received nothing more than a grunt in response. Then the huge warhorse moved once more.

The official sighed with relief. The worry in his eyes dissipated and was replaced by icy authority.

"Gates! Raise the gates for our great Captain Argon!" He roared.

Harsh scraping sounds accompanied the rapid pulling of the thick chains that controlled the gates.

The Captain's warhorse reared up on its hind legs and stomped the ground with immense force. Its black pupils contained excitement as it followed an obviously familiar route through the twisting streets of stalls and shops.

Foreign smells and sounds assailed my senses. Countless unrecognizable objects lined the shelves of stores and hawkers yelled out with an alien accent.

"Captain!" Julius called out.

The other soldiers waited silently on horseback behind him.

"Requesting permission to return Captain!"

The Captain nodded, "Granted. Thank you Julius."

Although he seemed unconcerned with his troops the Captain had displayed a distinct fondness towards Julius over the course of the trip.

"Follow." He commanded.

"Yes Captain!"

The black warhorse contently trotted through the winding streets. Occasionally it would stretch its neck to steal and munch on various fruits and produce.

Fitting the Captain's domineering demeanor the only response received was, "Hail her majesty!"

"The Elite camp. They're not like you."

He turned to face me, "Do not embarrass me. This is an opportunity, other recruits would willingly kill to take your place. If you behave inappropriately I will end you myself."

"Yes Captain."

"Good. We're here."

'And so it begins.'